Commie Award Winners: At0m0 Beerbaum and Orion

by Alphaville Herald on 06/03/09 at 7:44 am

[A note from the Editrix:
At the Herald, the real story is often found in the comments - and we occasionally recognize outstanding contributions with the “commie” or comment-of-the-week award. Today, for the first time ever this award is presented to two commenters - Orion and At0m0 Beerbaum for their responses to “Op/Ed: Catering to Corporations, Running Over Residents?”. Their world-class comments are reproduced below]

Orion's comment:

Speaking of this immersive spaces crap, get a load of RRR's project list:

1 – A tabloid news company that publishes staged stories about pedophilia in Second Life
2 – Prim shoes that have been around since late 2006 (my first n00B pair btw)
3 – The biggest noobie club festival since the creation of man erhm avatar kind
4 – A virtual cell phone that lets you text your friends from in-world while you're busy yiffing away in the sex sims
5 – Virtual models of office chairs where /your avatar/ can judge the comfort and functionality of each

At0m0 Beerbaum's comment:

@ Orion
Finally a comment with some insight.

RRR has a lot of feel good "immersive" crap. But at the end of the day, much of it is useless.

I work for a growing company and their immersive business solution is a joke.

Have you seen what it takes to run SecondLife these days? The hardware requirements are going up every release, albeit unofficially, watch as each release makes your brand new top of the line video card seem out of date, with NO improvements to the graphics; which haven't changed other than windlight, which was botched in the end.

Now consider that everyone involved would have to upgrade their machines to participate, including telecommuters. Who's going to pay? Oh yes, the company, if you try to force your workers to buy new computers with their own money to participate in meetings, expect major problems and potential discrimination lawsuits. Then for company machines, most companies go through OEMs like Dell, HP, etc. All of which overcharge for systems that are considered "gaming rigs." So now you have to not only pay for this immersive experience (and pay Linden Labs money for sims) but you have to upgrade your hardware to make use of this.

Then the other issue: Infrastructure. SL uses a LOT of bandwidth, hell, even on my cable connection, other people in the house get angry whenever I start to play SL as suddenly video sites like youtube start loading slower. Granted this is only initially, but there's always a very heavy stream of data being sent to the client, then imagine 5-10 users on a LAN, not to mention the connection. The company I work for uses business grade DSL, cable, or T1 lines depending on the location. It's enough for our needs, though we'd like to have T1 lines at all of our locations for growth, the cost of that isnt practical, and is seen as a waste that can be better utilized growing the profit-rearing departments. IT departments, unless the company specializes in technology, are seen as loss centers, so smart companies tend to limit IT, otherwise, all the earnings would go into beefing up an infrastructure that isnt necessary to do business.

Suddenly, this immersive business platform cuts out many players and leaves the few with OC3/OC12 and up lines that can bankroll this kind of project. Chances are, they'll get bored with it after a while and realize it's just a more complicated way to communicate, and when there is a need for budget cuts, this will get shot down first.

Why? Because the technology has existed already for a long time. Cisco offers solutions, and hell, anyone with a projector, webcam, and a small dedicated machine with the right software can do the same things for much less, with less complications and less resources.

Linden Labs is going to go the way Be Inc. went. Except Be Inc. created a product that had value initially. BeOS was a good OS by design and had potential back in the mid to late 90's, but after apple refused to use their code for the next generation Mac OS (technologies from NeXT were used instead to make OSX) They decided that web tv technology was the future.

Linden labs is doing the same thing to their customer base: created a decent product that not many were successful in marketing, creates a good hype engine, then failed to improve on it, and saw bigger money by sucking up to corporations, all while abusing and ignoring their current customers.

In the end, most companies will ignore linden labs, make a showing to show that they are tech-savvy, then write the expenses off for tax reasons and move on to use real, mature technologies. All while Linden Lab is left all alone with the ball, and millions in expenses. It's inevitable, LL doesn't even have a foot to shoot now. There's a reason why this is now the Alphaville herald rather than the SLH.

tl;dr version:

Linden lab is not good at business and most business doesn't need or want Linden Labs and their technology. It can be had for cheaper.

Just sit back and play a fiddle while it blows up in their faces.

14 Responses to “Commie Award Winners: At0m0 Beerbaum and Orion”

  1. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Mar 6th, 2009

    I call bullshit, At0m0 never says anything relevant.

  2. Stephie Dawes

    Mar 6th, 2009

    “I call bullshit, At0m0 never says anything relevant.”


  3. Witness X

    Mar 6th, 2009

    I may have to wash my mind out with soap after this, but I agree with Alyx.

    This is Commie ward material?

    I’d vote for Alyx’s posts over this, and I can’t stand Alyx.

  4. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Mar 6th, 2009

    “I’d vote for Alyx’s posts over this, and I can’t stand Alyx.”

    You know, if you had the e-balls come talk with me e-face to e-face and e-hang out, you’d probably e-understand me a lot e-better.

  5. cube inada

    Mar 6th, 2009

    Alot of overhead for a 3d space to chat with others…..
    Ive worked with 3d office spaces for 15 years online…sl has a better future as a funhouse, not a business tool. ive seen dozen sof 3d web business platforms go broke over 15 years… but dont let reality ever stop the metahypers of 2006.

    i have set up one using java ….3dxplorer tech. works pretty decent.

    cross platform, loads pretty fast now… will add audio and animated slide shows on panels soon.

    worth a visit for those in small business who want off the grid.. email us for license to the officepodz ….


  6. At0m0 Beerbaum

    Mar 7th, 2009


  7. Witness X

    Mar 8th, 2009

    “You know, if you had the e-balls come talk with me e-face to e-face and e-hang out, you’d probably e-understand me a lot e-better.”

    LOL. I already do, Alyx. Pretty much every day. Skype too. Nice try, guess again.

  8. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Mar 8th, 2009

    “LOL. I already do, Alyx. Pretty much every day. Skype too. Nice try, guess again.”

    If that were true, you’d know more than you do, despite the fact that I rarely ever say anything in skype.

  9. Witness X

    Mar 9th, 2009

    If I told you everything I know about you, then you’d know precisely who I was.

    And where would be the fun in that?

  10. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Mar 9th, 2009

    “And where would be the fun in that?”

    The LOVE! Don’t you atleast want to feel the LOVE?

    Let’s go play TF2 or Left4Dead together, bro. Or I’ve got Diablo 1 and 2. It’ll be a blast.

  11. At0m0 Beerbaum

    Mar 10th, 2009

    Witness X is a bullshitter plain and simple, using typical FUD to try to make people paranoid.

  12. Archie Lukas

    Mar 15th, 2009

    I have Sky
    I live in England
    I read the news (al lot of sources)

    and know feck all about the Sky news room -shows how much they value and promote it.

    Thanks for telling me chaps, appreciated.

  13. Archie Lukas

    Mar 15th, 2009

    One thought:

    NO dates on it -is it current?

    March 15th 2009 -ish?

  14. Orion

    Mar 27th, 2009

    Yay! I’m honored! > **Thinks** – I wonder if Richard Nixon is rolling in his grave over this one? >:)

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