Interview with the Anti-President: Mr. President Bradley
by Alphaville Herald on 23/03/04 at 4:46 pm
In this interview, Mr. President Bradley tells us why he is opposed to Mr-President and the Alphaville Government, and charges that it is based on an illusory utopian vision for tso and that it (particularly former CIA Director Fans) is hypocritical and prone to break its own rules. He is equally critical of opposition candidate Ashley Richardson. He talks about his role as a scammer in Alphaville, but maintains he is not just a wannabe Evangeline (Van), despite naming his property “Free Money…”. He also talks about a recent conflict with Van in which he “accidentally” hacked Van’s account (he meant to hack Lucianna’s as part of the roleplay of revenge) and also led Van to believe that … well, it’s complicated, you’d better read on…
Urizenus: Why did you and Mrs. President decide to call yourselves Mr. and Mrs President?
Mr. President Bradley: Well, we had both heard of the AVG elections, and wanted to start our own sort of organization.
Urizenus: Did you really want to start something like the AVG or were you making fun of it with your names.
Mr. President Bradley: I would say somewhere in between. I am sure you know of our organization The Royal Opposition.
Urizenus: I’ve heard of it, but tell me about it. What is TRO?
Mr. President Bradley: It is based on the age old concept of balancing the equation.
Urizenus: so you see yourself as a counter-balance to Mr-P?
Mr. President Bradley: Yes. The sweet is never as sweet without the sour.
Urizenus: So Mr-P is sweet and you are sour?
Mr. President Bradley: Yes, Mr-P is trying to build some type of Simtopia, but nothing can ever be perfect.
Urizenus: if nothing can be perfect and he can’t succeed, why bother opposing him?
Mr. President Bradley: Because if there is only one path to choose from, everyone begins to believe that it is the correct path. If there is only AVG, than what other choice is there in a political society.
Urizenus: Well, what is it that you represent? What are you for?
Mr. President Bradley: I am for the destruction of AVG, and the contradiction they serve as from day to day. To me they are a big lie.
Urizenus: Well, why do you want to destroy them and why are they a big lie?
Mr. President Bradley: I think Fans is a good example.
Urizenus: Good example of what?
Mr. President Bradley: AVG as a lie. He was a “top official”
Urizenus: ok… and?
Mr. President Bradley: AVG is supposed to be peaceful and non destructive, they are supposed to use tags as a way of warning. But Fans decided to take the law into his own hands using his “AVG authority”. He sent some newbie in to try and destroy my house.
Urizenus: why did he want to do that?
Mr. President Bradley: He hated me, he would run through my home yelling obscene comments, just acting like the fool he always was. Most AVG officials don’t want any opposition.
Urizenus: Well, perhaps they don’t like you because you allegedly run a scam house.
Mr. President Bradley: Well, after Fans had the idiot half assedly move my objects around, I destroyed fans and opened up FREE MONEY-FOR NEWBIES.
Urizenus: you destroyed fans? what does that mean?
Mr. President Bradley: I will not go into detail, but when I was done with him, he had to recreate to Fans II.
Urizenus: Well, what about the argument that he was opposed to you because you were a scammer?
Mr. President Bradley: It should not have mattered if I was a scammer. I knew AVG well and knew destroying the enemy’s home was against their “moral values” or whatever the hell you want to call them. I prefer to call them idealistic lies that will never be met.
Urizenus: Well, now that Fans has left AVG, what do you have left to complain about?
Mr. President Bradley: Fans has not left.
Urizenus: He says he has.
Mr. President Bradley: He will be back. Trust me.
Urizenus: Why didn’t you run against Mr-President in the election if you are opposed to his administration of the aVG?
Mr. President Bradley: I would never want to be apart of them. You would be shocked at how many times I have witnessed them breaking their own rules. I hate in-game government agencies anyway. That is why in RO it is just me and my wife.
Urizenus: Are you opposed to Ashley Richardson too?
Mr. President Bradley: hahahahaha
Mr. President Bradley: She makes me laugh. Her house has the ugliest roof art in Alphaville, and we all know it. She is just a scammer gone soft.
Urizenus: Do you think good roof art is a requirement to run the AVG? And why do you think she used to be a scammer? what evidence is there for that?
Mr. President Bradley: Are you serious about the roof art, or are you patronizing me? About her being a scammer, I have no comment.
Urizenus: You brought up roof art. I just don’t see why that matters.
Mr. President Bradley: I just think roof art like hers is offensively ugly.
Mr. President Bradley: Getting a little defensive of her Uri?
Urizenus: Some people think that you and other scammers are accusing her of being a former scammer precisely because you are afraid of her and her anti-scammer platform. comments?
Mr. President Bradley: Afraid of her? If anything she is afraid of us. I went to her campaign headquarters, and just read one of her signs without speaking. Three seconds later she was like “No tagging allowed” and kicked me out. What the hell. I hate when people are rude like that.
Urizenus: Well, why accuse her of being a former scammer if you don’t have evidence for it?
Mr. President Bradley: Because, the puzzle just fits that way.
Urizenus: ok, let’s talk about you and Evangeline (now Eve). You had a dispute with her recently, no?
Mr. President Bradley: Yes, a small one.
Urizenus: what happened?
Mr. President Bradley: We all remember that small time period when all the free money houses disappeared.
Mr. President Bradley: I really like visiting them, and thought it sad that they were all gone, so I made my own.
Mr. President Bradley: Then, Lucianna came back out with her FREE MONEY-FOR EVERYONE
Mr. President Bradley: We were able to sort of operate without conflict at the same time for a while. Then one day he tuned on me and tried to thwart my visitors.
Urizenus: Lucianna did?
Mr. President Bradley: Yes
Urizenus: Who is Lucianna? I forget, sorry.
Mr. President Bradley: Lucianna is Kevin [formerly Eliana, Yoshi, etc. –uri]
Urizenus: oh ok
Mr. President Bradley: Then the Japanese house appeared and I was lost as to who was who.
Urizenus: lol
Mr. President Bradley: I wanted revenge on Lucianna
Mr. President Bradley: I had an unnamed informer who told me about the real identity of each, but that information got mixed up, and I hacked the wrong person.
Urizenus: So you hacked Van by mistake?
Mr. President Bradley: Yes
Urizenus: I thought you also hacked Isabella
Mr. President Bradley: I have no idea where that came from.
Urizenus: OK, so it was just Van? But you thought it was Kevin?
Mr. President Bradley: Yes.
Urizenus: This puzzle isn’t fitting well.
Mr. President Bradley: Why
Urizenus: You told Van you knew where he lived etc.
Mr. President Bradley: Oh hahaha
Mr. President Bradley: He thinks I am a molester
Urizenus: still?
Mr. President Bradley: Yes
Urizenus: Anway, you have straightened things out with Van now?
Mr. President Bradley: It depends how you look at it.
Urizenus: well, how do *you* look at it?
Mr. President Bradley: I think he should realize that I am not a rapist. I mean, just because you know what city and state someone lives in doesn’t mean you can go to their home. Rapist are usually really old anyway. Other than that, I really have no opinion about if thing are straightened out or not.
Urizenus: Well, why did you want him to think that you were one in the first place?
Mr. President Bradley: I didn’t
Urizenus: Didn’t you threaten him?
Mr. President Bradley: I thought he was joking when he said one day “what, are you going to rape us?”
Mr. President Bradley: So I consequently replied “the scary thing is, I only live eight hours away”. I didnt think he would think I was really trying to hint something out. I am not a rapist.
Mr. President Bradley: I thought it was funny, but I guess people take everything at face value in this game.
Urizenus: What do you say to critics that say you steal all your ideas from Van? Free Money, etc….
Mr. President Bradley: There’s another funny one.
Mr. President Bradley: They all need to get over themselves.
Mr. President Bradley: As I have said before…
Mr. President Bradley: When police investigate a crime, and find that it was murder, do they call the criminal a copycat OJ Simpson? NO
Mr. President Bradley: Me and Van are very different.
Urizenus: Well, what is the difference?
Mr. President Bradley: When ppl ::cough:: (fans) get in my way, I deal with them. I don’t just let them piss me off and then walk away.
Urizenus: and you say Van allows that to happen?
Mr. President Bradley: Not to say that Van does
Mr. President Bradley: But one time when talking to him about the whole Lucianna thing he said something like “you should have just gotten angry and let it go”
Urizenus: So you are tougher than van in some ways?
Mr. President Bradley: Tougher?
Mr. President Bradley: I won’t say tougher. Just different.
Urizenus: Well, are you more likely to strike back or take it out of game on someone?
Mr. President Bradley: If someone pushes me off the edge, or back stabs me, I will not remain passive. But this is just a game, so I don’t get why ppl think it’s such a big deal.
Mr. President Bradley: It is role playing.
Urizenus: Was it role playing when you hacked Lucianna’s acct?
Mr. President Bradley: It’s the role play of revenge. I don’t think loosing your fake virtual simoleans or in-game assets really has consequences out of game.
Urizenus: Well, how did you get into his local acct? They think you used a Trojan horse to do it.
Mr. President Bradley: No comment.
Urizenus: lol
Urizenus: Any thoughts about the mafias in alphaville?
Mr. President Bradley: is this you bringing it to a close?
Urizenus: uh, could be unless you have other things to talk about
Mr. President Bradley: hmmmmm
Mr. President Bradley: I want everyone to know that me and my wife have different typists.
Urizenus: You and Mrs. President Bradley.
Mr. President Bradley: Just because we talk alike doesn’t mean are the same.
Urizenus: What is it that you and Mrs. President Bradley most want to accomplish in Alpha?
Mr. President Bradley: We are here to have fun and enjoy the game, because that’s all it is. A game.
Urizenus: And you two are roleplaying as villains?
Mr. President Bradley: Also, people seem to think that I care about status and popularity, and things like wanted lists or being “the baddest bitch”, but I am just here to bring color to this black and white game.
Mr. President Bradley: think about it
Urizenus: So do you think you are helping the game by adding dramatic tension to it?
Mr. President Bradley: What would AVG do if there were no scammers to tag.
Mr. President Bradley: I’m sure you have been to the capital.
Urizenus: yup
Mr. President Bradley: It is the most boring lot in the game
Urizenus: uh, actually, that doesn’t sound right
Mr. President Bradley: Admit it,You walk in….There is silence, you only here the monotonus piano. No one talks.
Mr. President Bradley: What’s not to sound right?
Urizenus: there are a lot of boring lots on tso. Hard to think AVG is the worst.
Mr. President Bradley: Well, its pretty high on the list.
Urizenus: I like the oval office
Mr. President Bradley: The only reason they are on the top ten list is because the police officers go in and sit there for hours.
Mr. President Bradley: Me and my wife have to go in there and steam things up.
Urizenus: I thought you didn’t care about top 10 lists.
Mr. President Bradley: Not with my lot, but with other lots it does matter.
Mr. President Bradley: As long as the capitol is not number 1, I am happy.
Mar 23rd, 2004
Regards about Mr/s. President Bradley and hacking,
Don’t get me wrong I am nice but when people like her! CRIMINALS…break the law I tend to take them a court.
Mar 23rd, 2004
Mar 23rd, 2004
Oh and plus, I quit the game. so you can stop abusing by putting fakes of my sim on it and Mr-President. Its unethical.
Mar 23rd, 2004
I was given instructions by the Vice Presidnet of Alphaville Government to do so.
And plus if you were smart enogh probally not you’d be shredding your hard drive right now =) And when you say its just a game…YOUR NOT MAKING IT a game by hacking are you? So how can you MAKE it a game when you HACK, Hacker?! I hate hackers and I proscute all hackers that hack into my computer.
Mar 23rd, 2004
I Hope Maxis gets rid of him
Mrs President Bradley
Mar 23rd, 2004
First of all Fans, we all know damn well that no one cares about you being hacked. Mybe you should have been nicer… Oh well pay backs a bitch… and don’t feel as flattered that we would waste our time making you fake real sims online pics ect….Just admit it sometimes you just can’t win… by the way the government doesn’t arrest hackers!!! They hire them…
Ta ta…
-Mrs President Bradley
Mar 23rd, 2004
Oh by the way moron… if you knew anything that we did to you, you would know that the hard drive has no evidence… that only brings me to belive that you know nothing:)
Lynette Fromme
Mar 23rd, 2004
Sorry, Mrs. Bradley, but they do arrest hackers and you and your transvestite husband are the only ones who don’t care about Fans’ account being hacked because you guys did it. We’ll see who’s laughing when you get prosecuted for your idiotic act. Have fun in court.
Lynette Fromme
Mar 23rd, 2004
You admitted to hacking his account point blank on this website!
Mar 23rd, 2004
LOL They do to arrest hackers! Come on please get and life and stop tormounting people. Maybe if you turned GOOD we will forgive you but this will leave a permeant scar on you. And Uri- thanks for the interview. I can show it at court for more evidence.
Mar 23rd, 2004
By hacking peopels accounts just because someone hurt your feelings is not “role playing”. fans came to my lot many times,that does not mean i “pay him back” for just saying something i dont agree with. and all this organization crap..have you all ever heard of pyog? PLAY YOUR OWN GAME
President Bradley
Mar 23rd, 2004
Eve, your so funny. Awww, does the way I play the game make you sad? So sorry. And the naked picture thing, you don’t have to worry, I value my eye sight. You’re the most serious person I have ever dealt with in this game. You should really loosen up.
Mrs President Bradley
Mar 23rd, 2004
Well EVE you should shut the hell up! You didn’t even know what happened… Oh dear you speds make me so sad… Get this Fans how is that proof? There is no proof that the President Bradley in the interview is the actual president… come on ppl. this is childs play… And lil boys should be carefull around some ppl… right ralph?
Mar 23rd, 2004
President Bradley,
Dont even dare talk to people like that. Ever heard the GOLDEN rule, Treat Other How YOU want to be treated. OK EVERYONE SINCE PRESIDENT BRADLEY IS BEING RUDE TO EVE LETS BE RUDE TO HIM! Golden Rule, Bradley, Goldren Rule.
Mar 23rd, 2004
You know what I find strange? President Bradley and Mrs President Bradley replied at the same time! Maybe they really ARE the same person…
Mrs President Bradley
Mar 23rd, 2004
Fans you assume we are a one? And that the “one” is a woman… interesting… you know that probrally means you have trust issues with women that means your a man… something we already know but hey i don’t have a physcology degree for nothing;)
Lynette Fromme
Mar 23rd, 2004
They can chec the IP Address Mrs. Bradley to find out if it’s the same person.
Lynette Fromme
Mar 23rd, 2004
This was some evidence that you can’t get convicted for being hacked if it’s not documented in petition logs. “…the legal authorities will not even look at it.”
Mrs President Bradley
Mar 24th, 2004
Come on who do you think i am?
I’ve got a few ?s for you…
#1 how do you know i havent hacked anyone? I could just be taking someonelses credit;)
#2 If I AM the hacker tahn do you think i would be stupid enough to keep the same IP address?
Here i’ll give you the answer to the 2nd one…
Talk to me when you have something worthy of my time to say….
Lynette Fromme
Mar 24th, 2004
You can’t be convicted of hacking because it’s not documented in petition logs, so therefore enjoy your time in game protesting the ridiculously over publicized AVG.
Ashley Richardson
Mar 24th, 2004
Hey.. this guy has some issues and it is sad to see that hacking other people’s accounts bad/good is fun to them! Making up horrible rumors about me is silly because nobody believes you and “I” sm here to help AV and so is the AVG. Do us ALL a favor and act civil.
Ashley Richardson
with love
Mar 24th, 2004
Oh please Ashley your so nieve!!! You think I’M the one who made up the damn rumor about you? Well i may have but i guess you’ll never know… You and your little pathetic supporters voting 100 times each? NIce try… ANd hun i’d be watching what you say or else you’ll be the next Fans… Come on I thought I made an example out of him… Don’t be stupid… I know it’s hard but please if you don’t have anything inteligent to say don’t say anything at all…
Lady Bradley
P.s- If i were you i wouldn’t win the election… see you on the 2nd
Mar 24th, 2004
Hey Mr. and Mrs. President Bradley! I’ve missed you both so! LOL These idiots are pissing me off almost enough to return to the game! As for all you morons out there, leave Pres alone. He’s a great guy and extremely intelligent. None of you would know because you don’t take the time to get to know him…not that he would like any of you! Well Pres! Have fun in game and I might be back someday:)
Bradley family rules! All of you bow down to them. They will soon be the royal family of AV….and theres nothing any of you can do about it!
Mar 24th, 2004
Fans, dont get me wrong your a good guy. But cut the crap with the government affiliation. We all know your not really connected to the real feds. You sent a letter from the “RIAA” to nick. So I took the liberty and looked up the case number. No such case number existed and when I looked on google the same case number was on a hoax from several sites.
Fans II
Mar 24th, 2004
If you have your Distric Attorney contact Eletronic Arts then EA will be more than happy to hand over the I.P for the HACKER. I sent in a report to Maxis and I got a response saying that.
Mar 24th, 2004
Sorry but *yawns*…Dont be serious, n00bs. =)
Mrs President Bradley
Mar 24th, 2004
Fans get over yourself.. come on I freakin KNOW that you are a 14 yr old boy… just like bosco!!! By the way an IP address can change whenever i want it to…
try again…
Thank you all for the nice comments…
Mrs President Bradley
Mar 24th, 2004
Fans get over yourself.. come on I freakin KNOW that you are a 14 yr old boy… just like bosco!!! By the way an IP address can change whenever i want it to…
try again…
Thank you all for the nice comments…
Mar 24th, 2004
i am swedish lalala i dont care lalala i hate serious people lalala i dont know if im a boy or girl lalala
Mar 24th, 2004
I just want to say that your IP address will always stay the same hun unless you get a different computer. I know this on account of a good amount of friends of mine that are hackers. I am more intelligent than hackers because I know them at their own game. Any information I need I get and will use it against the hacker so kiss my ass and suck my D***K Mr and Mrs President Bradley…:-)
Mar 24th, 2004
i am swedish lalala i dont care lalala i hate serious people lalala i dont know if im a boy or girl lalala
Posted by Wannabe Isabella at March 24, 2004 09:11 PM