Alphaville braces for mafia wars.
by Alphaville Herald on 14/01/04 at 11:45 am
With the Sims Shadow Government currently non-operational in Alphaville, there is growing concern that sim “mafias” – essentially griefers that roleplay as Mafiosi — from other cities will come in to fill the power vacuum. Mafia presence in Alphaville is currently fairly limited (examples include JC Soprano’s family, the Sclafani family and a handful of others). One group that is could possibly seek to establish a presence in the city is The Syndicate, which has been in battle with X-mafia in other cities, and recently siezed control of the X-mafia web site. This can’t be good news for JC Soprano who was reportedly kicked out of The Syndicate, and would be in their crosshairs should they descend upon Alphaville. It will presumably also be a matter of concern for the skill houses and money houses which would have to endure the tagging and tribute payment (i.e. extortion) should mafias achieve a significant presence here. Are you ready?
Jan 14th, 2004
First-poster Dyerbrook reporting. Hey, what’s a picnic without ants?
I sure am ready. Nothing can be as bad as the SSG, which is merely a super-mafia and a totalitarian wannabe — the worst. There are ways you can prevent mafias from bothering you. One, don’t care about red links. If you let people tag you, and don’t care, they stop. They delete the tags. Showing supreme indifference is the quickest way to deflate those red balloons. Don’t worry about them descending en masse and trashing your lot, either. Let them stay, and build up your visitor/lot hour points. Do they drive away your guests? Well, create an admit-list only lot if you must, or live with the consequences. Extortion? Only if you make that first little payment. Never pay them. They will get bored and move on. Are they spreading rumors? Well, let them. Put the facts straight on your Sim profile or go tag them unexpectedly with a green balloon and write your version of the story. It’s a game, so play it.
The most important way to get rid of mafias, however, is not through evasion and prosecution, but through human solidarity and the building of positive, non-mafia organized societies, clubs, and guilds. It’s not as fun, it’s boring, it takes time, but it’s the only way. Don’t let the SSG, the mafias, or MOMI shape your world.
Jan 14th, 2004
I’m not bracing for anything. There are very few people who actually play these mafia games. Most people are just regular Sims.
Jan 14th, 2004
toy fully agrees with You both
now dont fall over hehehehe…… as stated its rather silly thinking that a OMG red ballon has any effect on someone, it can only effect one if they allow it to
to this girl its just how some feel they must ‘play the game’ but logically its not very effective but toy will let them do as they wish, it has no effect on this girl at all
toy just had a thought!!!! toy thinks its about time perhaps we all live together as citizens of AV, no matter how one wishes to live as long as it is legal and not harrassment. Sounds awfully close to real life doesnt it?
JC SOprano
Jan 14th, 2004
For the record, I ws not kicked out of the syndicate.. I was an ally with them, never a member and I withdrew my alliance with them. They will confirm this. Also, I am not worried about the Gambinos.. THey stick to there areas.. It’s the X-Mafia that is a problem. They have already messaged me and said that they want to take over the SSG’s job. Look at there bio’s in AV, even say they are keeping the city safe from me. CIty doesn’t need to be safe from me, I’ve never done anything to it. If you notice, X-Mafia has hired a # of former SSG members too.
Say hello to the new SSG, X-Mafia.
JC Soprano
Jan 14th, 2004
Too all:
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, lmao, Just a matter of time, anyone that new them would know this. Follow the Yellow Brick Road to your hearts desire, reap and you shall recieve, lol, that sounds religious but it is not, but nothing wrong with that.
I am not Dyer, not in any group, I just enjoy life and all that it has to offer. I have been around and seen my fair share of all though. I choose to stay out and mind my own business unless it steps on my toes, then you have another thing coming, I was once told I wear steel toed boots, lmao.
Someone told me once, PYOG, and after I thought about it and saw Alphaville in a new light, I decided to do that. Thank you to who ever is behind that saying.
Still dancing happily ding dong the witch is dead, hehehehe, hahahahahahahahaha
To Toy, a very smart human indeed you are, bows down out of respect for your words.
Rusty Dagger of BF
Jan 29th, 2004
The Mafia is a theme.
Antonio Armone (aka Tommy Morta)
Feb 7th, 2004
For the record, I ws not kicked out of the syndicate.. I was an ally with them, never a member and I withdrew my alliance with them. They will confirm this. Also, I am not worried about the Gambinos.. THey stick to there areas.. It’s the X-Mafia that is a problem. They have already messaged me and said that they want to take over the SSG’s job. Look at there bio’s in AV, even say they are keeping the city safe from me. CIty doesn’t need to be safe from me, I’ve never done anything to it. If you notice, X-Mafia has hired a # of former SSG members too.
Say hello to the new SSG, X-Mafia.
JC Soprano