Footnote-In-Mouth Disease

by Alphaville Herald on 07/05/05 at 7:56 am

Neal’s brain hurts.

My virtual-world name is now footnoted in a real life essay by a real life Law Professor writing about the virtual-world tabloid journalist who is also a real life Philosophy Professor.

Welcome to the metaverse!

I’ve also just discovered that Josh Knowles at posted a partial transcript – back in March – of the SXSW 2005 Panel: ‘Blogging about Online Worlds’ featuring Wagner James Au (Hamlet Linden), Peter Ludlow (Urizenus Sklar), Tony Walsh (Zero Grace), and Jane Pinckard.

Highlights include:

Ludlow: Why does it [conflict/hate-speech] have to mean anything? These other guys tend to over-intellectualize everything.

Walsh: From a philosophy prof…

And transcriber Josh’s take on our Uri: “Ludlow’s kind of crotchety in comparison to the others, like a guy not totally buying into the hype and not worried about saying that. Which I like about him. The other panelists seem to have more of a direct interest in SL — working for the company. L doesn’t.”

Josh might have some of his facts wrong but he’s right about Uri…

He is crotchety.

2 Responses to “Footnote-In-Mouth Disease”

  1. Tony Walsh

    May 7th, 2005

    I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Linden. Just for the record.

  2. Tony Walsh

    May 7th, 2005

    Furthermore, I aspire to be as crotchety as Uri, bless his curmudgeonly heart.

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