Archive for 'Opinion'

Corsi Mousehold: JLU Are Power Hungry Crazed Nutjobs

[Corsi Mousehold has been awarded  the “commie” or comment-of-the-week award for her explanation of why the Justice League Unlimited superheros are not welcome in Furnation. The award winning comment is reproduced below. ] Here’s a bit of a story. IN years past the JLU were a welcomed member of the FurNation community. They didn’t bother [...]

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Op/Ed: The Positive Feminist

by Meleth Oakleaf This isn't an article about a role-play sim, this is an article in which one reporter tackles a delicate topic and probably pisses off a few readers. Hopefully, beyond just pissing off a few people, I can make people think about an often underrepresented feminist view. I spoke to Pixeleen today about [...]

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It Has To Be Said: Stop Calling it a Game

by Jessica Holyoke Second Life is like the Internet in many respects; its on the computer, no one knows that you are a fairy tale blind mouse and there is a heavy text and graphical basis for our interactions.  And it looks like a video game; you can fly, you can be in space, you [...]

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False DMCAs Fizzle – Kalel Venkman Fingered !!!

Typepad ‘fesses up – some DMCA-disputed images, text have gone missing by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Gregory Eugene Turnbow (Kalel Venkman in Second Life) has been identified as the complainant who submitted a DMCA request to Typepad that resulted in removal of content from six Herald stories covering the Second Life Justice League Unlimited. [...]

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It Has To Be Said: What’s in a Name?

by Jessica Holyoke One reason why I am not too worried about people outing my identity is that I have a fairly common real life name.   Pretending my real life name is "Stacey Fox,"  if you Google it, you will find many other people who share my name, some sharing my real life location, [...]

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It Has To Be Said: Why does Second Life Need Social Media?

Please define your virtual social graph to help the Lab gain ad revenue by Jessica Holyoke When the Lindens talk about expanding residents' presence with Social Media, I have to really ask why?  At my closely guarded age, I use Facebook a good deal.  It helps keep me connected with classmates who have moved great [...]

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It Has to Be Said: It Has to Be Said

by Jessica Holyoke Over the months that I have written editorials in the Herald, I have typically labelled the Op/Ed.  Traditionally, Op/Ed means Opposing Editorial.  Someone writes something in opposition to the stated views of the Editorial Board.  However, the Herald does not use an Editorial Board to provide a view point to the community, [...]

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Op-Ed: Avatars United – A Social Network Too Far?

by Sigmund Leominster If you’re becoming jaded by the tales of the inconsequential status and activity of the Justice League Unlimited, which, as a group, must now hold some sort of record in terms of column inches in the Herald (inversely proportional to the inches of their primmy penises), and fapping to Post 6 Grrrlz [...]

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Op/Ed: Second Life Resident Comments on JLU Superpowers

Have you taken a look in a mirror lately? You're a walking infringement… AnnOTooleInSL's video commentary on the Second Life Justice League Unlimited situation:

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Op/Ed: Facebook, IslandLife, Second Life, Lively, Metaplace – Why Worlds Fail

by Jessica Holyoke As previously reported, IslandLife, which looks a lot like Metaplace, has opened on Facebook.  Metaplace is a virtual world that closed at the end of 2009.  Metaplace looked a lot like Google's Lively, which also closed. What does IslandLife in Facebook and the failure of Lively and Metaplace mean? Consider one world that hasn't [...]

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