Sex Please. It’s for the Cause of JOURNALISM
by Alphaville Herald on 23/12/05 at 1:23 pm, displaying their tradition of fully immersive cyber-journalism is asking for Second Life residents to cyber with them so that they can write an informed story about the experience. Crimey guys, if you can’t find a date in SL you have got freaking problems!
qDot Bunnyhug
Dec 24th, 2005
Jesus, Uri, how many times am I gonna have to punch you at SXSW. We got an email from Noche Kandora of, THEY’RE the one’s that are looking for the fuckbuddy, not us.
Believe me, we’re stacked to the gils in text sex and poseballs as it is at MMOrgy. Don’t be dissin’ our skillz. We gotz hot fontz.
Dec 24th, 2005
Well that’s even worse, qDot! You’ve gpt friends desperate for some cyber and you can’t even offer them some one-handed typing in the spirit of the holidays? For shame!
qDot Bunnyhug
Dec 24th, 2005
We’re trying to get some new blood into the MMO Sex Blogging Scene. If we all fuck around with each other it’s just gonna be one big incestuous circle of writers, and really, who wants that (other than the writers)?