Meet the candidates 2: Jinjo for President

by Alphaville Herald on 01/03/04 at 11:55 am

Several weeks ago we interviewed Mr-President of the Alphaville Government. Next month there will be an election to see if Mr-President can keep his job. Leading up to that election will be a series of two primaries which will whittle the contenders down to a single challenger who will face Mr-President. In this interview we talk to Jinjo, who has thrown his hat into the ring for the job of President. He has selected Nymphadora-Tonks as his running mate. Why does he want to be President? And what will he do if elected? Read on. (By the way, if you are running for President and want to be interviewed let us know! Contact

Urizenus: So, Jinjo, you are running for President of Alphaville?
Jinjo: Yes
Urizenus: What does that mean exactly. First, what is the president of AV and what does he/she do?
Jinjo: The president that is elected isn’t the president of the entire Alphaville, people have their own free wills. Rather it is the president of the Alphaville Government (AVG) organization.
Urizenus: ok, what is the alphaville government?
Jinjo: It is an organization founded to help keep the fun (and peace) in alphaville. For example helping educate the sims of scammers like Evangeline and lucianna. Also it sponsors various events around alphaville.
Urizenus: what kinds of events?
Jinjo: One I could think of off the top of my head was when they had a contest to win a date with mr.president. I believe it was at a lot called board to tears.
Urizenus: hmmm, not the hottest date I can imagine…
Jinjo: heh
Urizenus: it sounds a bit like the ssg so far. What’s the difference?
Jinjo: Mainly they don’t want to get rid of any group except for scammers. SSG wanted to rid AV of all other groups but itself.
Jinjo: And they don’t usually pick fights, they find a diplomatic solution first before fighting.
Urizenus: the AVG doesn’t have an anti-mafia policy?
Jinjo: No, because mafia has the right to be in AV just as the AVG does.
Urizenus: Well, why do you want to run the AVG?
Jinjo: To help keep battles like what happened between polie and nick from happening again.
Jinjo: To remind people to roleplay. And to form a good strong community.
Jinjo: One person can’t make a difference, but a whole lot of them can.
Urizenus: Why do you have to be President to do that?
Jinjo: Because if I have the support of the sim community behind me I feel I can not only help prevent those things from happening but, help keep tso alive.
Jinjo: I want TSO to be known for a good strong community rather than scammers, and cyber brothels.
Urizenus: Well, first of all, what’s wrong with the current President, Mr-President. isn’t he doing his job?
Jinjo: He’s doing a great job, if I don’t win this election I hope he does.
Jinjo: Its just he’s offering the people a chance to run, and I’m gonna take that opportunity.
Urizenus: well, I want to get back to the differences and the platform in a sec, but first let’s talk about the mechanics of the election.
Urizenus: There are actually several elections, right?
Jinjo: Yes
Urizenus: when are they?
Jinjo: The first primary is on the 7th
Jinjo: The first primary will narrow down the candidates to two candidates left excluding mr.president.
Jinjo: The second primary is on the 13th. It will decide which one will run against mr.president in the actual election.
Jinjo: And then the real election between mr.president and whoever wins will take place April tenth I believe.
Urizenus: How come Mr. President doesn’t’ have to enter a primary?
Jinjo: Just like in the real elections the current president doesn’t have to go through the primaries again. He can just re-run.
Urizenus: ahem, well actually he does, although no one is contesting him, but let’s put that aside…
Jinjo: heh
Urizenus: Are there political parties?
Jinjo: I know mr.president is a simocrat. So I’m guessing the people running against him are simpublicans. But that’s not official.
Urizenus: ic, so I guess you have to be a simpublican, then.
Jinjo: Well I wouldn’t mind being one because I support the republicans in real life. But that’s beside the point.
Urizenus: But are there any ideological differences to speak of? Say different philosophies?
Jinjo: Not really. There may be a few but if there are they are few.
Urizenus: Ok, how does the mechanics of this election work? Who gets to vote and how do they do it?
Jinjo: Any person with a sim can vote. But the IP’s are shown in case of people using second accounts to vote with.
Jinjo: My guess is the elections will use a poll-type system.
Urizenus: Oh, on a web site?
Jinjo: Yes, probably .
Urizenus: haha, you trust them?
Jinjo: I trust mr.president haha. If he rigged the polls the election would be pointless. But even if is its still fun running
Urizenus: you say everyone with a sim can vote, but you mean everyone with an alphaville sim?
Jinjo: Hmm, im not sure. I havent thought of that yet. heh
Jinjo: My guess would be you would have to have an AV sim. But I may be wrong.
Urizenus: one would think
Jinjo: Yeah it only makes sense.
Jinjo: Since it is the AV government.
Urizenus: Do you have a running mate?
Jinjo: Yes, Nymphadora-Tonks.
Urizenus: Why did you pick her as your running mate?
Jinjo: I’d trust her with my life. I’ve known her forever and she is one of the most level headed and smart people I know.
Urizenus: I’ll post your platform if that’s ok…
Jinjo: ok
Urizenus: but is there anything you want to say about why you think you can solve all these problems. Scammers, etc?
Urizenus: (dustups between Polie and Nick…)
Jinjo: Mainly because I have experienec with these things. Ive been in mafias before, ive even been a leader of mafias. I was friends with nick when he was a scammer. I know how they work.
Jinjo: *experience
Urizenus: which Mafias were you in?
Jinjo: My first mafia was robespierre, which then turned into the dark alliance. And then I joined HMC with twitty. I was out of a mafia for a while but still talked to Levin Soprano often. Most recently ive been in armone. Im still a member just not active.
Jinjo: Thats not counting the ones in CC either
Urizenus: what was HMC again?
Jinjo: Heavens Mutant Children, an Anti SSG group. Me and twitty were the leaders of it. Then twitty disappeared
Urizenus: haha, but he’s coming back?
Jinjo: He sent me an email saying he was . I hope he does haha
Urizenus: Well, suppose someone says that you are just going to run the AVG like a mafia?
Jinjo: Well , to each his own. But I’ve always been in favor of solving things diplomatically before going to war.
Jinjo: Even when I was in violent mafias like HMC.
Urizenus: well, ok, there is currently a mafia war going on in alpha. between X-mafia and Black Hand?
Jinjo: Yes
Urizenus: How would you solve that dispute?
Jinjo: I’ve been working on it. I’ve been talking to sonny and making friends with him. Im trying to work things out between him and antonio.
Jinjo: I make friends with everyone, you never know when something like this might happen.
Urizenus: well, how will being President make this any easier?
Jinjo: This way, I will have people that share that belief. Don’t get me wrong Antonio is a good guy but sometimes he’s not quiet level headed.
Urizenus: What would you do to deal with scammers like Evangeline or Celestie?
Jinjo: Well those two won’t listen no matter what you do. So the only way to stop them is cut off their flow of newbies.
Jinjo: Try and educate as many people as possible about their scams and hopefully they won’t fall for them.
Urizenus: Well, how will being President help you to do that?
Urizenus: Remember they go after newbies.
Jinjo: If you have more people you can have officials and warnings at places where newbies frequent.
Jinjo: Like skill and money lots. If we can have people there to educate every newbie that goes in I feel it will make a big impact on their scamming ring.
Urizenus: The AVG has a fairly large security apparatus — FBI, CIA, probably some other orgs I don’t know about — oh a Police Dept. too. Do you have any idea how many are in these security sectors of the AVG?
Jinjo: Well those are kept confidential but I’ve heard anywhere from 80-120 people.
Urizenus: Do you have reason to believe that they will be loyal to you if you are elected?
Jinjo: Well I can only hope that they are. All you can go on is trust in tso.
Urizenus: true, true…
Urizenus: so what percentage of this is 1) having fun, 2) helping alpha, and 3) possibly kicking some butt with your 100 person security force if someone causes trouble?
Jinjo: Im not gonna like probably 50% of it is having fun after all the game is about having fun, 40% helping alphaville and 10% kicking butt.
Urizenus: haha
Jinjo: If I wanted to kick butt Id just talk to antonio haha.
Urizenus: I guess my final question is this: What do you think the prospects for tso and alphaville are. Do you think it will survive? become more fun? less fun? any thoughts?
Jinjo: It all depends on maxis’ and ea’s decisions. If they decide to add new objects and new activities. I think it will. But if they continue the direction they’re headed it might die out sooner than thought.
Urizenus: anything to add?
Jinjo: Just to be sure and visit my election site
Urizenus: is you platform there?
Jinjo: Yes.
Urizenus: thanks Jinjo!

8 Responses to “Meet the candidates 2: Jinjo for President”

  1. Eminence Grise

    Mar 1st, 2004

    Down with fake simocratic governments! As the self-appointed Eminence Grise to the self-appointed Emperor of Alphaville Cornelius Vanderbuilt (May He Live and Prosper), I say, support the self-appointed ruler who at least admits he is self-appointed, and who, P.S. does have clothes, and some pretty nice ones at that.

  2. Chy

    Mar 1st, 2004

    Good luck Jinjo!

  3. Mr-President

    Mar 3rd, 2004

    Yes, good interview and good luck!

  4. Fans II

    Mar 3rd, 2004

    LOL, Now that cracks me up! Emience lol Its your own world play it how you want to but dont go around and start saying “down with governments” First off, You have no idea what AVG does. Second Off, He SELF appointed himself. Now thats his own little laalaa land. Just because he self appoints himself dosent mean his is the emperror of AV. Now lets make this clear as crystal AVG IS NOT SAYING THEY are the boss of AV. Nor is the AVG President (Mr-President) It clearly states in his bio that he is president of Alphaville government. Mr-President is a citisim like the rest of us enjoying your game experience. Still you have a right to appoint himself head of AV but no one will have to abide by him because we play it how WE want to not how HE does.

  5. Fans II

    Mar 3rd, 2004

    Also the current leader of AVG was NOT self appointed. Also we choose who we support not you.

  6. Paul Couto-

    Mar 5th, 2004

    Good Luck Jinjo and wish you many days of happiness! As for any negative comments I would suggest you think twice about it because it might get you into trouble…:-)

    “Pais E Amor”

  7. Polie Bear

    Mar 5th, 2004

    I for one do not want to vote for Jinjo. He says he was friends with Nick, now say for some strange reason, I get into a fight with Nick again, which is not likely to happen, because we called a truce. But if it did, I don’t want the whole AVG trying to harass me. What would you do, Jinjo, if a “citisim” got into a fight with your friends? After all, you did tag me, trash my house, and used a bug that made me think I lost over 150k in clothes. In other words, I wouldn’t vote for him. Just my opinion.

  8. Nickers

    Mar 5th, 2004

    Polie, I’m not going to start anything here, but I want to let you know a few things. As you know, I can make any comeback for any comment you here it comes >:)

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