Archive by Author
Op/Ed: Barrett Brown Prosecutor Inadvertently Indicts Criminal Justice System

by Biff Baker, Prosecutors Gone Wild! ™ Desk In a recent article here in the Herald, Urizenus Sklar argued that the US Attorney in the Barrett Brown case was attempting to smear Barrett by listing a whole number of allegedly bad attributes of Barrett and then publishing them in a public court document. I [...]
Full StoryFalse Flags and Forged E-mails

by Urizenus Sklar and Sara Jafary (Associate Editor, Herald Psyops Desk) Over the past several years, Hacktivists like the members of Anonymous and leakers like Chelsea Manning, with the assistance of publishers like WikiLeaks, have exposed gigabytes of secrets of the American empire. The consequences have been far-reaching, and by some accounts the revelations helped [...]
Full StoryFeeling SL’s pulse: The Fattest Guy in Second Life?

by Alessandra Narayan Why fat? Today I present Bobbele Boucher. Or just Bob if you prefer. He’s probably the fattest guy in SL. The question is simple: in a world where everyone can look astonishing, why did he decide to be this way? And more: there’s a whole community of fat people. Curious? Bob Boucher [...]
Full StoryDealing with Mental Illness in Second Life

by Tenshi Vielle It’s always sad when someone you love takes a turn for the worse. Even more terrible is when they turn for the worse and you don’t even know their real name. Or where they live. Or anything whatsoever about them that might be a microdium of truth The only way to [...]
Full StoryShock! Griefer/Egghead/Hollywood Conspiracy Exposed!!!

special to the Alphaville Herald – by Pat the Rat Someone pass me the Pepto Bismol, please! That is all I can think of saying after surviving the social event of the decade in the new, post-Linden, metaverse. [photo by Paparazzo Joenz] Attending this A-list event were Alphaville Herald staffers Urizenus Sklar, Pixeleen Mistral, and [...]
Full StoryBowling and Griefing Going Strong in Second Life

by Justine Babii When I was last a Second Lifer I learned quickly that it’s important not to get too excited about the “Events” listed in the SL search, as most will be a huge disappointment. Empty sims trying to sell or rent lots, struggling clubs, and sex bed sales made up the majority of [...]
Full StoryJustine Babii – Post 6 Grrrrrl

[I apologize for my extended absence, loyal Herald readers, but I had some offworld things to attend to. Please accept along with my apology this week's model, Justine Babii, in a special SLebrity edition of Post 6. As you can see from the pictures, Justine is amazing and a pleasure to work with. Thank you [...]
Full StoryFashion-Forward in Second Life: The Viktor-Viktoria Fashion Show

by Justine Babii - SL supermodel/fashionista I logged into SL the other day for the first time in ages, and only one of the old gang was online. I haven’t been a regular here in years, so I guess this should be no surprise. I IM’d my friend and then ended up hanging out with her. [...]
Full StoryKicking Second Life Addiction – A Life Outside The Grid

by Tenshi Vielle – founder & former publisher of Shopping Cart Disco I joined Second Life in 2006, and it wasn’t long before I was meeting folks on the grid and making a digital name for myself, something I never had when I was growing up. As a child, I was far too smart and [...]
Full StoryADV: Who Killed Pixeleen?

BabyDoll’s TAUNT MURDER MYSTERY – Win L$10,000 !!! Rating: PG-13 for gore and mature themes. What: Crack the case and you could win L$10,000! Duration: 2 Hours with Friends When: Mystery and Contest starts October 7th and ends November 1st @ noon SLT. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Pixeleen Mistral is dead and we must find out who killed her! [...]
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