Grounded!: Detroit Free Press Calls Van’s Mom
by Alphaville Herald on 27/01/04 at 10:33 am
In case you wonder where Evangeline has been lately, perhaps his absense has to do with The Detroit Free Press Calling his mom as part of a story which was published today: Sex and the Simulated City: Virtual world raises issues in the real one.
From the article:
“From her home in Florida, the boy’s mother said she was upset when the Free Press told her that Ludlow’s Alphaville Herald had disclosed her son’s name.
“This is what I was afraid of,” said the woman. “I told him I don’t want anyone knowing your name, where you live. You are a minor. Somebody could find out.”
The mother said she knew her son was infamous in the game, but didn’t know to what extent, and didn’t know whether the boy complained about the Herald to Electronic Arts. She would not allow her son to be interviewed.
A single mother, the woman said her son plays the game for hours, though she objects.
Electronic Arts has terminated several of his game accounts, including his most current one, his mother said.”
All of which leads us to ask the question, why doesn’t Maxis get on the phone and call these parents themselves?????
Snow White
Jan 27th, 2004
hehe…now THAT is entertainment!
Stealth Badger
Jan 27th, 2004
Now THIS is special.
Evangeline: I can’t log on 2nite
Evas_bud: Why not???
Evangeline: They called my mom….
Jan 27th, 2004
It seems to me at least that Maxis must love all of this publicity the game is getting because it will probably lead to some amount — however modest — of additional subscribers and therefore some enhanced revenue. i honestly do not think that Maxis really cares very much about this being “negative”, per se, because the name of their game is attracting people and generating attention attracts people to the game. As long as Maxis takes token efforts that it can refer to as policing of the game (seemingly akin to enforcement of speeding, per the company, but then again there is the case of Uri ….), Maxis has an at least defensible position (albeit one not entirely free from criticism of course), and one which will nevertheless generate controversy, additional potential publicity, and additional potential customers. It’s like free marketing for Maxis, it seems to me.
Maria LaVeaux
Jan 27th, 2004
Just a general comment;
This same Issue has been brought up for a number of widely differing reasons on a number of threads here.
Parents allowing Completely unmonitored access for their children to the Internet.
Wholely apart from the issues raised over Evangelines activities, there ARE the safety issues as well, But Parents STILL act as if the Internet were some Harmless childs toy, Like an Etch-a Sketch, Or, Even More Foolishly, They Expect the whole internet community to babysit their child for them.
Newsflash to Parents out there, NOT everyone in here has your childs best interests at heart.
Evangelines activities were (And are), depending who you speak with, ranging from the “mildly amusing”, through “rather irritating” all the way up to “Malicious and abusive”. In his case, his parent or guardian should not only have been thinking of protecting Evangeline from the internet community, but also the internet community from her ill behaved child. She obviously knew something of his activities but only became “Concerned” when her Offsprings actions gained the attention of a National News Outlet. What an interesting set of Values. I wonder what she would thing after reading the “Evangeline Mocks EA: You Can’t Stop my anti-n00b “Terror Network”” thread? (Though i doubt her concern for her child extends far enough for her to look it up.)
I have little doubt that we will see Evangeline again, or someone like him. Parents just refuse to get a Clue about what their children are getting in to on line.
Ignorance Truely must be Bliss.
Jan 27th, 2004
LOL Evangeline got what he desrved he had it comming to him from the start! now all they need 2 do is call Yolanda’s parents and we can get rid of these ppl!
Jan 27th, 2004
hmm why won’t EA call how about these for examples:
Beaver Pennsylvania: Encouraged by classmates, a 7th grade girl gave a boy oral sex on the school bus. After officials expelled both students, the girl’s mother appealed the decision , noting that the schools policy did not specifically state that students can’t have sex on the bus.
Suburban Detroit, the parents of an 8th grade boy who was suspended after receiving oral sex during class sued the district, claiming their son couldn’t escape the BJ because his leg was in a cast..
Papillion Nebraska- A judge hearing a visitation dispute ordered a Mexician American father not to speak “Hispanic” to his 5 year old daughter. The girl’s mother, who is Polish american, said the girl had complaigned that her ex-con father spoke Spanish too often. The judge said it wasn’t fair to the girl to “put her in a situation where people are communicating in a language she doesn’t understand” in a similar case in Texas in 1995 a judge told a mother in a custody dispute that by speaking SPanish to her 5 year old she was “abusing the child and relegating her to the position of a housemaid”.. the judge later apologised..
there I think that sums it up in a nutshell don’t you?
Jan 27th, 2004
hmm why won’t EA call how about these for examples:
Beaver Pennsylvania: Encouraged by classmates, a 7th grade girl gave a boy oral sex on the school bus. After officials expelled both students, the girl’s mother appealed the decision , noting that the schools policy did not specifically state that students can’t have sex on the bus.
Suburban Detroit, the parents of an 8th grade boy who was suspended after receiving oral sex during class sued the district, claiming their son couldn’t escape the BJ because his leg was in a cast..
Papillion Nebraska- A judge hearing a visitation dispute ordered a Mexician American father not to speak “Hispanic” to his 5 year old daughter. The girl’s mother, who is Polish american, said the girl had complaigned that her ex-con father spoke Spanish too often. The judge said it wasn’t fair to the girl to “put her in a situation where people are communicating in a language she doesn’t understand” in a similar case in Texas in 1995 a judge told a mother in a custody dispute that by speaking SPanish to her 5 year old she was “abusing the child and relegating her to the position of a housemaid”.. the judge later apologised..
there I think that sums it up in a nutshell don’t you?
Jan 27th, 2004
excellent article…… not at all one-side
toy thinks its about time that EA and parents started waking up….. this thing has been going on for years on the net but suddenly when a corporation is involved it suddenly come to the forefront of peoples minds….. its always been on the net….. toy started playing on a couple MUDs and MUSHs when she was 13….. those make TSO seem like a kindergarden playground…. toy never got in trouble on any of them simply because she has been raised to know right from wrong. toy thanks her parents for this and also from the many truely helpful people on the net.
Jan 27th, 2004
Again, we have this innacurate coverage about why the professor was terminated:
“had broken game rules by advertising an outside Web site on a game message board, a rule many other players routinely break without repercussions”
No. He broke game rules by advertising an outside web site WHICH IN TURN INCLUDED LINKS TO CHEAT SITES. Similar to the rule that you can’t link to because it (unfortunately) sells Simoleons. If he had either removed the mentions on his profiles, or had removed the cheat/exploit links currently on this web site, they would not have terminated him.
That is why doesn’t have nearly as much stuff on it as they would like – too many sites they would like to link to, in turn, link to cheat/exploit sites.
I have asked Maxis at length for the clarification of degrees of separation involved in this rule, and received the reply that only one degree of separation is covered under the rule.
In other words, you can mention a site on your personal property profile as long as it does not contain links to sites which have cheats. You cannot mention a site which is either a cheat site itself, or (in the case of the professor), has links on it which are cheat/exploit sites.
You can, however, mention a site which contains links to other sites which in turn have links to cheat sites (two degrees of separation). In other words, you are not responsible for every link in the world out there.
You can’t, however, mention your own web site on your personal or property profile if your own web site has links to cheat sites in it, and that was the rule they got the professor on.
Now, people may not understand that rule, and may not have researched it as much as I did, or demanded answers as persistantly as I did. I did that because of not only the professor’s case, but another similar case I knew of regarding someone else who was not nearly important, which happened shortly before the professor’s.
So that article, like so many others that stem from the professor’s case, is innacurate in that regard. He was terminated fairly.
Of course, everyone who does that is not terminated, because not everyone is reported. But if someone reports you (say an enemy), you are subject to termination. That is what happened to my other friend. That is also why, once I learned of this rule (long before either of their cases, actually), I immediately took the realsimsonline mention off my personal profile.
One other innacuracy in this article: Apparently I’m too old to be playing the game, as it has a playership of from “teens to 30.”
Jan 27th, 2004
But isn’t the issue really what the motivation was? Sure, there was a technical TOS violation and under the TOS Maxis was entitled to act as it did (at least under existing law). But the analysis can’t really stop there — the issue is what was the real motive. It seems extremely unlikely to me that the real issue was Simolean trading links, and I don’t think that the media at large buys that either. The context in which decisions are made is very relevant, regardless of the technical reasons one may subsequently use to justify the action taken. Therefore it seems to me that the media is well within it purview in expressing skepticism about EA’s true motivations in this case.
Jan 27th, 2004
toy has found it very simple to explain. TSO and stratics use ‘selective’ termination.. there’s 100′s of TOS violations each day in both.. yet only are the penalties applied when it suits their cause.
Jan 27th, 2004
I would give that theory more credence, TKelli, if I hadn’t seen a friend of mine – just a harmless kid – go through the same thing himself before it happened to the professor. All it takes is somebody to report you, or report you enough times.
I forget the details of the reasons now, but for various reasons, earlier on in this, I think that it was Evangeline and/or cohorts who took credit for reporting the professor.
Jan 27th, 2004
Coco, i don’t dispute that, but i find it hard to imagine that the question of terminating urizenus wasn’t “run up the pole”, as we say in corporate life. Just isn’t credible to me. Large corps don’t make decisions that they know will have media repurcussions without sussing those out and incoprorating them into the decision-making process. this one believes that Maxis was out for publicity itself and saw that by terminting Uri, and impicating Van in the process, a lot of media attention could be generated (and it was) and so customers generated and the joke is on U/us.
Jan 27th, 2004
ok i just read that article and it pissed me off, it made tso out to be a gangster ridden sewer of society. not to mention the fact that no one sees how wrong wat was done to evangelene is. I dont care how much bad he did in the game, someone went out and investigated his identity, that is just wrong, people shouldnt have to worry about stuff like that. sure everyone hated evangelene but there was no reason that had to be taken out of the game, the box clearly states “be somebody else” and if he wanted to be a super villian, hes allowed, but his enemies should stay in the game.
Jan 27th, 2004
Well isnt this just a pretty painting! Again we have another one of these articles which to be frank are a pile of lies! The proffessor obviously did not read the TOS of the game before he played. It says that you can not link to outside sites that promote cheating/exploiting/or are naming people. You did all three. BUSTED! Sorry buddy but I think you really cite your sources better. Anyway I hope they find, bust and terminate your new acount becuase you are and were violating the TOS. Here is a coppy of my letter to the editor of those rag papers!
“Dear Editor,
As a player of TSO(The Sims Online) from the begining, I must say that this article is very far off the mark, it is nothing short of being libelist. To be perfectly honest none of the professors comments are true, which just proves how little time and research went into getting the facts strait for this article. The aforementioned, article shows how at times articles published by papers are unfit for publish.
Yes there are mafia’s in TSO, and guess what these mafia’s in TSO are play only, they do not deal with real life things like this. To be honest the professor is blatantly lieing through his teeth. If you had looked at the facts not only would you see that everyone who gets reported for this behaviour, for which he claims nothing is done, is disiplined. To be honest EA/Maxis is VERY good at dealing with this aspect of the game, they thuroughly investigate every complaint and they take action where the evidence is suffice.
What has been mentioned by this professor about all of this rigamoral is that nothing is done. The bottome line here is that something is done about it, like it or not, and you have neighther the research nor the evidence to prove otherwise.
I would also like to point out another reason for your article being journalistic, tabloid quality filth is the number of subscribers. The official numbers strait from the mouth of the people who work there are 120, 000. However I belive them to be on the high side, while a Fortune magasine article on EA and TSO says that the numbers that they recived from EA are 100, 000.
As a reader this article was not only offensive but it was alarming that you and your fine publication would allow yourselves to be sucked into such filth. I would suggest that you be the fine journalistic source that you are and issue a retraction of this article as well as a nice letter of apology to the Sims online Community, you have hurt us all, here is a link
This is an example of the outrage from the community. Two other papers have published similar articles from the same man this one is just in response to your article, it is a locked post because your article mentions him by name which proves how serious EA is to protecting integrety. I fully recomend that if you are going to create an article in one of your publications in the future I would recomend that you read our boards. You need to know what the community is up to, and you also need to realize that this professor is a trouble maker.
Thank you for your time,
Meanie(Real Name removed and substituted for sim persona)
Jan 27th, 2004
toy would ask you meanie if EA is sooo damn fair why has evangeline gotten away with all her scams for so long?
Jan 27th, 2004
~real name not with held. doesnt need to hide behind a false name~
Jan 27th, 2004
Kelli, yes, I have considered the idea that Maxis/EA did it for the reverse publicity, so to speak, and you and I aren’t the only ones who have thought of that possibility.
But I have rejected that theory because I have just simply seen too many other actions that were just as bull-headed on Maxis/EA’s part. Person gets reported one or more times; person gets terminated, no matter how stupid it is. I suppose if they were to make an exception for the professor, then we would all really have cause to be mad.
In any case, I have seen it happen since beta. And since he was reported by other players, and he had done something against the TOS (and – this is important – easily proved), they did him in, just as they have done in other people. Maybe they did it even DESPITE what they might have known would be rotten press over it. If so, I suppose that would be commendable, in a bull-headed, justice-is-blind sort of way, even if it does wreck the game.
If nothing else, we can still thank the professor for allowing free speech on this site. Let me also state that I don’t believe the professor agrees with me on the chain of events.
JC Soprano
Jan 28th, 2004
EA (MaxisTigger) has called me and my wife before to complain about my ‘mature’ gaming. I’m an adult though and I choose to play this way. Why EA didn’t call anyone in this case is beyond me..
JC Soprano
Jan 28th, 2004
OK.. to those who think the termination of Uri was just a normal termination over a TOS violation.. you must be on crack.. If you don’t think companies, governments use technicalities to get what they want are just stupid. Case in point: Al Capone for all he had done in the Mafia, all he had ordered and organized. He could not be convicted on any of those charges. It took the US Gov’t to find tax laws he had broken to put him away. Not once could they convict him on charges of murder, money laundering, or any other real life Mafia happening.
All maxis/EA did was use a technicality to shut up someone who brought forth the every day happenings of AV and TSO in general. All they did was use a technicality to terminate their top critic to date. And that my folks is called Censorship. The fact that this is a privately owned game in the future will mean nothing. TSO is just like a mall.. a place for people to hang out and congregate. The Courts have already rules Malls and other public places like that cannot censor people gathering there. They will when this sort of issue finally comes to them rule the same for the online community. And believe me within the next 5 years I wouldn’t doubt this Issue will be up before the Supreme Court to decide.
Jan 28th, 2004
I would be more willing to agree with your line of reasoning, Tetsuo, except for the fact that I have seen the same actions taken on other players; players Maxis/EA had no particular reason whatsoever to muzzle.
And I know how easy it is (because I have seen it happen to other players) for them to get a report about a web site that links to cheat sites and whammo, that player is banned.
Also, let me point out that the professor is still breaking the TOS by being in the game under another character. Are we to assume that if he is caught doing this, and that character is then banned, then that will be unfair also?
Jan 28th, 2004
We are to assume that those who are banned.. censored.. found guilty of any crime that they will always claim not really being at fault.. it is our nature to find blame in others for our own faults..
see above for examples.. daughter expelled for having sexual activity on a school bus and the mother is fighting it because it didnt say they can’t?
just a case of not accepting the blame.. the mother should be happy to have her daughter removed from such an environment not trying to get her back in… the boy’s parents suing the school district for their son’s own weakness?
I am shocked that they didnt say hey our kids play computer games so they are learning it from there.. This is my issue with the world parents expecting others to teach their kids… then complaigning when someone tries to take a stand..
let’s blame everyone else for our own short comings it is what we do.. Dyerbrook was close in saying BDSM is wrong in TSO.. BDSM is not wrong but underage (under 18) players doing BDSM is wrong in TSO… course under 18 doing any sexual thing is wrong in game.. although some states say that 16 is the legal age of consent for sex…
If parents are not mointering their own childern while on the net.. not even talking bout the games they play.. why can’t they take the blame?
Attacking a group for a lifestyle choice though that group activitaly tries to police ages when discussing age restricted material is not the answer.. exposing one for shady activities in TSO is not the answer as well.. or trying to prove that the game is the answer to all evils on the net where kids are going bad… the answer is the parents taking a place in their kids life again.. coming to them and discussing areas where your kid have questions no matter how appaling they maybe.. and treating them like a person that my friends is the answer…
I have a BDSM house it is labeled as one not to protect just the kids but to protect others that might drop by and find offense, I have a sign out front not warning to those not in the scene but to those that are in the scene that public scening is not allowed in my house why? because I will not discriminate for ages.. I have yet to have a BDSM discussion in my lot.. we talk about aglets.. calcus.. school.. life in general.. I do have quotes from the books of gor.. but they are not porn in nature.. I could have quotes from Star Trek.. poetry.. other books that would in my opinion be more racy than the ones I have now.. when I am asked by one I do not know about the lifestyle I suggest searching it on the net and make their own judgement if it fits their lifestyle or not… the only ones I actually teach are the ones that I claim and this is just about self esteem… self confidence not lessons in sex… I do not run a sex lot.. says so on my house Descrip… but still I get daily come on’s trying to get me to “do them”
I want to believe that most of the Sex for teens comes from teens.. most adults I know find the limited language skills of teens to be boring there are those out there who prey on the young though.. just like any chat room which TSO is basically.. worry not about the lots labeling themselves BDSM.. Wicca etc… worry about the ones who are not up front in what they are…
thank you for your time in reading this.. I know some will not agree and that is your right..
Jan 28th, 2004
Does this mean that I can be kicked out of TSO for linking from my site to ebay? They sell Simoleans there…
Jan 28th, 2004
read your TOS Trey
Jan 28th, 2004
Apart from the highly amusing and “where the hell did you get that from?” comment about TSO being in 3D (they must be confused with Sims 2) , Mr Browns comment that one part of the reason uri was exiled from TSO lands that he “annoyed other players” is pure rubbish and more excuse grasping to validate thier actions. Im quite sure Mr Ludlow was/is not a griefer. LOL.
Mafias and scammers are griefers, Not a blog reporter taking interviews and spreading factual negative views about TSO.
“Mr Brown” should talk to me, I could tell him a few things.
- RB
Jan 28th, 2004
RB, read Terra Nova. The professor implies on that site that I’m a griefer. He also persists on this site of accusing me of being ThanksALotUri. You know I’m neither of those things.
Catseye, Toy, and all BDSM people, please understand that the professor has just brought the existance of cyber-brothels, cybersex, BDSM, and mafia to the attention of the world press. His general presentation and the overall hook has been the idea that teens are being exposed to these by their very existance on the T-rated TSO.
Germaine Greer
Jan 28th, 2004
Does anyone think it was irresponsible and potentially harmful of the editor to publicize the true identity of Evangeline? A 17 year old kid! Frankly, being the adult, I think he should have known better. Getting scammed in an online game is not nearly as bad as as being stalked and possibly harmed in real life. Get some perspective.
Paul Tully
Jan 28th, 2004
Lol! Reading this brightened my day! So glad that you figured it out. Can’t really talk about the age thing, he’s older than me, but at least I don’t go around scamming people….Your my new idol! lol.
Maria LaVeaux
Jan 28th, 2004
“I dont care how much bad he did in the game, someone went out and investigated his identity, that is just wrong, people shouldnt have to worry about stuff like that. ”
I suppose it is news to some that this sort of Investigation IS possible.
I would tend to agree with Whatinhells point, but, if even 1% of what i heard regarding Evangelines activities is true, it was only a Matter of time before someone Retaliated in this Fashion.
I am sorry to say that Evangeline had a hand in bringing it on himself.
I am only moderatly computer literate, but i know persons who have nothing short of Phenominal skill in Cyberspace. Didn’t it ever occure to Evangeline that one of the people he took advantage of might themselves be, or at least be related to, an Outlaw Hacker?
This being the case, I think he should count himself Lucky that the worst that has happened is that he has been “Outed”. A lot worse things Could have been engineered.
Jan 28th, 2004
Coco I had understood that.. though I think the statement that because they are there is the Exposure is misleading.. actually this might be a good thing.. ~smiles~
point is that there are feds and other police like orginaztions that log onto chat sites and pretend to be underage just to hunt the predators.. maybe they will play Sims now as a new hunting ground? Also might wake up some Parents well ok the parents that actually do care about their kids
Jan 28th, 2004
I do not see what is so hard for you people and the proffessor to understand. HE CLEARLY broke the rules. Read the TOS, it is a binding legal contract and he clearly violated it. I am an advocate that speaks out against EA at many times on the Stratics boards and I am still here. I Said “hell” on the stratics boards and they did not use it to get rid of me.
The proffessor is just trying to use his status in society to get somewhere. I would just like to know why he has not been sued for libel and slander. He thinks he is so smart, but he does not realize that there are others of us who are smarter.
The proff has issues that is why I am coining the term “The nutty Proffessor!” I have been calling him this since his first article surfaced, and to be honest it is just a lame attempt at publicity for his book. Maby I will buy the book so I can hear all the B.S. that he wants to stuff it up with!
Sure he uses all this ISP stuff but just the same I dont think he has any reason to make up any stuff on Coco. I think that he needs to calm down, because he does not fit Abby’s definition of maturity. He fits my definition of a dolt. If he wants to act like a dotty fool he can do it on this site outside of the game.
Jan 28th, 2004
Minor’s full names and locations should not be disclosed in journalism for the protection of the youth, IMHO.
Jan 28th, 2004
Uri, you’ve sacrificed the safety of this kid for the sake of this blog. How do you feel about that? Just because you CAN do something, doesn’t mean you should. You’re a 47 year old man…where is your good judgement?
Jan 28th, 2004
Get over it Meanie. Nobody cares about vauge TOS technicalities anymore. You are grasping at the past for no reason. What’s done is done.
There is no danger to the youth here, As if you could’nt find his details yourself. This blog merely links to one such other website with that information.
Foolish young people like Van or anyone for that matter needs to realize just like in RL your actions online DO have consequences depending on how much of a major jackass you are to others.
You can’t hide behind your computer forever, You do get caught out eventually if your bad enough. Something unessercery has been removed from TSO and we are better for it.
- RB
Jan 28th, 2004
RB, its a legal contract. It is vague that is what all contracts are, and it makes it clear that you obviously dont know what a contract is/looks like in real life. I am a business fanatic; these things are mine fields and you have to be able to read between the lines. Most people can not read between the lines of a contract, as it takes a lot of skill.
This will never go to court becasue courts have no jourisdiction on the internet. That would be like me going to the supreme court here in Canada and asking them to rule against EA sure they could do it, and sure EA would have to comply but only because they have facillities in this country.
Jan 28th, 2004
EA is actually canadian owned a friend tells me. Yanks no longer control it. Quite interesting.
- RB
Jan 28th, 2004
Its not Canadian owned it just has more employees here than it has there because we have a lot of techies.
<3 Isabella
Jan 29th, 2004
I am still scamming n00b sims. Be careful =)
I live in Sweden irl. Haha you guys cant find my telephone number. Hahahaha i got the last laugh!
I am having fun. You guys cant stop me.
Dont hate me becoz im beautiful.
Ethel Williams
Jan 29th, 2004
I think you all suck. I am still having fun in this game! I don’t like Van but I think what you all did to him was wrong! If you ever got my personal info and put it out publicly I would sue you all! And you can’t call my mommy because I’m an adult:) And yes Isa, you did get the last laugh
Don’t hate us bc we’re beautiful!
Jan 29th, 2004
hmm Ethel Question…. if we could get your personal info would it not already be public?
Ethel Williams
Jan 29th, 2004
Is that a threat Cat? I don’t think you should threaten someone like me. Be careful
Jan 29th, 2004
not a threat just a statement.. in fact maybe you are paranoid as it is? in order to get information it would have to be public already no? common sense.. unfortunally once it is public you have no control over it anymore.. for example it is not legal to videotape someone inside their house if they do not know it.. once you leave that front door.. anyone can tape you and use it any way they wish to… just look at Chong
… I am betting (for I have no idea who you are) you are listed in the phone book… high school yearbook… and many other public formats which contain your real name… just pointing out that your information is already out there..
ok if you are not in a phonebook… how many spam mails do you get a day? where do you think they got that information from?…
Let me know how your lawsuit turns out Ethel
Ethel Williams
Jan 30th, 2004
You silly silly child. As a matter of fact, I am unlisted:). I do not have e-mail. You would never be able to guess where I am. Do not threaten me, be careful.
Jan 30th, 2004
LOL I am a child hmm well that would make you at least 56… although I do find it unbelievable that you do not have email.. you might not use it but you get a addy even when you use the computer labs…
my next question is this though what have you to hide that makes me a threat to you?
your just poting here gives the owner the IP addy so you are giving out your information to them..
but thank you for the honor of being a concern to you Ethel
Ethel Williams
Jan 30th, 2004
What do I have to hide? Well nothing really. This is a game silly, if I wanted my personal info out in the public wouldnt i give it myself? Wouldn’t my sims name be the same as mine? You are all taking this game way too seriously. I think it’s appropriate to tell you to mind your own business. I don’t care to know your RL info! So why are you so interested in me and the others? Did you know that people write me daily threatening to find me in RL and kill me? Do you really want to give out our personal info so these sickos can come find us? I think what you all are doing is unethical. You should feel sorry for what you have done to Van. Now everyone knows his RL info! After all this games theme is be someone else, why can’t you leave it at that? This is really bothering me that you are implying threats to me and the others. My personal info is none of your concern. If you really think you have the right to do this then you have serious issues. Please people, can’t you mind your own business?
Jan 30th, 2004
Ethel I do not want your info never said I did.. just saying that it is already out there was all… Van’s info was out there as well.. he got called on it well ok he got called… why did he get called?
it is a game you are correct which is why I am not concerned about it.. add the fact that for anyone to get me they better have a deep checkbook for the plane ticket gives me a little more comfort I too have been threatened but once I tell them my city they change their mind it is not worth it to them to seek me out and try to kill me… just empty threats when it is my time to go I will go.. nothing I can do about that so why worry?
I think if Van wasn’t flaunting what he was doing in game so much then nothing would have happened to him… just look at his last article here.. my question is now how bad does he seem to be?
Jan 30th, 2004
I agree Ethel. I think the editor ought to be ashamed for having exposed Van, regardless of whether or not his personal info was already on the net. The editor just made it that much more accessible to overly sensitive people who would want to get at him. People bring their own personal hang ups and baggage when they play TSO and want everything to be nice. They should just play the offline game if they want a boring little sim utopia.
Jan 30th, 2004
dont pick on the handicapped catseye….. its a bit like tring to teach a pig to sing.. it accomplishes nothing except wasting time and pissing the pig off
toy will continue to say that van and any of his ilk are not worth anyones time. they are nothing
Jan 30th, 2004
Toy is happedicapped like Evangeline.
Ethel, dont care about Van. She is worthless.
Ethel Williams
Jan 31st, 2004