Archive for 'Op/Ed'
Op/Ed: Second Life Sex Worker Blasts Zee Linden’s Proposed Wardrobe Tax

Zee Linden’s Wardrobe Taxby Cardie Mahoney [Cardie Mahoney is a well-known Second Life Escort and Model, services described in more than enough detail on her web site She is also a frequent visitor to Crayonville, but she won't say why. I mean really, she goes to Crayonville but never *my* island? What's that about? [...]
Full StoryThe Euro Update Experience
A nuisance for everyone Eloise Pasteur, European Affairs desk On those occasions where it actually improves our experience it’s one we may look back on gratefully. On those occasions where it makes things worse, we swear about it for some time. But, have you ever stopped to consider what it’s like for those of us [...]
Full StoryTaking Second Life to the next level

What does it take to be the Web-3D market leader? by Stef Wade Stef Wade ponders how to level up It is no secret that the Second Life client puts quite a strain on many computers. The german blogging scene is discussing some technical insufficiencies which can be found in Second Life. Some go so [...]
Full StoryBetrayal!

Will the future of SL favour RacerX Gullwing’s magical snail-race chariot or Nissan Scion? By Prokofy Neva The story of the betrayal by Linden Lab of some of their early adapters and later-wave land barons is now clear to me from a variety of credible sources telling the same story in different ways this weekend. [...]
Full StoryThe Ghost at the Banquet Speaks
[In March, Doc Nielsen - a two year veteran of SL - liquidated her assets and left the metaverse. For a perspective on how our world has evolved, I asked Doc to share her impressions after a 6 month hiatus. - pixeleen] by Doc Nielsen Back in March 2006 I finally decided I’d had enough [...]
Full StoryUri’s Predictions for 2006
You’ve been waiting all year for these. Ready? Let’s go! 1) A Linden will be relegated to the cornfield for office hijinks. 2) After several meetings with the FBI, agents will offer Philip a job as an undercover agent in a special task force dedicated to infiltrating metro-sexual crime rings. 3) TrannyPet Barmy will be [...]
Full StoryTo the editor: Why I left SL – Lindens rip off designers, mentor program overrun with W-hats and other griefers
This was posted in a comment thread, but it was so poignant that I felt I should post it in the main thread. I’ve known Stellsy since my earliest days in TSO and I will say that there are few people in this world (online or off) that I trust or respect more. This post [...]
Full StoryEditorial: Sympathy for Prokofy Neva
Prok, then Dyerbrook, delivers a lamp to an SSG property in Alphaville. The Herald has long been familiar with the antics of Prokofy Neva. We first encountered him in his incarnation as Dyerbrook on TSO where we witnessed his campaign against the Sim Shadow Government, which he perceived to be a kind of virtual aristocracy, [...]
Full StoryFICtory Dance
In the wake of Prok’s banning from the SL forums, the Feted Inner Core is having a virtual victory dance on the Linden supervised forums. No comment really, just one of those things that make ya go “hmmmm…”.
Full StoryThe W-Hat Birthday: Cake, Ice Cream and Murdered-Hooker Bloodbath (1/2)
By Neal Stewart 24 hours ago, the W-Hats celebrated their 1-Year Birthday in Second Life at their “W-Hat Super Happy Fun Time Land”. “Cake and ice cream for every girl and boy!”, read the event listing. In classic W-Hat fashion, a host of neon pigs, robots, smoking chimpanzees and wheelchair-bound Mad-Hatters laughed and danced away [...]
Full Story
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