Bring back tagging! User Protest Drive Gains Momentum

by Alphaville Herald on 16/04/04 at 11:38 am

Just days after the No-tagging “nerf” of the TSO relationship system has gone into effect, a protest movement has emerged both in and out of game, complete with a “Save TSO” petition/web site that allows users to express their outrage with the new relationships system. The petition site is here:

There are already 316 signatures/comments: Sample comment #302 from Chastety Marconi: “Nice to have TSO so damn dead, Yall are killin your $$ might as well take the whole game away. Were supposed to be able to role play. I dont pay 20.00 a month to play this game for you all to ruin it if you dont fix this soon I am gonna take my 20 bucks and go buy chocolate. Way to fooking go idiots.”

15 Responses to “Bring back tagging! User Protest Drive Gains Momentum”

  1. TBT

    Apr 16th, 2004

    There’s no need to petition bringing back “tagging”… TSO HAS just made it FAR EASIER with the new friendship thing…

    It’s EASY just go up to someone and try a Mean action… If they accept it then you get unfriendly points, but on the other hand if they don’t accept it you STILL get unfriendsly points.. So now EA/Maxis has “fumbled the ball” again, TY Uri I think you said that? LOL..

    So now you have it that they HAVE made it MUCH easier to give someone red tags/points now..

    Great job maxis you monkeys really do good work… I’m certainly glad you aren’t in the nuclear warhead business ;-p LMAO

    NOT ONLY is it now easier, it’s also unavoidable.. Setting sims in AFK mode, sleeping, sitting, nothing works to prevent it now.. The only place you CAN hide is take a shower and that will only last a minute ;-p

  2. Ashley Richardson

    Apr 16th, 2004

    I personally like the new “no tag” system where you have to do the interactions instead because THIS WAY you can make many more friends, and it just takes a little but of effort — but you can have as many as you like. The only thing I don’t care for is the most “Infamous Sim” list with the hated sims, as I feel that they will all compete to get onto the list.

  3. MattyS

    Apr 16th, 2004


    I know this is a little off topic but what is the site to get the free 14 dat trial from??? My brother wants to try it out lol

  4. JC Soprano

    Apr 16th, 2004

    This is a waste of time. EA has received these type of petitions in the past. They will not do anything about it. They do not count this as a valid form of protest. That’s what the Stratics boards are for.

    Also, notice it is truly the biggest greifers who are protesting. Those who cannot play without tagging. Tagging is for first graders. If you need tagging to play then you just need to quit right now. Their are other ways and what you people don’t realize is tagging has not gone away, it is just harder now. Big fucking deal. Afraid of a little work now?

    JC Soprano
    We don’t need no stinking tagging.

  5. Jason Sim

    Apr 16th, 2004

    MattyS that site or maybe has gone out of business. THey have ran out of stock.

  6. Urizenus

    Apr 16th, 2004

    I dunno, JC, some people — a lot of people — like to make tagging part of their game. It’s like playing paint ball, and you know it’s kind of fun to go on tagging missions. There is an art to it, as you well know. More telling than the number of signatures on the petition(now over 370)are the comments, which really do give us some idea of how big a part of the game tagging was to a lot of players.

    You make a good point about EA only listening to Stratics, however, and the game shows the effects of this moronic policy. The users that are driving all the current changes are whiney nerf-happy board ho’s on stratics — about 1% of the two user base.

  7. MattyS

    Apr 16th, 2004

    ty…but i was looknig for the FREE one that u ca get trials from if u never played before(my brother) U have to pay for those

  8. Urizenus

    Apr 16th, 2004

    Fileplanet is the place:

  9. JC Soprano

    Apr 16th, 2004


    Now there are true tagging missions. In fact, I just got a guy enemy linked successfully by 3 or 4 members with no problems with the new system.

    JC Soprano
    Original Gangster

  10. dyerbrook

    Apr 16th, 2004

    I do wonder how this new system is going to play out. Will these two idiot taggers from SSG and BDSM fall away like so much dross because new haters will take their place? If they never come online to play these particular trial planet sims, will their old red balloons stay in perpetuity? It seems one advantage now is that I can write a balloon back to them — before that was impossible unless we were mutual.

    I created a Balloon Memorial Park for either green or red tags at Flamingo Court in the back (site of the future mini golf course lower 9 holes). I’m afraid the oldie goldies are going to disappear and I want to memorialize them with something more than screen shots.

    I find one thing about this really unnerving. Somebody you hardly know happens to interact with you on a lot, they appear in your balloon, and make other Sims curious and jealous.Another fallout…

    Petitioning EA will accomplish absolutely nothing.

  11. Gina Giancana

    Apr 16th, 2004

    I’ve got mixed views on the new webs. I certainly like how it now forces the mafia role-players (the ones who have balls) to actually fight now like back when tso first came out – i always wanted it to stay that way, but then you had the kiddies who just wanted to tag and run and claim your owned that way. The only thing I don’t like is how long it actually takes to make a damn friend or enemy. As someone said on here I believe, it makes it easier to make an enemy now, all I have do now to get on your web is by entering the same lot, wave my little sim hand at ya, and boom your on my web for a nice little comment for all to see >:) – or better boo your little ass to death lol

  12. RB

    Apr 16th, 2004

    This whole thing is brushed aside and disregarded. This petition is futile and moot. period.

    Matter of fact, the whole P.O system is BS and not taken seriously. Ya, i’ll just make 500 “signatures” by myself and yeah that will show em. ha. Such easily done fraudulent use makes all of P.O have 0 credibility. Issue over.

    As for the new web, yeah that does suck. But you know how EA likes do major changes rather than apply minor fixes to the original problem.

    - RB

  13. Urizenus

    Apr 17th, 2004

    I dunno RB, I don’t expect EA to care about the protest, but it is important to put these complaints on record. And it is sort of cool to read the comments and get a sense of how important the tagging meta-game was on tso.

    And Gina, I guess that’s right, but negative comments don’s stand out as well as a good enemy link. In this sense this new cheaper form of enemy linking is just that — cheap (like my suit). Having one won’t mean anything and scoring one won’t either. So it’s really not good for the tagging game i don’t believe.

  14. TBT

    Apr 17th, 2004

    And making friends isn’t realy all that hard either.. So yeagh at 1st it’s a pain to repeatedly do actions to get a lifetime friend but the numbers start adding fairly quickly… and once there aren’t hard to maintain either… NO it’s not as easy as giving a balloon, but in real life u aren’t instant friends for life by giving a balloon either.. friendships are made over time and tso is simply trying to reflect that..

  15. Cody McBlack

    Apr 21st, 2004

    I dont want tagging back. The people who are complaining about this are the one’s who got their jollies by walking around threatning people with it. Tags had one good effect by being able to warn others of a scammer or other abuser. However, I learned how easily that was made into a weapon when someone tagged me. I asked them why they did and they said “It’s an interaction in a game. I felt like using it.” Then they labled me as a scammer, saying I took 500k from them. It was pretty clearly a dummy account. And my freinds started giving me balloons en mass to discredit this liar. But it still made me mad. The only regret I have about the new freindship system is what it did to Sim wrestling.

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