It’s Official: AVH and PL now blamed for everthing in TSO!

by Alphaville Herald on 16/05/04 at 8:44 pm

Why are there scammers in tso ? Alphaville Herald Encourages them.
Why are there money bots in tso? Alphaville Herald “advertises” them.
Why is there drama in tso? Alphaville Herald fuels it.
Why are there Mafias in tso? Must have to do with the Alphaville Herald.
All of this we already knew. But I’ll bet not all of you knew about the link between the Alphaville Herald and…could it be… Satan? Yup, its true, the headquarters of the AVH used to be a Satanic Church. Maybe you can even see the Evil One’s hand in all this. But now, on Terra Nova, The Wharton School’s Dan Hunter wonders whether the lack of online Christian Churches in tso might not have to do with The Church of Mephistopheles — now the AVH Headquarters and Lodge of the AV Knights Templar. That would explain a lot I think. Here is the link.

p.s. for those of you who are irony impaired. Dan was kidding.

I think.

21 Responses to “It’s Official: AVH and PL now blamed for everthing in TSO!”

  1. Ms Oprah Winfrey

    May 16th, 2004

    As the quality and sanity of this blog slips away, I find it hard not to do something else, and not read any of this.

  2. Ms Oprah Winfrey

    May 16th, 2004

    As the quality and sanity of this blog slips away, I find it hard not to do something else, and not read any of this.

  3. Ms Oprah Winfrey

    May 16th, 2004

    oops, hehehe

  4. Urizenus

    May 16th, 2004

    well, I hope you use your new free time to improve your show…

  5. MattyS

    May 16th, 2004

    LOL, Uri dont worry about it no of these people really know who to blame anymore

  6. Ms Oprah Winfrey

    May 16th, 2004

    Yah, were all blamed out…….

    Good one Uri, that really did make me laugh, haha.

  7. Liz

    May 16th, 2004

    let’s just blame Uri! evil professor! he is like the wizard from oz hiding behind the curtain controlling all of tso land. hehe im just kidding of course as Uri would know……

  8. Lil Whyte

    May 17th, 2004

    Blame it on the bay. Hood gets popped blame it on the bay. Bitch gets knocked bay it on the bay.

  9. Lil Whyt

    May 17th, 2004


  10. Dyerbrook

    May 17th, 2004

    LOL is it time now Uri for you to out yourself as a paid contractor from EA.arts brought in to kick-start a dying game?

  11. TBT

    May 17th, 2004

    I’ve said it at other sites.. WOW Uri I never knew one man, one web site to be the downfall of a multi-billion dollar a year game company or an online game.

    But at least I am glad to see you take responsibility for your horrid actions of ruining TSO as the world once knew it. Shame on you. ;-p

    You ARE 1 bad ass man! LOL :-)

  12. Satan

    May 17th, 2004

    Uri there is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment! Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity! Choose ye this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth.

  13. Urizenus

    May 17th, 2004

    Thanks Satan, that means a lot, coming from you.

    Sartre: Hell is other people.
    Anonymous: Hell is tso.

  14. Fred Insomaire

    May 19th, 2004

    Hell is a mouse drowning in a bucket of cheese.

  15. Bob Busch

    May 21st, 2004

    well mankind has always feared what it cannot understand so naturally when something goes wrong he wants to find a solution or a scapegoat so AVH is thier scapegoat

  16. Bob Busch

    May 21st, 2004

    well mankind has always feared what it cannot understand so naturally when something goes wrong he wants to find a solution or a scapegoat so AVH is thier scapegoat

  17. Maria LaVeaux

    May 23rd, 2004

    It sounds to me like a lot of people blaming the Mirror because they have Pimples.

    Don’t shoot the Messenger.


  18. BoLeggedGal

    Jun 4th, 2004

    Why blame anybody anywayz… Just play the damn game, meet ppl, chat, have fun, or whatever ur sim heart desires.
    Peace out,
    oxoxangela! ~ aka: BoLeggedGal

  19. Miroku Neville

    Jun 4th, 2004

    Hello all.

    Uri is again trying to get attntion.Hispathetic struggle to stay afloat is almost making me cry.To bad I a too much of a bitch to actually mean that.

    Give up TSO.Its over.Make a new one about SL.I am now scamming there.Soon I will open FREE MONEY FOR NEWBIES.That will be fun.


    AKA Bridget Baywater

    The Aqua Apparation

  20. Bitblaster

    Jun 28th, 2004

    Its not all your fault.

    Come on, dont blame yourself for everything.

    I use a bot, The EYE. As I want to download GIR trial, and it doesnt have a trial, but the EYE does, so I bought it after trying it.

    I ONLY use it when there is a real life crisis and I need to stay green, I NEVER use it to make money, only when something comes up in r/l and i need to stay online and stay green.

    I am also a bot programmer, but I am not going to share my bots, and I do not even use them as they are not even complete.

  21. Kat

    Jul 11th, 2004

    the eye has a free trial where can i get it?

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