AVG gets New CIA Chief
by Alphaville Herald on 31/03/04 at 11:20 pm
The Alphaville Government has replaced its CIA Chief Fans, who left the game recently following altercations with noted scammer and opponent of the Alphaville Government, Mr. President Bradley. In his press release, the new Director, named Alex Sanchez, promises to be a much tougher customer. He has already thrown down the gauntlet to the “Enemies of the State” — which commentators take to be a thinly veiled reference to Mr. Bradley and other griefers in the game. On the one hand this move raises concerns that Mr-President is becoming too authoritarian (perhaps in response to feeling pressure from Ashley Richardson’s anti-scammer campaign). Is this an election season political move by Mr-President? Another concern is that this is just going to escalate the interplayer warfare in a game where disputes are starting to spill “out of game.” Time will tell. Press release follows.
Today a change in leadership has occurred. A new C.I.A. Director has been announced and sworn in. I am that new Director. I have been a pillar in the Alphaville Community since I started playing Mid-2003. Some of you may feel that due to the fact I am a semi-new member to the Alphavile Government that I am unable to perform the duties of my job. To those who feel this way, you are in for a very rude awakening. In fact, a lot of you are in for a rude awakening. Unlike my previous predecessors, I will not tolerate any violations of our policies, procedures or government-established laws. We must lead by example, too must depends on what we do.
For those who have forgotten what we are doing, we are protectors of the stability of the Alphaville Government and the great city of Alphaville. While we do work abroad, our fcus is Alphaville and always will be. As I said, too much depends on what we do.
As a member of the Alphaville Government you will notice several changes in the future. AVG Employees will be subject to drastic new security measures and protocols. Those in the Central Intelligence Agency will be the most affected by these changes. Some of you will be told truths, some of you lies. This is to you loyal to the government or at minimum to make it hard for infiltrators to get the real information. If information is leaked, we can trace it easier this way.
It has also been brought to my attention that working conditions have not been the best. I will motion to increase C.I.A. funding for salaries and training. You have my word that all conditions can and will improve. I will step down as director if not. I have also heard of some of the corruption within the Alphaville Government. This will be investigated and if found true, it will end soon. We will find the offenders and make sure they are put to trial, if they are lucky.
By the way, for those “Enemies of the State” reading this announcement, which will be sent to the Alphaville Herald for public viewing, Director Alex Sanchez is not my name in the game, neither is Alex Sanchez. You do not need to worry about who I am in the game. Part of a new policy effective today, C.I.A. members will no longer be publicly announced. While some of our members are not classified like myself for example, there is no need to make things easier for those who wish to harm the Agency, government or Alphaville.
Director Alex Sanchez
Central Intelligence Agency
Alphaville Government
Fans II
Apr 1st, 2004
I helped this guy get into office. I expect great things from him. Rock on!
Mrs President Bradley
Apr 1st, 2004
Director Alex Sanchez
Apr 1st, 2004
Little? How cute. ; P
Director Alex Sanchez
Central Intelligence Agency
Mrs President Bradley
Apr 1st, 2004
Yes Alex little. By definition; small in size, quantity or degree.(see your penis) Just curious… Why is it cute?
Fans II
Apr 1st, 2004
LOL, Rember the golden rule…If you have nothing nice to say *coughmrspresidentbradleycough* put a sock in it. Simple. lol, You must have no life hacking people and runing peoples game experience. Please go to: http://www.mrspresidentbradleyhasnolifeandiwanttogeroneforherhere.com
It will be really useful for you. Now put a sock in it go in a corner suck your thumb and give yourself a timeout, child.
Apr 2nd, 2004
The same applies to you, Fans
. You have no life either obviously, sending fake RIAA letters *coughliquidgenerationcough* and being a complete cracker doodle..Golden Rule
Apr 2nd, 2004
I guess Alex Sanchez is Dana Scully or Agent Richard
Director Alex Sanchez
Apr 2nd, 2004
You guess wrong. Out with the old, in with the new. My name in the game is not classified. Your just going to have to work for it.
Director Alex Sanchez
Central Intelligence Agency
Alphaville Government
Apr 6th, 2004
The name of Director Alex Sanchez is… Detective Sanchez… His property is The Farm.
Director Alex Sanchez
Apr 6th, 2004
Buzzzzzzzzzz! Wrong answer! If you get it right though I will tell you. It clearly states who I am in my bio. Dig deeper!
Director Alex Sanchez
Central Intelligence Agency
Alphaville Government
Apr 7th, 2004
Well hope you do a great job in the CIA Detective Sanchez. Mrs.President Bradley…MWAH!..yea right. If you want a big penis I’ll help you out on that…:-)
Ally Lou
Apr 7th, 2004
I wish you the best of luck:).