On the Map: Interview with Godfather Antonio Armone
by Alphaville Herald on 07/02/04 at 11:45 am
Several weeks ago the AVH reported that the collapse of the Sims Shadow Government would lead to the rise of Mafia activity in Alphaville. That prophesy has certainly been fulfilled, with one neighborhood currently under the control of X-Mafia and another under control of mafia newcomers, the Armone Family (many members of which are ex-ssg). Meanwhile, members of the Blazing Falls Syndicate have been pouring into Alphaville and are surrounding the X-Mafia neighborhood and the Syndicate will itself be on the map shortly. Complicating issues, the Armone family has allied itself with X-mafia. In this interview we talk with Armone Godfather Antonio Armone (formerly ssg’s Tommy Morta) about the sim-mafia meta-game. And no surprise: it’s getting personal! He talks smack about the Syndicate’s Tony Gambino and Evita Carbone, The Simmafia’s JC Soprano, and his ex-ssg boss PM Cruiser. Duck and cover!
Urizenus: Name, rank, and serial number please:
Antonio Armone: GF-Antonio Armone
Antonio Armone: Godfather of the Armone Family
Urizenus: Before this you were in the ssg?
Antonio Armone: Yep…for all my simlife – SSG is all I’ve known
Antonio Armone: that’s been about since release date
Urizenus: what were your names there?
Antonio Armone: Tommy Morta and Salvatore Leon
Urizenus: While you played alpha were you also in other cities (in your ssg days)
Antonio Armone: Yep..in Blazing Falls with a friend of mine in the Marcellos, then Lucianos, and most recently Carbones
Urizenus: So you are still playing in BF?
Antonio Armone: Occasionally…now its a second sim rather than a shared first with AV
Urizenus: We’ll get back to the Carbone’s and the Syndicate in a bit, but let’s talk about your new mafia now…
Urizenus: When did you start it? Was it with the collapse of the ssg?
Antonio Armone: Yep, the night SnowWhite – a good friend – left SSG and TSO
Urizenus: why start a mafia? expecially since ssg had a no-mafia policy?
Antonio Armone: i figured i would start Armone (originating in TC ages ago) to AV..giving me reason to play there still
Antonio Armone: Snow’s leaving wasn’t the only thing….some of it was also added by the…nameless….idiot that plays SWG now
Antonio Armone: his backstabbing, lies, etc…i lost good friends because he fed me with lies about them
Urizenus: ok, we’ll get to him in a bit, but my question is… why not start a nice skill house instead of a mafia?
Antonio Armone: less fun in running a skill house….with a mafia i get to have fun as well as playing my sim with a big ass ego..lol
Antonio Armone: the “you can’t touch me” approach
Urizenus: ok, why is it fun to play mafia?
Antonio Armone: power, respect, money….i realize that some in TSO don’t acknowledge the mafia / respect them…but some do…it’s that it’s all about
Antonio Armone: getting your name out there, and getting it big
Urizenus: is there really money in it?
Antonio Armone: lots..lol
Urizenus: well, what counts as a lot?
Antonio Armone: right now i am at 1 mill, due to loans – houses being built, etc….but usually about 2-3 mill
Antonio Armone: just in my pocket
Urizenus: you can make 1 mil per how many days?
Antonio Armone: boarding nonstop for 24 hrs a day, id say 2 days…but I’m not one that stays up to board all night – i like to play around…show those who question power who they are messing with (notice the ego? )
Urizenus: where does the money come from? tagging people and making them pay to lift the tag? protection money?
Antonio Armone: i dont tag innocent, “commoner”, sims to extort…what we do is play TSO just like all others…we work – if someone we tag is a “big dog” in a rival mafia, hell – why not try and get em to pay…but the money goes to the tagger – they did the work after all
Urizenus: so then how do you end up with a million or more simoleans?
Antonio Armone: Working, I’ll admit..i hit the boards occasionally..but most of it is from other cities that i get traded
Urizenus: working at what? not the robot factory obviously
Antonio Armone: lol..nah
Antonio Armone: in other cities i used to maze – now i just board or something when i need a little money
Urizenus: ok, now AJ Down, from JP has written that only about 1% of all sims play in mafias or even notice them. Does that sound right to you?
Antonio Armone: id say about 25%…but those that do play make up for those that don’t acknowledge….we are a tightly knit family
Urizenus: 25% play in mafias?
Antonio Armone: just about, give or take
Urizenus: So, why was the Armone Mafia able to be so successful so quickly?
Antonio Armone: I’ll admit, it is mostly made up of friends I’ve made in my history in SSG
Urizenus: ok, so who are you main members?
Antonio Armone: want their SSG names or Armone names? lol
Urizenus: both, lol
Antonio Armone: some of em might not wannabe revealed but some wont mind I’m sure..
Urizenus: just the ones that you can reveal
Antonio Armone: I am Tommy Morta…Adele is CharmedSara…Kim is Kimmers…Matt/Storm is Storm…Leroy is T Master…Ken is K Master..Ethan is Sculley…Dukky is Alex aka Sittingduk…
Antonio Armone: lots more, lol
Urizenus: how many ssg-ers do you have in the Armone family?
Antonio Armone: 1/2 to 3/4 is old SSGers or friends from my SSG days…others are new recruits
Urizenus: how many are in your family total?
Antonio Armone: i lost count after 50 (that includes Caporegimes, Godmother/Father, Underbosses, Advisors, RightHands)
Antonio Armone: a ton of UC’s
Urizenus: so will you join the BF Syndicate then?
Antonio Armone: Even though my ingame mom is Evita Carbone…i didn’t nor do i plan to
Antonio Armone: we allied with XMafia, their enemies
Antonio Armone: they hurt a friend of mine, along with several of her friends…i don’t stand for that..they took it out of game
Antonio Armone: if i went into that the interview would be hell..lol
Urizenus: Well, I noticed today that the Syndicate is currently surrounding the x-mafia neighborhood and it looks like they will be on the map soon
Antonio Armone: yep..evita swore up and down that BFS would never come into AV…look at her lies
Urizenus: Are you concerned about this development?
Antonio Armone: i originally told her to come in as temp houses, just to build up my hood…she told me flat out – BFS wasn’t getting involved in AV
Urizenus: lol, that’s the oldest line in the book
Antonio Armone: yea, i waited for the taggers from BFS to come
Antonio Armone: they came, and look at the hood
Urizenus: So the taggers are here now?
Antonio Armone: just random “newbie looking” sims
Urizenus: in suits, lol
Antonio Armone: 0 days old, newbie bios etc
Urizenus: Well, what do you have to say to the Godfather Tony Gambino of the Syndicate? or to Evita?
Antonio Armone: Heh
Urizenus: no comment?
Antonio Armone: No Comment…ill tell them in person if time comes
Urizenus: It sounds to me like you are afraid of them.
Antonio Armone: nah…i’m a person that doesn’t like things to be public that could be private
Antonio Armone: id rather tell her than have her read it on a page – in other words
Urizenus: well, when they get a neighborhood that says Sydicate it’s going to be a pretty public statement
Antonio Armone: lol, you got me on that point
Urizenus: they are also carving up your allies the X-mafia pretty good right now
Urizenus: X could lose their neighborhood within the week
Antonio Armone: X is pretty big, we are the ones that keep losing our hood to Express-Lane and now The Witches’ Circle
Urizenus: The witches’ circle is that big now? lol
Antonio Armone: we just knocked it off map within the last 5 seconds
Antonio Armone: lol
Urizenus: so you’re not afraid of the witches, but you are afraid of Tony Gambino?
Antonio Armone: LOL
Antonio Armone: nah
Urizenus: what did the Sydicate do when they went “out of game”?
Antonio Armone: ill keep it simple..
Antonio Armone: a girl sim buddied up to an Xmafia guy..became “sim lovers”…soon to find out – the “girl” he liked was a syndicate member in a plan to backstab him…it went thru and some pretty bad things turned out
Antonio Armone: it wasn’t that simple but I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate if i went further
Urizenus: and the X mafia guy was a friend of yours?
Antonio Armone: Yep
Urizenus: it seems to me that this sort of thing happens a lot in tso
Antonio Armone: not to this level
Urizenus: you mean it usually ends with a house demolition?
Urizenus: but this went further?
Antonio Armone: yep
Urizenus: So, who runs X mafia in alphaville now?
Antonio Armone: Stone and his wife Angel
Urizenus: oh ok, what do you think about the Syndicate taking control of the X web site?
Antonio Armone: there was no hacking involved…as being a former member of the syndicate – i want to put this out there
Urizenus: clearly, but … what do you think?
Antonio Armone: the XM site was owned by Trigger, when he went Gambino – he took the site with him
Antonio Armone: lol, it was a good “Boom”…
Urizenus: ok… But has X recovered from that humiliation?
Antonio Armone: but it wasn’t stolen, he owned it so it was his choice to do as he pleases…so XM didn’t really lose anything in it (like in a demo where you gotta spend time rebuilding or cleaning
Urizenus: well, sure, but…
Urizenus: Any thoughts on JC Soprano?
Antonio Armone: total [expletive delete]..lmao
Antonio Armone: but wait…
Antonio Armone: don’t post his name, he has it trademarked and it is against federal law…yadda yadda
Antonio Armone: i got his shiz about that…had his name posted on my site
Urizenus: what’s your url?
Antonio Armone: www.armonefamily.moonfruit.com
Urizenus: I’ll put up the link
Antonio Armone: kk
Urizenus: Do you consider JC a player in the impending alphaville mafia wars? or is he gonna be on the sidelines
Antonio Armone: i dont think his family can waddle fast enough to get into the game
Antonio Armone: aside from that..
Antonio Armone: JC is only on for 10 minutes a week..max
Antonio Armone: always in yahoo — “giving orders”
Urizenus: But isn’t he allied with The Black Hand?
Antonio Armone: nope
Antonio Armone: enemies
Urizenus: oh, so who is he allied with?
Antonio Armone: no one
Urizenus: I forgot to ask if you guys were using laggers.
Antonio Armone: nope..
Urizenus: why does JC think you are?
Antonio Armone: JC claims that when we tag it freezes their games?
Urizenus: yah
Antonio Armone: lol, if i knew of a lagger he’d be red as all hell
Urizenus: So how come you are so eager to talk trash about JC but not Tony G?
Antonio Armone: i don’t know tony
Antonio Armone: only talked to him about 2 times
Antonio Armone: all i know is that Tony doesn’t know where the CAPS button is, and he cant talk for shit
Urizenus: so Tony G doesn’t know where the CAPs button is and can’t talk for shit?
Antonio Armone: right
Urizenus: got it
Urizenus: Now we’re getting somewhere!
Urizenus: Well Evita then
Antonio Armone: evita is my [sim] mom, i respect her…but damn she’s a bitch..
Urizenus: So why is your sim mom a bitch?
Antonio Armone: might as well start shit talking…lmao
Antonio Armone: just the blatant disrespect…her humongous ego…all that
Antonio Armone: i have an ego, but i know when to limit
Antonio Armone: she is hooked on her being the queen.. only her
Urizenus: why, what does she do that shows EGO
Antonio Armone: not being able to live with XMafia in BF
Urizenus: Well, isn’t playing against X simply their game?
Urizenus: ya gotta have an enemy, no?
Antonio Armone: yea, but an 8 month war…lol
Antonio Armone: too long in TSO…
Urizenus: Well, maybe after this they will leave X alone and come after you!
Antonio Armone: lol, I’m sure they are plotting against me as we speak.. I’m guessing they know about XM and Armone alliance
Antonio Armone: it’s open in my bio
Urizenus: they will by tomorrow!
Antonio Armone: lol, that im sure
Urizenus: lemme ask some philosophical questions here
Urizenus: Does it seem to you like playing ssg and now mafia was a way to invent a meta-game for tso?
Antonio Armone: i think that i can consider this as payback to SSG…i have nothing against storme…just PM
Urizenus: so it isn’t fun, it’s just for payback?
Antonio Armone: nah
Antonio Armone: it’ hella fun
Antonio Armone: i get to be with friends that I’ve had for a year..now its a family
Urizenus: let’s make this question more general so personalities don’t get involved: do you think that the whole mafia gaming thing is just a way that people have to take a deadly boring game and make it fun?
Antonio Armone: definitely
Antonio Armone: the game has no life
Antonio Armone: other than boarding..all that crap
Urizenus: what is so fun about boarding?
Antonio Armone: nothing, in my opinion
Antonio Armone: mafia may sound corny in TSO…i mean, ya cant kill or any of that..
Antonio Armone: but Tagging, it hurts you if you let it
Antonio Armone: most people hate that little red scar on their webs
Urizenus: yup, they sure do!
Urizenus: What would happen if maxis changed the game so that you had to accept enemy links?
Antonio Armone: ugh
Antonio Armone: mafia would die
Urizenus: Ever think about leaving tso?
Antonio Armone: mmhm
Antonio Armone: about 3 times i really considered having a rl
Urizenus: lol
Urizenus: there are also other games. fun ones!
Antonio Armone: yea
Antonio Armone: i tried out Second Life
Antonio Armone: tried out There
Antonio Armone: nothing compares…i don’t care how cool SWG is
Antonio Armone: TSO is my original
Urizenus: so you are staying here until the bitter end?
Antonio Armone: I’m staying ‘til servers close…i want the “i was here the last minute” statue
Matthew Armone AKA Storm
Feb 7th, 2004
On the account of him accusing the Armones and X Mafia (and virtually everyone who tag his pathetic excuse for a family); We have never, nor ever will, use any sorta of hacking device. That is unfair, no fun, and takes the level of play to a new height. Just as I will never hurt a “commoner” (normal sim Lol), or scam a person, I also will never use a lagger, Trojan, or keylogger on someone.
But…Since JC decides to play the name-calling, I would like to point out that you use the yahoo booter on people all the time Chase. I know you were using it on SnowWhite and Antonio a couple days ago, and me 4 days ago (You took me off ignore and I started getting booted, then you put me back on and it stopped…Curious? /:) )
Ever wondered why you have so many enemys yet so few (actually none LOL) allies JC? Perhaps because you talk to much, get in others buisness WAY to much, pretend to be bigger than you are, and are worse (Yes, I hate the SSG with a vengeance now) than PIers was when it comes to having your head bloated past the normal level of safety.
You want proof I never froze your screen and hacked you Jeremy? Ask Liona anyday. I’ve known her for 400 days, was the one who brought her out of CC, and she can tell you anyday I couldn’t hack my way out of a paper bag!
-Neutralizing JC’s only weapon – slander
Feb 7th, 2004
Remember tommy, not all of your members are newbies or ex-ssg’ers. Im here ,Disturbed angel is here, And Nymph is here. Im sure if twitty was still around hed be in the mafia too.
Feb 7th, 2004
His guy is a 14 year old kid. He is actually 14 in real life! How can he succesfully run and control a mafia family with over 50 members? The answer is he cant and 50 members ya right. He even has a bedtime. One time i was talking ot him in yahoo and he was like gtg my mom says it time for me to go to bed, i got school tomorow.” He has got no life and no girl friend in rl so he make a fake life in TSO and he even found a fake TSO girl friend. He told me he want to marry her when they meet outside the game. ROFLMAO. I rember tagging his sim ‘Tommy Morta amd 5 minutes after I tagged him he recreated just over a dumb red link. I even made a clone of his sim and he freeked out I pretended to be him and broke up with his girl friend in game and hse was like ” Nooooo Tommy I love you i tought we were going to get married.” The arm one family pronouced arm then the number 1 is a fad check out a real mafia http://www.thesimmafia.com
Gian you should get a life and ill talk to you in yahoo is your yahoo id still simsalvatoreleon ?
Ares Armone
Feb 7th, 2004
ok, STAMP, I don’t know you and I dont want to know you, but I’ll tell you this: Don’t critisize the young. Tellin Antonio that he can’t run or control a mafia just because of his age is plain stupidity. Forget what he said about a bedtime, it doesn’t matter because you’re a fool in the end for even saying it. So what if he doesn’t have a life or a rl girlfriend? I don’t either and I could give a shit less. You just need to accept that not all people are as nieve as you. The Sims Mafia isn’t a real mafia because not only do you have no allies, which you need, you’re run by someone who isn’t online for 5 minutes a week. Really pathetic…
Angelina Marie Armone
Feb 7th, 2004
We have about 50 members. If he wasnt able to control all 50 members there wouldnt be an Armone family. STAMP here is one of the many examples of ppl who like to ruin the game for others “One time i pretended to me him.”
STAMP you should be the one to get a life, and stop ruining others lifes because you dont have one.
Feb 7th, 2004
Ego fueled leadership leads to the death of almost all mafia families.
JC Soprano
Feb 7th, 2004
Why did this get published again? They’re on the map? Not anymore. lol They were on the map for like 2 or 3 days. Besides, what type of Mafia advertises themselves all over the place? All I got to say is Ex-SSG. I don’t even have to defend myself. I mean he’s Ex-SSG. lol How amusing. Andy S is Acidic Armone and Matthew Armone, Tommy Morta is Antonio Armone. Those were the two worst SSG members next to Eva Marie. Hell, even she was more mature than them two. Let’s keep in mind Tommy is also only 14 people. Anyway, thanks for the laugh. And if you people post back, it just encourages them.. 5 to 1 says right now they feel like hot shit.. Well shit stinks lolol
JC Soprano
Ares Armone
Feb 7th, 2004
JC, you’re never on and you don’t know what the hell goes on. Tommy, Eva, and Andy were important in SSG, so you can just run your little shitass mafia who couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag, bark orders from the comfort of yahoo, critisize those better than you all you want out of envy, and be a fool. Just shut up and butt out of the real mafias while you’re doing it.
Feb 7th, 2004
I’m just dropping in to say that the smack talking is ok on this level, but let’s keep it on this level. Don’t let it get ugly. I’ve got friends on both sides of this, and both sides can take care of themselves, but I don’t want the smack to turn into real world attacks. What I’m trying to say is, if you wanna diss someone for being a crap Boss, that is fine, but try to stay away from attacks on the r/l typist behind the avatar. (I know that distinction bleeds, but do your best).
This has been a public service announcement.
JC Soprano
Feb 7th, 2004
I’m never on.. I love that one. Maybe I play in other cities, or perhaps am handling business on Yahoo. Just becuase I have a life outside the game and can still stay on top makes you jealous. You have a life yes.. It’s just very dull I hear. Don’t worry about what I do with my $10 a month lol. Your just jealous cuz you got to pay for your gaming with a food stamp. Meanwhile I’m out buying my members game cards when they can’t afford to play. Why? That’s family.
Anyway, I don’t know you Ares, so I recommend taking a step back, becuase I’ll tear you up on these posts like a $2 dollar whore (pronounced Jersey style.. who-are). Used and abused. This is fun… Weeeeeeeeee!
Oh someone said something baout me not having allies makes me not a mafia. News flash, there are no allies between mafias in real life. There are business partnerships. In this life, there are no friends and shit runs downhill. Write that down. I don’t think a single mafia family in this game knows the meaning of a true allie. An allie is not someone you just coordinate attacks with. All these Mafias do now is fight. This is a business, not Unicef. I’m in it to make money… As the TRUE mafia is.
JC Soprano
Feb 8th, 2004
If only twitty were still here…..
Antonio Armone (aka Tommy Morta)
Feb 8th, 2004
“I’m never on.. I love that one. Maybe I play in other cities, or perhaps am handling business on Yahoo. Just becuase I have a life outside the game and can still stay on top makes you jealous.”
Ok, lets drop the age shit right here…me being 14 has JACK SHIT to do with how well I can play TSO or organize/manage 50+ people…
An 8 yearold can do just as much in this game as a 90 yearold…tagging, demos, to even going out of game and using a boot bot *cough* Chase *cough* xxxxx *cough*
STAMP…fuck off, let me clear the air on what he did…i feel that this is necessary because he says shit that didnt happen…
He made a temp sim named Tommy Morta- and tried to dump my ingame GF, CharmedSara…she knew it was bullshit so her and I laughed it up in yahoo..
At the time, i was concerned with keeping my “goody goody SSG” likeness strong so i didnt want this worthless piece of shit going around ruining my reputation…
He *DID* tag my second account, TommyMorta, as I was trading the things to my main acct (Tommy Morta’) so i could delete my 2nd…only because I let him…i traded my stuff and went idle on my main and let him tag my second just because i was planning on deleting…hell, let him have his glory..
Yes Jinjo, I also apoligize for not mentioning the non-ssgers that i had met during my SSG “term”…they include the list he gave above along with a few new recruits…
Yes, STAMP…i do have a bedtime – 10 o’clock on weekdays for all of you whom are concerned…thats so i can actually stay awake and learn during school the next day and not turn to be like you…you cant pronounce simple words..so as i sit here trying to decipher your rambling guttertrash, ill continue to comment on each and every post on here as of yet…hang with me audience…lmao
“Oh someone said something baout me not having allies makes me not a mafia. News flash, there are no allies between mafias in real life. There are business partnerships. In this life, there are no friends and shit runs downhill. Write that down. I don’t think a single mafia family in this game knows the meaning of a true allie. An allie is not someone you just coordinate attacks with. All these Mafias do now is fight. This is a business, not Unicef. I’m in it to make money… As the TRUE mafia is.”
This may be true, but it is NOT..again, NOT…the real mafia. This is TSO Mafia…we make our own rules and run how we like it..not how someone behind a computer screen tells us to…I have my own guidelines, but those are just to keep order..
You realize, you cant tear me up “like a 2 dollar who-are” for shit…not only am i smarter than you (at 14..amazing), but i know how to talk without random capital letters and more than a few misspellings..
Ego is always the cause of the fall of TSO mafiosi..like the ancient romans or greeks, tried to take over too much land and were spread too thin (in this case cities)…
STAMP, our mafia is pronounced Arm-ohn..say it three times fast if you can manage to say it at all..
JC, You envy Eva, Andy, and I for how we knocked you out for so long…your website claims you had much to do with the fall of SSG when you OR YOUR FAMILY is never on…”managing business from yahoo” or downloading free porn…
As much as you claim we are using laggers..if they even exist??..we arent – we go to a house..wait for one of your members to fuck up..and look at that…they are painted red..
Evita Carbone, My old Sim-mom in BF…all I gotta say is hey…that should be enough to piss you off
but just in case..ill leave you with…”Trust No One..” =]
Alright, Im done…Ill wake up tomorrow and reaad the thousands of responses this gets…lmao
.::Antonio Armone::.
>> Boss of Xmafia in Alphaville > Godfather of the Armone Family
Santino D. Satriale
Feb 8th, 2004
*sits back, watches the show, quietly bides time.*
Ares Armone
Feb 8th, 2004
Ok, JC, it seems you have a certain dislike to me now that I’ve said that. Hey, it’s not my fault you take credit for other people’s work, or say you’re doing “business” in yahoo (which could be xxxxxx for all I care), or that you’re a complete fool who’s ego is larger than his brain (which isn’t at all suprising). We all know you have certain issues which will never clear up, just live with it. Oh, and while I’m at it..as Happy Bunny says..”Your anger makes me happy”
JC Soprano
Feb 8th, 2004
Ego is always the cause of the fall of TSO mafiosi..like the ancient romans or greeks, tried to take over too much land and were spread too thin (in this case cities)…
Jinjo said Ego was the fall too.. Hmmm.. And I quote:
Antonio Armone: less fun in running a skill house….with a mafia i get to have fun as well as playing my sim with a big ass ego..lol
See Tommy, you talk shit that has nothing to do with game as well. People downloading underage porn or getting raped in boarding school as you put it. Dude, I know your 14, but if you was my kid I’d wash your mouth out with soap. You don’t talk to or about people like that. It’s just not even cool. There is a difference between in-game and out, you obviously don’t know it.
As for the lagger, I quote again:
Antonio Armone: lol, if i knew of a lagger he’d be red as all hell
Obviously you condone cheating. I never said he used it, I said he condones his family using them. Next topic.
Ares, don’t even try to get in the ring on here.. You ain’t up for it. Read your bosses statements, you must be no older than him by your cybering with lil girls comment. For the record this is the shit talking that Uri was referring too and I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets removed on both your posts.
As for my playing in Yahoo or having a big ego, who gives a fuck. I mean you sit here and bitch that I never play or I sit here and have a big ego, yet I’m not the one going around trying to be big and bad ass (I mean people can tell who has the ego on here.) or complaining about a player who is supposedly never in-game. Which is it??? Make up your minds.. If I’m a nobody who doesn’t do shit to you since I never play then why you wasting your typing on me… Move on. Theres a reason why I have been in 30+ press articles, I’m better than this shit and I don’t take no shit. One article in an unpublished website and you think your king shit lol.. Your not even o nthe map anymore.. That’s what’s really funny.
See Ares if you weren’t a newb to these boards you would have already seen this was an issue that has long been over with and discussed. Move on. For the record your 50 members, I know a good chunk are multiple accounts. That’s some X-Mafia shit, try to increase your numbers by owning more than 1 account and claiming them for a member. No wonder your allies.
Anyways, reply back with some more immature shit so we can all sit back and laugh at you and I can reply and make fun of you some more for your stupidity and your families stupidity. =)
JC Soprano
Feb 8th, 2004
Let the post die, Jeremy Chase isn’t worth it since he can happily talk big…but when I ask him to unignore me to talk with him civilly in yahoo it’s another thing.
oh yeah JC…May I remind you about ‘bringing it out of game’ that Stamp gave out my E-mail address and RL address out to “Gay Hateers Internet sites” as a type of revenge on me?
First off I’m straight lol, so even though there wrong as hell that’s even more so. Not to mention I’m still getting stalkers because of that
So no JC, no one is innocent lool. Please…Just let this chat die people, it was NOT a good interview at all which we can all see, Uri seemingly was trying to make Tommy act like am immature prat, and that is not cool at all. So just let it die.
– Not one of your better interviews at all Uri, sorry, I like most of them normally, but you seemed to want him to badmouth Vita or Tony Gambino (who never plays anyways, so what is the point other than pissing off Gambinos?)
JC Soprano
Feb 8th, 2004
Storm, I am always willing to let these posts die, but I’m not gonna leave it with some of the comments that were made. Even you have to realize that they are uncalled for or necessary. You refer to me by my real name though I have asked you several times not to. I wouldn’t be surprised if your post will be removed or edited as well. As for Stamps actions, that’s not cool, but he was also not a member at the time, so that’s on him, not me.
As for it not being a good story and Uri was trying to make him look immature, etc. I have known Tommy since long before SSG, and I know Uri. This was a fair interview, Tommy just opted to act like a dumbass and be immature. That’s not Uri’s fault. It’s his fault for letting him have a forum to act like a dumbass. Blame him for that, but not Tommy’s actions. I warned Uri about it and I also warned Evita about Tommy. This is what happens when people do not heed good advice. Bites them in the ass. So let me give you some advice now Storm, get a new voice for your Mafia and take away Tommy’s speaking rights on forums like this.. He is not mature enough to handle it. He does what is expected… Acts his age.
As for chatting with me Andy.. Your off ignore and have been for some time. Not sure what your bitching about. But you abuse yahoo again with me, and well, you’ll say hello to a few friends. Capiche?
JC Soprano
JC Soprano
Feb 8th, 2004
P.S. You can’t take the heat get the fuck out the kitchen.
JC Soprano
Feb 8th, 2004
OK guys, you’re forcing me to delete remarks here. General rule: If you are accusing someone of something that could be taken as being a r/l crime I’m going to cut it. If you can’t figure that out ask for help.
Antonio Armone (aka Tommy Morta)
Feb 8th, 2004
Ill be the first one to admit it – i have an ego in TSO…but that is backed up by me being able to control and keep some form of order over 50+ people as well as deal with your taggers…lmao
I know where to limit the ego that i have..unlike some people that claim they are “top shit” when all they do is “give orders from yahoo” to who? the family that is never on?
JC, youre just jealous that your TEN member…count em…TEN MEMBER mafia, cant touch a mafia of over 50 ppl LEAD BY A 14 YEAROLD
Bottom Line, JEREMY CHASE…
Cant take the Heat..get outta Alphaville – or in this case, yahoo
.::Antonio Armone::.
>> Xmafia Boss in Alphaville
>> Godfather of the Armone Family
Feb 8th, 2004
~looks up from the Herald.. scritches her head then grins, realizing she has stumbled across the comic section of the Herald~
Sonny Satriale
Feb 8th, 2004
Antonio Armone: JC, youre just jealous that your TEN member…count em…TEN MEMBER mafia, cant touch a mafia of over 50 ppl LEAD BY A 14 YEAROLD
Bottom Line, JEREMY CHASE…
Kristen Carbone
Jan 20th, 2009
hahaha wow this old as hell but I gotta say:
BFS SYNDICATE represent!
sry to all the people I terrorized back in the day I was like 10, just kidding I am not sorry. Anyway Gambinos,montanas carbones 4 evah ? yeah I was a family hopper but I was in 3 of the most powerful families in tso mafia history.
Btw, Tommy is bad news, if you dont know that by now you are a SUCKER. He was perfect tho, and he could lead people, if you doubted him he could prove u wrong im sure.
Playing warcraft now, if any old time tso pplz wanna ever reunite send me a yahoo krisaria_zola@yahoo.com
Nov 29th, 2009
LOL, just stumbled across this old gem. Good freaking lord, we were all retarded.. fun times nonetheless, heh.
-Tommy Morta
Kristen Carboner
Sep 10th, 2010
lol hell yeah it was fun times…
first online game I ever played. lmao you were such a jerk tommy, but I liked you because of that though.
Don’t call my mom a BITCH! lmaooooo. don’t make me tag you bro, lol (our online family had issues)
so funny, we made that game fun.
I wish they would make a sims emulator, i’d play! Are you playing swg emu tommy aka sheol?
Apr 17th, 2013
Every so often, I go into nostalgia-mode and google my old name. lolol at this whole article. Hope everyone’s doing well, 10 years later!
Haven’t touched SWGEMU in ages, Kris. Figured I’d give it time to develop. Currently working on The Elder Scrolls Online, though! =)
If anyone wants to get in touch, my email is oqtix90@gmail.com
Obvious Schism
Apr 24th, 2013
Good God. A thread resurrected from 2004. These are the depths that he Herald has sunk to.
Jan 10th, 2015
How’s 2015, then?
One of those nostalgia times, I suppose.