The Battle of Sanchon

by Alphaville Herald on 11/08/07 at 6:22 am

[The nautical brigands of Sanchon sim are a violent, bloodthirsty, and literary group given to celebrating their epic battles and mêlées in word and song. Here is warrior poet/pirate Kris Dibou's latest work. - the Editrix]

The Battle of Sanchon

Through mist covered seas with sails unfurled
In the wee hours in this part of the world
Came a dark-hued ship with captain and crew
Its cannons were out with freshly made fuse

So quiet they moved in light SL wind
Into the harbor of Sanchon, my friend,
Where glory awaits beneath misty-white shroud
“Or death on the sea”, the captain did vow

The crimson-red stains remained on his blade
From many a battle and many a raid
His eye was fixed hard on the ship up ahead
Soon the wood planks would be covered red

Aware of the wind and his nautical speed
The captain gave orders, and the crew, they did heed
‘Til broadside they were, with the red and gold brig;
Vollies of death flew into their rig

“To the north! To the north!” the lookout did scream
As another brig entered the fresh battle scene
Outmanned and outgunned, the pirates did flee
Back into the mist of the following sea

And when he was sure he was just out of sight
The pirate yelled “Starboard!” and they swung to the right
Into the port, with cannon and gun
They picked up supplies, then back on the run

They reentered the battle from behind the new foe
With one single volley to send them below
And as the sea swirled over each seaman’s head
Bloody Dibou counted his dead.

In the harbor of Sanchon a lighthouse stands tall
But deep in its sea Davey Jones makes his call
And the pirate Dibou still sails with the breeze
Before the full moon, a silhouette on the seas.

copyright (c) 2007 – Kris Dibou – used by the gracious permission of the author.

One Response to “The Battle of Sanchon”

  1. Sin Trenton

    Aug 11th, 2007

    And if you want to experience it for yourself,
    battles will commence at 10am SLT (17:00 GMT), today Saturday, Aug 11! (Sanchon 142,52,25)

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