SnowWhite and –Storm Resign SSG: Is it the end?
by Alphaville Herald on 12/01/04 at 4:52 pm
In the past few days SSG Overlord SnowWhite and key a general, –Storm, have resigned the SSG. Both officers site burnout with the game and with their responsibilities in SSG. The decision by –Storm also seems to have been driven by operational differences with SSG leader Sayeh in SWG. These resignations continue a series of devastating departures and resignations from SSG since the two typists for Mia Wallace have moved their primary activities to SWG. Since their departure, the top 4 remaining leaders of the SSG (SnowWhite, Hunter, Eva Marie, and –Storm), have now departed. No successor has been named.
Former SSG members hold that there are several reasons for the gradual dissolution of the SSG. A key factor is the departure of Mia Wallace/Sayeh for SWG. A number of important SSG operatives followed them there, and even those who attempted to keep a presence in both SWG and Alphaville found they were stretched too thin. Other SSG members have departed for other MMORPGs, including There, and Second Life. A number of these have commented that TSO simply “had no interesting content” to sustain their interest; the other MMORPGs were too attractive.
Another factor which SSG members have been reluctant to discuss are events involving the SSG guild on Shadowfire in SWG. Apparently, tensions over operational procedures in that guild created rifts in SSG that had consequences that spill over into Alphaville. Observers on Shadowfire not affiliated with the SSG have observed that the operational methods that were so successful on TSO may not have translated well to SWG. One veteran of MMORPG play (we will call her Omega) observed that “there was an incredible amount of in-fighting going on. I kept wondering if this was the same group that dominated a TSO server. If they have broken up, it doesn’t surprise me.”
Omega offered some possible explanations for the failure of SSG to operate smoothly in SWG:
1) SWG’s game-play doesn’t allow small-group domination the way TSO’s does.
2) SWG player base are not the kind of people who can be collared that way.
Which is the reason? Omega offered the following analysis:
“I think both are at work. There’s just no way for a guild to control more than its own city, and if player cities are not strategically important for the whole player base (they aren’t), then controlling your own city isn’t important. When I was there, they were trying to figure out how to get guild members to even spend time in the city. That’s not a recipe for, you know, one small group of people coordinating to turn griefers into outcasts. SWG, like most mmos, have an institutional, hard-coded structure of rewards and incentives that give order-oriented players no tools to deter griefing. Secondly, your typical RPG player relishes being an asshole to controlling types.., so I witnessed SSG leaders just being as brutal as they possibly could be to anyone not toeing the line, just booting them on the spot a la George Steinbrenner, and it having no effect on the guild membership or attitudes.”
What does this mean for the future of the SSG and Alphaville? Barring some return to TSO by Mia Wallace, it seems likely that the SSG will no longer be operational for the foreseeable future. The consequences for Alphaville? That depends upon one’s views of the contributions of the SSG (positive vs. negative). In an extended interview with -Storm that will be published in the Herald shortly, the former general summed up the situation in the following way:
” I think 5 months from now…I’ll look back on AV and laugh… because every hood will be *insert mafia name* OWNZ…and people will finally realize, that although our tactics are somewhat ruthless…we did a hell of a lot of good”
Jan 12th, 2004
A feint, a ruse, a maneuver. Don’t buy it. I was just attacked by two mafioso I never heard of, and I asked them who sent them, and they said “SSG”. They could be lying, of course, but Mia once said she wanted to control all the Sims in TSO, and I don’t think she will give up that goal so easily, even if SSG is more interesting for her. Their in-fighting on SWG will drive them back to TSO. If TSO comes up finally with a way to get custom content, they will be back in droves.
JC Soprano
Jan 12th, 2004
Dyre, ya I suspect there will be stragglers and rebels.. No worries.. Clean up begins soon lololol
JC Soprano
The Sim Mafia
Fighting SSG for almost a year..
JC Soprano
Jan 12th, 2004
Let’s also not forget they liked to do things in Mafia names to hide what they did and make the Mafia’s who actually did good, look bad.
JC Soprano
see other signature lol
Jan 12th, 2004
I’m relatively new to TSO and the part that bothers me is why we need either the Mafia groups or the SSG. Why can’t people just exist and play the game without another group trying to control them? If I wanted to be controlled I’d move back in with my parents. When I’m playing TSO I just want to have fun and not have to worry about being threatened or hurt.
PM Cruiser
Jan 12th, 2004
Dyerbrook I wouldn’t come back to Alphaville to listen to your nonsense if you were the last sim on earth. Mia never said “Mia once said she wanted to control all the Sims in TSO” so I hope someone believes your sillyness for your sake.
JC Soprano fighting SSG for a year? Where Yahoo? You are a gnat whos main goal in life is to spread rumors about other people because your own life isn’t interesting. Before you go talking about someone or to someone you might want to double check if you have taken your medication and look in the mirror.
As for the rest of TSO SSG you know what to do… the purpose of SSG was and will always be about friendship. Watch your friends backs and be there for them when they need you most. Boot and Ban then ignore those you deem disruptive players and ignore the silly comments someone might put in your friendship web to antagonize you. As for the problem of Scammers and untrustworthy sims. You dont have to trade with anyone you don’t trust .. so don’t do it unless you feel 100% comfortable. Maxis removed the ability to tear someones house down unless they give you build permissions .. do not give someone build permissions if you don’t absoulutly trust the sim.
As for SSG in TSO… thats up to those of you who remain. I refuse to be JC Soprano and conduct 90% of my time out of game pretending to be important. I never was to begin with. For those of you who have participated in SSG and moved on for one reason of another I appreciated your loyalty and friendship and if you are my friend then you still are right? I will cherish fond memories of those who have touched my heart and im sure you know how to get a hold of me if you need me.
As for TSO overall. Shadow Radio still exists and will be available to all to book parties.
PM Cruiser
Jan 12th, 2004
Marian, there is just a whole LOT more to this game than this stuff. For most of us, it doesn’t even exist for all practical purposes.
Jan 13th, 2004
PMC, I aim to be the last Sim on earth. And I will browse through my hundreds of screenshots about the evil deeds of the SSG, and I’ll find that one of Mia saying she wanted to take over all the Sims, it was a beaut. Perhaps she said it in jest? Ah, but the balloons don’t lie…
You all sound as if you are experiencing some sort of in-fighting, or breaking up. That’s all to the good. When there is the clash of the titans, it creates some free space for us mortals.
PM Cruiser
Jan 13th, 2004
I said my peace you are dismissed. Go back to the rock you crawled out from under. As for inner SSG fighting Snow and I are still friends she like myself found it was no longer fun to play with certain sims/people that we thought were our friends only to be backstabbed by them later. As for the gnats that had a kick trying so hard to make our gameplay miserable. Now like yourself will spend more time playing with themselves and seeking out obviously the much needed attention that they could never even attain since they were born in the world outside the box.
I will not be posting again or doing anymore interviews and neither will my wife . TSO doesnt deserve my attention or time (especially since they didnt help put a stop by banning for good disruptive players who continued to harrass myself and others) and you certainly don’t. Suggestion: Go board whore someplace where you are actually utilizing that confused brain of yours where it might do some good.. perhaps Slander me here all you wish but I will not be back other than to read uri’s interviews because I find him interesting and a decent person.
As for SWG SSG we know who our true friends are and we are having a blast.
Love and lightsabers,
PM Cruiser
P.S See ya there soon Snowie!!!
Selina Kyle
Jan 13th, 2004
We won! SSG is dead!
PS Im part of Evangeline’s network.. be careful
Much hate
Selina Kyle
JC SOprano
Jan 13th, 2004
JC Soprano fighting SSG for a year? Where Yahoo? You are a gnat whos main goal in life is to spread rumors about other people because your own life isn’t interesting. Before you go talking about someone or to someone you might want to double check if you have taken your medication and look in the mirror.
First of all thank you for bringing real life into play and talking about my medical condition (The meds comment).. See that has alwasy been your problem, you don’t know difference between real life and the game and mix the two. Yes everyone I am bi-polar, big fucking woopty do, PM here feels the need to air it like its a telethon or some shit. Who gives a fuck really?
We both know the truth. I beleived you said I was a dumbass who caused you much grief. lol You forget my battle with SSG was mainly a political one… to show the turth, and it’s finally coming out. I notice your real brave to reply in regards to something that you don’t even hardly play.. yet your telling me I am not in-game. That’s why I am still here and you got kicked out into a far away galaxy. Your 30 something man.. It’s time to grow up abd get past this high school drama and act your age.
I got an interview coming up thats gonna be published here that will shed the light on a few things about the lies you say we spread and the lies we all KNOW you spread. You tell me I need to check myself before I speak?? I kept proof. You got any?
See you turned this into a political attack against you.. I never mentioned your name once. Your just pissed becuase I called you and your wife Sesame Street Gangsters on national TV.. You have been ever since that. That’s also when the truth started coming out about the SSG. I had a bigger role than you think my friend.
PM, you just really need to take a step back and look in the mirror yourself, becuase that’s the biggest problem yo uand your group have… You think your shit don’t stink and can admit when your wrong. No one likes a know it all.
Anyway, I didn’t want to turn this into a personal attack, but this is the crap I have dealt with for a long ass time and it shows you the mentality of the group and that basically.. they don’t give a fuck..
As for:
I refuse to be JC Soprano and conduct 90% of my time out of game pretending to be important.
If my business is running successfully why does it matter where I run it? You and I both know that since EA harrasses me as well as your group and watches everything I say and do, it is more secure and makes a hell of a lot more sense for me to handle simple things outside of the game. I am in game.. Regularly.. You wouldn’t know though becuase you don’t play. Besides if I am doing my job, you shouldn’t know I am around.. Mafia is an underground organization remember? I am very much active.. to say otherwise is putting your foot in the mouth. So feel free.
Anyway, thats my 2 cents.
JC Soprano
Jan 13th, 2004
PMCruiser, I have to laugh how both the domme Lady Julianna, and you, a top operative of a totalitarian government wannabe, say to me “You’re dismissed,” as if this were a kingdom, you were the king, and I was your subject. Guess again. You can’t “dismiss” other Sims. At any point, we can log off, or delete and recreate or go to another city — you have no power over us.
I’m not sure I want to live in a world dominated by the Sopranos — I suppose I will only hear from them if I aspire to the top 10 lots in any category, which I don’t. But I would have to agree with JC that the hallmark of the SSG is that the operatives never go OOC. Except for possibly one time when Moe Wallace came over to the Flamingo for a beer and a chat about things a little more general than his usual mayhem, like the nature of the game in general, even as he was scoping out my lot with an aim to trash it later, I can’t think of a time when a single one of these terrors ever said “OOC, have to go take my daughter to ballet class, c u” or “OOC, sorry, gotta go have dinner”. They play the game relentlessly, 24/7. They stay in their Sim person ad nauseum. You have the feeling they are the kind of people who get up in the middle of the night and sit at the keyboard in their underwear, wrecking some hapless property owner’s KeWl ChIlL SpAcE, for the vicarious thrill of revenge and menace that it gives them — a substitute for whatever they lack in RL. I don’t know the psychological profile of people who would establish a menacing, threatening, and destructive entity, and take it into a fairly innocent game like this. As I’ve always been aware, fighting back would also mean that I’d have to be a geek and spend 24/7, especially because we partisans were few in numbers, and I wasn’t willing to do that.
Even if the SSG is dead, I don’t believe Alphaville is yet safe for democracy. It is a terribly weakened society, and it is the SSG that softened it up for the menace of the BDSM crowd. We shall see if the various mafias and would be kiddy governments aquire the might and menace of the SSG. Meanwhile, we small-holders can still live in a relatively harassment-free anarcho-syndicalist utopia.
Jan 13th, 2004
Dear Dyerbrook,
Without ssg you are Nothing. Have nothing. No purpose, no fight, no argument. You have no one to play with now and must play with yourself. How alone you must feel.
Game over…………….You missed bozo bucket number six!
I feel sorry for you.
Jan 13th, 2004
pffftttt, dyer, must you be the first to reply to every article on this blog? Do you really have to drag the D/s, M/s, BDSM, and Gor community into each and every thread? If I didn’t know better I would think you have a fetish based obsession with U/us, yeah that’s right, I used the dreaded BDSM speech, deal with it or run, your choice. I’m not a conspiracy theorist…..well, I once was but I’m much better now…but some think that you’re only Uri’s shill. Has Uri hired you to be the counterpoint and keep his blog interesting by keeping controversy fired up? Or do you really think that you’re AV’s own personal messiah? If Uri is paying you, I think you should be fired, you’re only a little parrot saying the same thing over and over. Is being boring grounds for dismissal of a shill? If you’re truly O/our messiah in your eyes….well, face reality pal, nobody here is looking for a messiah, much less one who acts more like Saul of Tarsus than Yeshua.
Darksoul……..Ummah’s Own Personal Jesus
Jan 14th, 2004
Be careful of my network..sims will not know the worry free feeling of inviting new roomies in there properties or trusting one network,be careful
JC Soprano
Jan 14th, 2004
Your network? You a Ladden wanna-be? hahaha What did that have to do with jack? Give up? Not a damn thing! lol
JC Soprano
Truth Seeker
Jan 14th, 2004
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, lmao, Just a matter of time, anyone that new them would know this. Follow the Yellow Brick Road to your hearts desire, reap and you shall recieve, lol, that sounds religious but it is not, but nothing wrong with that.
I am not Dyer, not in any group, I just enjoy life and all that it has to offer. I have been around and seen my fair share of all though. I choose to stay out and mind my own business unless it steps on my toes, then you have another thing coming, I was once told I wear steel toed boots, lmao.
Someone told me once, PYOG, and after I thought about it and saw alphaville in a new light, I decided to do that. Thank you to who ever is behind that saying.
Still dancing happily ding dong the witch is dead, hehehehe, hahahahahahahahaha
Jan 14th, 2004
“I’m not Dyer”?
Really? doh… ['slapsforehead']['waves']['wink']['smiles']
Jan 14th, 2004
LMAO, if you only knew sweetie who I was!!!!1
Jan 15th, 2004
You are all so frigging gay. Jesus.
Jan 15th, 2004
Do we even care who you are?
Jan 17th, 2004
I wanted to know if anyone read the back of their box?
What does game mean to you?
Jan 19th, 2004
I just wanted to take a second to sit back and laugh at those of you who think that SSG is dead. SSG can not die, its a spirit in each SSGer that will live for a long time. I personally will continue to fight for SSG in TSO as long as Maxis allows me. And JC I have yet to met you, but when we do I am sure it will be intersting to say the least. I pledge my full loyalty to SSG and PM I have always have your back. ~Storme~
JC Soprano
Jan 19th, 2004
I think this thread is dead like the SSG is lolol
JC Soprano
max keeble
Feb 6th, 2004
not dead but the mafia is!