Archive for 'Interviews'
SL’s Baddest Builder, part 1: Yadni the Junkyard Dawg
In his first life, Yadni Monde is a night clerk in a hotel in a secluded corner of France, but in his Second Life ™ he is the baddest architect on the grid. With an imagination fueled by a massive library of classical and fantasy architecture and copious amounts of ganga, he doesn’t just build [...]
Full StoryProk’s Candid Coversations With the Core: Lordfly Digeridoo, Part Two
For those of who you enjoyed SL resident Prokofy Neva’s “journalistic” debut last week, in which SL architect Lordfly Digeridoo kindly submitted himself to questions from the rhapsodist of Ravenglass (and even for those who did not), we are overjoyed to present Part Two, in which our interlocutors address questions of the grid’s economy. No [...]
Full StoryProk’s Candid Coversations With the Core: Lordfly Digeridoo, Part One
The Feted Inner Core: what is it? If you have to ask, that doesn’t mean you’re not a member. But it certainly exists — at least according to SL resident Prokofy Neva, who coined the term way back in January, deep in this thread on the SL forums. Since then, forum traffic indicates the term [...]
Full Story“It”s Not Illegal Yet!” — Opening the Sports Book in SL
by Walker Spaight As the rash of Tringo parlors makes clear, gambling is a not unpopular activity in Second Life. Now, just in time for March Madness, a full sports book is coming to SL that will allow residents to indulge their taste for wagering on RL sports like NCAA basketball, Major League Baseball, and [...]
Full StoryOutrage Over W-Hat Twin Towers Meets PoMoBabble Defense
by Brody MacDonald and Walker Spaight New controversy erupted recently over a W-Hat build in Baku sim depicting New York City’s World Trade Center towers under attack, as they were on September 11, 2001. But in addition to questions of taste, both the build and the community’s reaction to it also raise questions about just [...]
Full StoryCousin Vincenzo’s Looking Glass War
In the hall of mirrors that is the SL mafia scene, alliegances come and go quickly and deception and betrayal are the order of the day. Vincenzo Gillespie worked for Vincent Stravinsky who in turn was in business with underworld power couple Gina Fatale and Marsellus Wallace. Vincenzo says he was hired to hit Cinda [...]
Full StoryExtinct Native American Tribe Finds Second Wind
by Neal Stewart Duuya Herbst, taking the tribe to SL “The tribes are taking over the world [...] Tribes are agendas. Aesthetics. Ethos. Traditions. Ways of getting things done. They’re competitive. They may not all be based on time-zones. There are knitting Tribes and vampire fan-fiction Tribes and Christian rock tribes, but they’ve always existed.”– [...]
Full StoryRising from the Ashes: The SimCast Gaming System
by Matthias Zander Many remember the splitting of ways that the SimCast development team suffered in November of last year, and the call for an open-source gaming system that followed. This was all caused by the departure of the project’s head programmer, Azelda Garcia. Like the mythical phoenix, however, the project has risen from the [...]
Full Story‘people think I’m teh sexy’: A Conversation With SL’s Charles Manson Stalker
by Neal Stewart grandduke Ferdinand, sometime Charles-Manson-look-alike. Stalker or teh sexy? Griefer or misunderstood? Recently, a Second Life resident reported on her blog an incident that she had experienced in-world: For some time, an avatar dressed as Charles Manson had hung around the bedroom of her virtual residence, watching her and brandishing a knife. She [...]
Full StoryOh Mentor, My Mentor
by Neal Stewart Haney Linden fields an inquiry “Wow, a Linden!”, exclaims an excitable avatar in Welcome Area South 4. Haney Linden is a key officer in the Instructor, Live Help and Second Life Mentor groups. She has just teleported to the area and is greeted – like all Lindens – in much the same [...]
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