Archive for 'Announcements'
Total Infosphere Domination

I ran into these stats via a link on the SLCC site. Here is the main page. As the figures show, the Herald media family (from the SL Herald to our publisher and editor Walker Spaight’s 3pointD, to our Conspiracy Theory Desk reporter Prokofy Neva’s Second Thoughts) completely dominates the SL infosphere. Actually, for all [...]
Full StorySaluting an Officer
The Herald sends its condolences on the death of Second Life resident Jordan Witherspoon, who passed away recently at the age of only 28. Jordan was a member of the Alliance Navy, a role-playing group that was committed to policing portions of SL on its own (though opinions as to its beneficence differed, depending on [...]
Full StoryMermaid Synchronized Swimming at Elf Holiday Charity Fundraiser

UPDATED EVENT SCHEDULE on second page The Elf Circle’s charity fundraiser week kicks off with a splash at 6 pm SL time, December 7th as a the merfolk perform a synchronized swim and dance at Mystica (139,101,54). Mermaid synchronized swimming sounds like exactly the sort of thing that Herald readers need to experience – it [...]
Full StoryFall Boat Show

a MSM-style analysis-free, lightly edited press release – enjoy! scary monsters (and super creeps) like Flying Tako sailboats The Second Life Sailing Federation’s web site reports that a fall boat show is running until October 31st at the Sanchon Sailing Center. Quoting from the site, “the boat show lives on as a pure exhibition of [...]
Full StoryThree Years of the Herald! Come Celebrate, October 26.
You love it, you hate it, you wrap your pixelated fish in it, but there’s just no avoiding the Second Life Herald. Though things looked rocky a while back, the Herald has soldiered on, revivified by the bloodhound instincts of new Herald managing editor Pixeleen Mistral, and recently re-joined by Herald founder Urizenus Sklar. Now [...]
Full StoryHe’s baaaack…. Urizenus Returns to Herald: plans Kool-aid-free Zone
Yes, I’m back and working for Pixleen as a regular contributor to the Herald because I just can’t freaking take it. Any. More. As the Lindens are feted for having 1 million non-paying subscribers (99.9% alts) and the so-called serious media goobers come in with their breathless brain-dead Philip-fluffing puff pieces, and as Reuben’s “Minions [...]
Full StoryHerald Announces New Editorial Board

It is with great pleasure that the Herald announces its new editorial board, designed to keep the paper just as readable as before and in addition to make it more editor-friendly. Specifically, Herald Founding Editor Urizenus Sklar will now have even more time to chill on the Herald yacht, and Herald Editor in Chief Walker [...]
Full StorySecondCast #34: And Now, The News
The latest episode of SecondCast, the only Second Life podcast that matters, is now available for your listening pleasure. We stick to the news in episode #34, covering Grid crashes, power outages at Linden Lab, and Hamlet’s recent video interview and wandering tongue, among other things. With special guest co-host, machinima queen Moo Money, for [...]
Full StoryBeeb Seeks Avs For MMORPG Doc
The BBC is in production on an hour-long television documentary on massively multiplayer online games, and they’re looking for subjects to interview. If your avatar is “more like you than you are” — or even if you’re just a noob — get in touch with them and maybe you too can appear on British television. [...]
Full StorySL to Ditch Forums — Residents Fail to Meet Linden Quality Standards
by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk Linden Labs has announced plans to close its official forums over the next few months. Metaverse citizens braced themselves for a possible drama shortage, and there are unconfirmed reports of drama stockpiling and hoarding by some forum regulars. In a move to avert a panic-driven run on the [...]
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