Alphaville’s Most Coveted Property
by Alphaville Herald on 01/01/04 at 12:25 pm
Here’s a nice story to begin the New Year. Our new reporter MattyS interviews RoboStub, the owner of The Floating City – what appears to be the only single property island in Alphaville. That’s right, it is bordered by water on all four sides! What would you pay for such a property? RoboStub has been offered 10 million simoleans and a tiger (offer before the elimination of mazing) and he still isn’t selling. Why isn’t he selling? And why does everyone want the property? Read on for the story.
Interview with RoboStub (the owner of The Floating City – the only single property island in Alphaville) by MattyS.
MattyS: Thanks for taking the time to meet with me. I understand you’re the owner of the only single property island in Alphaville?
RoboStub: That I am.
RoboStub: And very happy with it also.
MattyS: How long have you been the owner?
RoboStub: Going on [the second year].
MattyS: wow
RoboStub: Yea it has been some time.
MattyS: Did you buy the island or did someone give it 2 you?
RoboStub: I became the owner after the previous owner had to leave the game.
MattyS: What was the original owner’s name?
RoboStub: Can’t quite recall but I think it was Steve McQueen or something to that effect.
MattyS: So how many times do you think you log on a week?
RoboStub: I used to log on once a day now its more like once a week.
MattyS: Ok and on average how many messages do you get?
RoboStub: To buy or just in game?
MattyS: To buy the only single property island in Alphaville
RoboStub: At least 3 or more.
RoboStub: Had 10 one time.
MattyS: Wow to just buy the house?
RoboStub: Yep I log on and there will be at least 3 waiting for me.
MattyS: Wow
MattyS: I think I sent a couple messages to you. lol who hasn’t?
RoboStub: If I am in game then they just visit the house and try to sweet talk me.
RoboStub: lol
MattyS: What do you mean by sweet talk?
RoboStub: You know dinner dancing trips around the world…lol
MattyS: lol
RoboStub: Promises of making this the #1 lot in the entire world.
MattyS: can you please tell us about some offers that were made?
RoboStub: Well at first people would offer 2 or 3 mill
RoboStub: A lot of people starting moving to Alphaville, then they started to jump to 5-mill then 8 mill the 10 mill.
MattyS: wow So what is the highest offer so far???
RoboStub: 10 mil and a Tiger
MattyS: wow that is like 150$ in rl [prior to elimination of mazing, 1 mil = $25 US today]
RobStub: Ya I know
RoboStub: They almost had me with the tiger. But I stayed strong…lol.
MattyS: lol
MatttyS: Why do you think people want it?
RoboStub I’m not really sure. Could be ‘cause its one of a kind.
MattyS: Well yes it is.
RoboStub: It’s a good spot on the map.
MattyS: :Has anything ever happened to your island?
RoboStub: I was hit with the destroy island roomie already.
MattyS: wow
RoboStub: yea it was ugly, logged in one day and all there was was sand and a big f u in the tile…. very classy.
MattyS: LOL
MattyS: And now the big question why wont you sell your house?
RoboStub: I just really enjoy my place. I worked very hard to build it up. And to tell you the truth I enjoy the attention it gets.
MattyS:lol you enjoy it?
RoboStub: Others would see it as just a place to make money I see it as a place to call home one of a kind that is all mine ya know what I mean?
RoboStub: I guess I have a soft spot for it.
MattyS: Ya well it is one of a kind.
RoboStub: Which is the best part.
MattyS: Yes I agree with you there.
MattyS: Ok well ty for your time
RoboStub: I hope that answers some people’s questions.
MattyS: I hope so 2.
Jan 1st, 2004
A nice one for a change… thanks guys
Jan 1st, 2004
Your Very Welcome. I’m Happy that you like my article
. Lol very first one. I Hope more like it as well. Thank you
Jan 1st, 2004
Yes I enjoyed this one! I never even knew about this singular island thing. Too cool!
Please more articles like this and less about sex & the scammer.
Jan 1st, 2004
Ok, scratch that — your newspaper should be any kind of paper you want it to be. Not trying to be mean. Just offering my opinion.
Jan 1st, 2004
Problem is that these stories are hard to come by. If you’ve got one let us know.
May 23rd, 2004
The Almighty in His infinite wisdom did not see fit to create Frenchmen
in the image of Englishmen.
– Winston Churchill, 1942