Archive for 'Op/Ed'
Gwyneth: A decentralized, open-source Second Life?
When Gwyneth Llewelyn comes up with some food for thought, it’s usually not a light salad. At her blog she has led a herd of cattle into our living rooms, slaughtered them and impaled their carcasses on rotisseries, ready to be consumed. Her post ‘More thoughts on expanding Second Life® to the metaverse…’ outlines a [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Linden Labs and Griefers – Hands on or off?
by Neal Stewart OKKKAY? One of the perks of working for the Herald, other than the sex, drugs and heavy metal music… and the power… and the riches… other than those, one of… and the fame…. other than those, one of the perks is being able to pass your forum posts off as Op/Ed’s. The [...]
Full StoryLinden Lab Supports Invasion of Your Privacy?
New friend…. or spy for your girlfriend? A look at the recent dust-up over detective agencies By Cienna Samiam My editor asked me if I would be interested in doing a story about in-world detective agencies. I scanned the forums and noted the several threads [1, 2, 3] on the matter, read Hamlet’s “Mc-Story” and [...]
Full StoryEditorial: Save the Oil Rig!
The ANWR oil rig Having now explored where only Lindens had gone before and after reading What Philip Said At the Oil Rig on Wednesday night and other SL forum threads, the Herald’s editorial board feels it important that the Lindens consider preserving some of the landmark builds that made the new northern continent a [...]
Full StoryGame Review: “Settlers of Second Life: Catan it colonize SL gaming?”
Pirate Cotton reviews the new Second Life strategy board-game ‘Settlers of Second Life’. Pirate is an opinionated SL blogger ( with an interest in gaming and Second Life culture. He brings his considerable experience as co-builder of Dark Life – Second Life’s first MMORPG (recently featured front-page at – and creator of the ‘Game [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: “Bow, wanker” – Old Games Journalism Raises Its Fist
Fernando Martinez: “A real man needs more than one thing in life, you know what I’m saying here? The heart and the loins both on fire… groaning and straining and making hot dirty passionate encounters with the secretaries, while the wife she sleeps at home…” By Neal Stewart I’m clearly ‘a bit of a wanker’. [...]
Full StoryOp/Ed: Are You “Normal,” or teh Clone?
by Kendra Charlton Every time I see a furry, punk, goth, vampire, elf or feted SL resident, I notice them right away. However, whenever I see a “normal” resident — one who doesn’t obviously belong to any of these cliques — I never take note of their presence.
Full StoryEditorial: Simulating Free Speech In Virtual Lives
“If Peter Ludlow is a journalist,then I’m a railroad tycoon whenever I play Monopoly.”– Jeff Brown, Electronic Arts – Vice President for Corporate Communications Neal Stewart comments on Eric Goldman’s draft paper ‘Speech Showdowns at the Virtual Corral’, where under-age cyber-prostitutes, free-speech, corporate censorship – and our very own Urizenus Sklar – are the topic [...]
Full StoryOp-Ed: When the Game Goes Too Far
by the Teflon Don A recent incident in which three Louisiana high-school students were arrested for something called “cyber-bullying” should put the fear in some MMOG residents, as it now appears that what some groups do in-world can be considered a felony.
Full StoryOp-Ed: Greenspanning the Grid
by Walker Spaight Hamlet Linden had the first of a two-part interview (or, more than one part, anyway) with Philip Linden yesterday on the recent economic changes in Second Life that’s certainly worth reading — though we find there’s not much new there that hasn’t already appeared on the forums and in meetings with Robin [...]
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