by Alphaville Herald on 04/12/03 at 6:52 pm

It was brought to my attention that there is an entity in Alphaville representing itself as the Alphaville Government. The director of the CIA for that entity expressed a desire to be interviewed after reading the series we’ve been running on notorious factions and personas within Alphaville. The following is the interview that took place.

Kale: Thanks for taking the time to meet with me. I understand you’re the
director of the Alphaville CIA, which surprises me because I didn’t even know Alpha had a government besides various factions. Now this intelligence agency is part of a larger governmental body or one of those factions…. can you explain that to me?

Fans: Well excatly the CIA is apart of the Alphaville Government. I am not quite sure how you want me to answer it though.

Kale: Well, I’m ignorant that such a government even existed. So, can you tell me about that? How and when was it created, who heads it, how is it structured; any information to orient me on the larger political structure you work within would be great. Then we can get to your role in that structure.

Fans: Ah Now I understand, it was created about a couple months ago by
Mr-President. He shut it down and it was no longer noticeable. Now when he came back on he started the Government back up and it is getting bigger and bigger. You can see the capitol at the first rank in services. It is structured by not just us its also by YOU, The Citisims. I used to own AVSA, Alphaville Space Administration, but it was destroyed 2 times and it was shut down. The president assigned me my new position Director of AV CIA. Go to for more information by clicking on AV CIA History.

Kale: So Mr-President started the Alphaville government and put himself at its head? You say it is growing larger. How big is it? Any idea on the number of governmental employees that Mr. President’s government has? Also, can you tell me a bit more about the mission of the government…. what does the government provide to Citisims, generally? Then, we’ll get into issues involving your division specifically.

Fans: He was actually elected (Which I am curios how he did). And we have over 80 Employees WITH Government I.D.s. There are some like10 or so without I.D.s. So it’s pretty large. Were not SSG, Mafia, Mob, Gang. We’re here to help people. Not to cause trouble. You know SSG is out of hand in AV. Were not a war, ally or peace. Were neutral with everyone. We hardly ever Enemy someone unless they broke a law. And the laws are pretty obvious, Harassment and the other things MOMMI banned. So we’re specifically here to make AV a better place. We have over Several Branches of Government. Check out the Capitol Drive neighborhood to check them out.

Kale: Yes, I would be very interested to know what sort of election process put him in place, but if you don’t know, perhaps I’ll have a chance to pursue that question with him at some point. We’ll get to the “trouble” with factions, and your attempts to deal with them in a minute. Let me ask you what the CIA division you head here does in Alphaville?

Fans: I am not sure how his election went.
We personally collect information. Mafia or not. This information below
on what we do:

Our Vision- To be the keystone of a AV Intelligence Community that is pre-eminent in the world, known for both the high quality of our work and the excellence of our people.

Our Mission- We support the President, the National Security Council, and all who make and execute AV national security policy by:
a. Providing accurate, evidence-based, comprehensive, and timely foreign
intelligence related to national security; and
b. Conducting counterintelligence activities, special activities, and
other functions related to foreign intelligence and national security as
directed by the President.

Our Core Beliefs and Values
What we stand for:
a. Intelligence that adds substantial value to the management of crises,
the conduct of war, and the development of policy.
b. Objectivity in the substance of intelligence, a deep commitment to the
customer in its form and timing.
How we do our work:
a. Personal and organizational integrity
b. Teamwork throughout the Agency and the Intelligence Community
c. Total participation of an excellent and diverse work force
d. Innovating and taking risks to get the job done
e. Adapting to both a changing world environment and evolving customer
f. Accepting accountability for our actions
g. Continuous improvement in all that we do

We might also carry Covert Action if directed by the Alphaville

Kale: Wow; that’s a mouthful. What sort of National Security risks are possible in Alphaville and what is foreign intelligence in this context? Regarding “covert actions” what can you tell me about that (without compromising security)? Do you monitor Alphaville Citisims who may pose a threat to what you think is in the best interest of the government that you work for?

Fans: Well National Security risk are threats, attacks or ideas that can
physically or emotionally harm more than one sim. Foreign intelligence is like getting intelligence from someone OUTSIDE AV Government or AV CIA. Without compromising security all I can tell is that we will attack criminals if we have the intelligence. We will monitor Citisims if they are a threat to National Security. This is the far best government I’ve been in or was the best position I had.

Kale: Two issues arise here: first, what do you say to someone who might object that your government has no right to interfere with other players; like who are you to judge who’s a threat or not? You must get factions that disagree that you have any authority over them (for instance, you told me your first position in the government was attacked— how did that happen and who was responsible for it)? Secondly, you say that you will attack criminals on good intelligence. How can you attack them? What can you possibly do to stop them?

Fans: We will possibly just tell them that we are here to help. Not to harm. We can tell who’s a threat or not by having intelligence such as “MEMBER OF SIM MAFIA” or such. Or it will be brought to our attention by a Citisim. You see the last question I cannot give out the information out. All I can say is that we can get rid of them in several ways. Another information is classified.

Kale: I understand you can’t compromise security by telling me how, perhaps. However, if you want people to take the Alphaville Government as a credible force, can you give me any idea as to what “get rid of them” entails? Also, again, what do you say to those who object that you have no right to decide who is a threat and who is just playing a game and wants to be left alone…do you have a reply to that?

Fans: Intelligence does not lie. We will spend weeks investigating. We cannot be wrong. Get rid of them I mean by is like reporting them, or easily just getting them out of AV.

Kale: How many people have you reported on and how many have you managed to get out of Alpha, can you estimate that for me? Also, tell me what kind of problem you face from other factions in Alphaville. Has your Government come under pressure from other forces (you mentioned your first position being ruined; again, who was responsible and how did that happen)?

Fans: Ok I cannot reveal How Many People have ran out of AV or been reported. Ok the first AVSA Project was destroyed by inamus Ryan’-. And then as we go into CIA Buildings the house got trashed by: Jack E, Ryan’-, Officer Boseocrelli, Sammy’, and other people. But the CIA did have a security breach and it was resulted into a Trashed house. Those people are on AVs Wanted list. And No AVG isn’t under any pressure (Right now).

Kale: Do you understand the motivation behind that pressure? Do you see how some people could object to your government policing their actions? You’ve stated clearly that you intend to “help” and be “neutral” yet necessarily some people will not want your “help” perhaps, and they may object that you have no authority to determine who is a threat to the community or not (by the way, are “scammers”, a pervasive issue in Alpha’ now, a threat that you attack?). So, how is your government any better than the factions that threaten you? Why should they be crushed while your government seeks to remain dominant?

Fans: Well it’s their decision they don’t want our help fine. But of they don’t want the help we wont help THEM, we’ll just get the scammer. Also stop right there around “Authority” we have been selected by one of the best person you have ever met. We got these jobs for a reason. If they object to our intelligence saying someone’s a threat they ought to rethink. We got this job for a reason. We just don’t go in poor and walk out with bodyguards and bags of money. We work for this position! We personally think “crushing” then is the last option. But if it poses a threat and most of Alphaville we will take action against them.

Kale: Okay; so we’re talking about a majority of people in Alphaville that think a person poses a threat? Yet, what method do you use to measure that? I mean, your Government itself doesn’t constitute a majority. So, I’m just trying to understand how you make decisions to move. How would you respond to the claim that scammers aren’t violating any user rules, and maybe they even add an element of drama to the game? That’s unacceptable from your Government’s position?

Fans: lol. Not Majority of Alphaville its about more than 5 Sims which are a Threat. We confirm big covert actions/”moves” with the president. They aren’t violating any User Rules because MOMMI doesn’t have the time to handle 850+ Complaints about scamming. Its also your decision its not MOMMIs job to take action of your dumb decisions. Its kinda of walking to Voleur and giving her your money. Do you really expect the money back…Nope. So that’s why we are here to take cover for MOMMI and make her or his job easier. Its drama but do you really think its a Soap opera when your money you worked for is gone. Now that’s how I speak. Going onto the next question…

Kale: Right, I did not mean to imply that a majority of Alphaville constituents were scammers. I was questioning the right of your Government to move against them without majority support from Alphaville. You claim neutrality, so that seems a valid inquiry. You mention Voleur. We’ve run a series on infamous scammers and documenting some of the effects of that activity. Without revealing secret intelligence, is it fair to assume that you have actions under way to remove the remaining notorious elements, scammers, from Alphaville?

Fans: All that information is classified at this point. It will be released to the public once the task is completed. But I can say that we are handling
Scamming issues very seriously. So please do not scam unless you want 5 Agencies having you wanted. Next Question.

Kale: Thanks for your time. I want to wrap this up, but not before giving you the opportunity to tell us what you envision for the future of the Alphaville Government…what impact do you hope your Government will have upon the citizens of Alphaville in the coming years?

Fans: I hope they will trust us, not hate us. We aren’t here to cause trouble. Were here to HELP. So please don’t insult us Were Here For You. Go to for more information or join AV CIA or Sign Up for the message boards. And thank you for interviewing me. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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