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Emerald Dev’s Modular Systems Data Mine Tracks 16,740 Avatars

Documents recently leaked from the web site include a dump of a secret “datamine” data base containing over 39,000 entries tracking 16,740 Second Life players, detailing avatar name, avatar key, and IP address. The database was apparently populated between early January and April 2010, based on the timestamps found in the leaked dump. Fractured [...]
Full StoryNew Scientist’s Bitch Slap Turns Men Into Girls
New Scientist reports that men can be now turned into virtual girls – or at least experience some body transfer illusion – through a simple virtual reality program. A research subject wearing virtual reality googles first explores a virtual room in which a Nelly Furtado video is playing and a woman stands next to a [...]
Full StoryEmerald Site Security Broken! Data Mining Shocks Linden Lab!!!

According to documents that appear to have been leaked from ModularSystems, the developers of the “Emerald” Second Life viewer have compiled a database of avatar names, IP addresses, and geo-location information for players who created Second Life accounts at the site. In addition, visitors to the developers’ land in the virtual world have been [...]
Full StorySephora Mafia Means Business – Challenges Nicholas Family

The Nicholas and Sephora mafia war continued over the weekend – a conflict fought with YouTube videos, Second Life client hacks, Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks, SQL injection exploits and web site security vulnerabilities — a sort of Internet-enabled alternate reality game for hackers with bragging rights among the families of Second Life at [...]
Full StoryNicholas Mafia Patch Illicit Viewers — Trash Sephora Gang Site

The Linden Lab crackdown on third party viewers may be having unintended consequences — at least one in-world mafia has released a collection of what are claimed to be patched illicit viewers that can circumvent the Linden blocks on banned Second Life client software. Apparently, to be a gangsta means running a viewer with extra [...]
Full StoryPhoenix Power Outage Cripples Second Life – Blended Frappuccino Blamed

Geeks with a taste for blended frappuccinos may have been to blame for the Second Life crash that crippled the virtual world over the last 24 hours, according to Oskar Linden’s comments in the AWGroupies chat tonight. Oskar told the Herald that trouble started when the "phoenix datacenter had a complete power outage" and the [...]
Full StoryLoki Clifton: The Lab Was Not Respecting The Deal We Made
Loki Clifton’s Second Life consulting business is in trouble. Until Wednesday, Loki was a gold level solutions provider for Linden Lab, the makers of Second Life. But according to Mr. Clifton, despite months of negotiations and an agreement to expand Woodbury University’s Second Life presence, everything suddenly changed Tuesday when the Lindens abruptly terminated accounts [...]
Full StoryIn the Belly of the Beast: Harry Linden Cheaps Out on Bears

Apparently erasing all signs of Woodbury from the grid became Harry Linden’s top priority sometime wednesday morning. I had just stopped by the Woodbury parcel in Ravenglass sim to take a picture of the plot when all the objects present disappeared! Despite the destruction, I was elated – the reclusive Lindens were almost certainly in [...]
Full StoryIn the Belly of the Beast: Pooky’s Second Life Game Show

After tiring of watching game god M Linden’s avatar auto-smile, I looked toward the back of the room and noticed the ash-colored untextured Kalel Venkman – a virtual vigilante prone to filing frivolous DMCA takedown notices. I was going to have some questions for Kalel later – and the scene was already more than weird. [...]
Full StoryBNT Claims $500,000 USD in Damages – Hopes to Join Class Action Lawsuit
Intlibber Brautigan notified the Herald today that he has applied to join a virtual land class action lawsuit against Linden Lab and Philip Rosedale which was filed April 15th. The complaint alleges that after inducing players to join Second life with claims they "would receive and retain all right, title, interest, copyright and intellectual property [...]
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