Meet the Candidates 3: Ashley Richardson for President
by Alphaville Herald on 06/03/04 at 1:08 pm
In this interview we meet Ashley Richardson who is running for the Alphaville Government presidency, loxee as her running mate. Her campaign website is at
alphavilleherald: Ashley, you are a candidate for president of the Alphaville Government?
Ashley Richardson: Yes
alphavilleherald: How come? Why do you want to be president?
Ashley Richardson: Well I think that AV is due for a change and with the support from the citizens we can change it for the better.
alphavilleherald: Why is it due for a change? What’s wrong with it right now?
Ashley Richardson: Well mafias are taking over our city and scamers like Free Money for example.
Ashley Richardson: We need to have more events sims can go to.
Ashley Richardson: I feel that everyone should contribute to the AV including the citizens of AV
alphavilleherald: How are you going to stop the mafias and scammers?
Ashley Richardson: Well I’m forming this program called ‘SPP’
Ashley Richardson: It stands for Scam Prevention Program
Ashley Richardson: We will warn players about what is going on with scammers and who to watch out for.
alphavilleherald: It’s hard though, because you have to intercept newbies right away
Ashley Richardson: Well yes that is true, but if I put signs up, tell people, as well as have an Adopt A Newbie center I think we could do a lot.
Ashley Richardson: The Adopt a Newbie Center will create a place for newbies to go to to get guidance in AV.
alphavilleherald: You have to make sure it stays number 1 in welcome.
Ashley Richardson: Well I owned Ashley’s Modeling Agency last year, but I just closed due to my campaign, and we stayed #1 all summer long.
Ashley Richardson: It was in welcome category.
alphavilleherald: What are you going to do (what *can* you do) about the mafias.
Ashley Richardson: Well the best we CAN do is to warn players and to put up on a site who to watch out for regarding mafias as well as scammers.
Ashley Richardson: Ignoring is the best thing to do because if you give them attention they will enjoy it even more.
alphavilleherald: Would you institute a “no mafia” policy?
Ashley Richardson: Well I am anti-mafia, but it is their right to be there.
alphavilleherald: what if they attack you? will you fight back?
Ashley Richardson: I will do the best I can.. I have had problems with people such as this and usually the best thing to do is to make amends
alphavilleherald: so you would try negotiating first?
Ashley Richardson: Well, I’m not sure if I will get into these problems with mafias as I will keep it a secret thing.
Ashley Richardson: I usually do.
Ashley Richardson: I don’t pay: I just tell them to get rid of the link, etc.
alphavilleherald: lol
alphavilleherald: do you have a campaign web site?
Ashley Richardson: Yes, I do
alphavilleherald: what is it?
Ashley Richardson:
alphavilleherald: on your in-game bio you claim 105 supporters, including Freak Radio, Online Game Bucks, and a number of properties. Why do you think these people are supporting you?
Ashley Richardson: Well I know that all the other candidates are doing a good job, but I think that these people want a change in AV.
Ashley Richardson: My campaign site lists all of my ideas, etc. and I think that they feel strongly on the importance of AVG.
alphavilleherald: some people might object that you shouldn’t seek support from Online Game Bucks because money traders undermine the game. How would you respond to those people?
Ashley Richardson: Well they are a big group that sells simoleans, and although I do not buy online money, it is a business and if they want to support my campaign they can
alphavilleherald: Well, how do you feel about simolean sellers? Positive, negative, or neutral?
Ashley Richardson: Neutral, if they want to sell simoleans and make it a business good for them. I do not appreciate those scammers who sell on ebay and do not pay you in game.
Ashley Richardson: sell*
alphavilleherald: Right now, who are the candidates besides you, Mr-President and Jinjo?
Ashley Richardson: Mr-President, Jinjo, Seth Galloway, and Jason Sim.
alphavilleherald: Why do you think you would do a better job than Jinjo?
Ashley Richardson: Well he IS an ex-mafia both for the X Mafia and although he has good point, I do not trust those who were once in mafias.
Ashley Richardson: Also, he could be still in the mafia and trying to take over AVG.
Ashley Richardson: That is what worries me.
alphavilleherald: You’ve never been in a mafia?
Ashley Richardson: No, I haven’t
alphavilleherald: Why do you think you would do a better job than Seth?
Ashley Richardson: Well I do not want to be mean, but i feel that I have greater ideas which wil make more of an impact on AV than he has.
alphavilleherald: Why do you think that?
Ashley Richardson: Well my points are stronger, and on his campaign site he only has a few ideas including AV Schooling, which I know many schools already
Ashley Richardson: He is a great candidate though
alphavilleherald: What are some of the things you call for on your campaign site?
Ashley Richardson: Well a Sims Speak Out Program, Scam Prevention Program, Stronger Police Force, Congress, AV Awards, Official AVG bank, Av Courthouse/Prison, stronger police forces, etc.
alphavilleherald: stonger police force? What does that mean? Police have no powers.
Ashley Richardson: Well the AVG does have a police force, but rarely do I see them around. I feel that we need to have our police in AV crack down on the bad players.
alphavilleherald: What can they do? report? Anything else?
Ashley Richardson: We cannot let them take over… well they can report, warn, enemy, etc. I’m not all for enemy links though
alphavilleherald: they may be gone soon anyway
Ashley Richardson: Well they are back again, but there are many other ways we can get the point down to players.
alphavilleherald: Any thoughts about Jason Sim?
Ashley Richardson: Well he came to my lot once… lol
Ashley Richardson: He was alright, but we had a modeling show and he was very … with the ladies I must say.
Ashley Richardson: I have not heard many ideas he has yet… he does not have a campaign site.
alphavilleherald: “very….”? bad? He was a bad boy?
alphavilleherald: smooth?
Ashley Richardson: “bad”
alphavilleherald: ah bad. In what way?
Ashley Richardson: a little bit of everything
alphavilleherald: hmmm to much grabbing? lol
Ashley Richardson: He was flirting yes, and when the models walked he said nasty things.
Ashley Richardson: This was before I entered the election.. I got a late start
alphavilleherald: hmm, can’t have that in a President. Hey wait, sounds like Clinton!
Ashley Richardson: I am very mad with what Clinton did because he was a great President, but this Bush HAS to go!
alphavilleherald: lol, anything else you wanna add re the AVG election?
Ashley Richardson: Well I think that all the candidates are strong, I have to hope for the best and hope the people will choose who is right.
alphavilleherald: good luck!
Ashley Richardson: Thanks, I’m looking forward to more campaigning!
Erika McKnight
Mar 6th, 2004
Hey~ This is my sister, Ashley Richardson. I hope she wins this, she has been doing a good job and worked hard campaigning!
Mar 6th, 2004
a nobody
Mar 6th, 2004
ashley has no room to talk about Jason Sim coming to her house and apparently making rude comments and bad mouthing him. this bitch is always rude and impatient. a vote for her is a waste
Mar 7th, 2004
Congrats Ashley on your win! You did a great job and I’m so glad you won this. Ashley has been a great citizens of AV for so long. Evangeline doesn’t know what she is talking about. Ashley was against scamming so she formed an anti-scam group and Van has been trying to bring her down in this election. Again Ash congrats on 1st place!!
Miss Inga (Isabella)
Mar 7th, 2004
Ashley Ms Pea-brain, Excuse me..? Do you think i am Van??? No i am not.. Why did u IM me and put me on ignore? ur so dumb!
namby pamby!!!!!!!
Ashley Richardson
Mar 7th, 2004
Thank you all for voting for me yesterday for the 1st primary. It came so close and I would like to congradualte Seth Galloway as he was only a few votes away from 1st place. The next primary is next Saturday and I’m looking forward to it. Thanks to all my supporters and those who stood by my side and got me this far.
-Ashley Richardson
Ashley Richardson
Mar 7th, 2004
Javier Martinez
Mar 8th, 2004
Yeah nice job ashley. Why dont you go take your ideologies and shove them, ok? You want mafia out of av? Sounds like youll turn the avg into another ssg. And then well have the same mess all over again. Do yourself a favor and dont vote for her. In fact do all of AV a favor and dont vote for her. She doesnt know the first thing about how a scammer works. Dont let her lie to you.
Ashley Richardson
Mar 9th, 2004
Actually, to tell you the truth.. I do not support mafias in Alphaville, but I am not going to fight to take them out. They do have the right to be here in AV and there isn’t much Alphaville Government could do about it. I’m anti-scam and I will work on getting it out of our city. SSG is far differnt from AVG and I would like everyone to check out my campaign site:
Ashley Richardson
_+~*~+_ Ashley and Loxee for AV Government _+~*~+_
-Working to make AV a better place-
Mrs President Bradley
Mar 9th, 2004
Ashley Ashley Ashley… what are we to do with you? Well you should really keep your mouth shut about the Real World (comments about Bush) your thoughts are worthless it’s the facts that count. Scammers have rights to do as they please. Face it the Royal Opposition IS here and now… You are a weak woman and i truly hope you lose dear. Your 1/23 the president Mr-President is. If Ashley wins there will be no hope left in AV…
Galloway Campaigning Center (No. 18665251)
Mar 9th, 2004
Hear Hear to a clsoe race! However, some of these acts you speak of are already in plave by the AVG correct? Like The “SPP”? I am not dissing you like Mrs-President (who apparently does have any1 else to bug except people who actualyl help AV) Good luck on saturday and may the best sim win!
Galloway Web Designer
*~*Galloway Campaign*~*
Seth Galloway
Mar 9th, 2004
Ashley, I Have Much More, Idea’s, And Supporters. With The 105+ Supporters, You Beat Me By 3, With A 62-59 Victory, I Think I Know A Bit [More] About The AVG. No Offense To You, But The Galloway Campaign Is Going To Make It Rough To Get Passed, We Will Strike Back!
Seth Galloway
Mar 9th, 2004
Ashley, I Have Much More, Idea’s, And Supporters. With The 105+ Supporters, You Beat Me By 3, With A 62-59 Victory, I Think I Know A Bit [More] About The AVG. No Offense To You, But The Galloway Campaign Is Going To Make It Rough To Get Passed, We Will Strike Back!
Seth Galloway
Mar 9th, 2004
Ashley, I Have Much More, Idea’s, And Supporters. With The 105+ Supporters, You Beat Me By 3, With A 62-59 Victory, I Think I Know A Bit [More] About The AVG. No Offense To You, But The Galloway Campaign Is Going To Make It Rough To Get Passed, We Will Strike Back!
Mar 9th, 2004
Hear Hear…. Ashley you fool you told my spy everything i wanted to know….IDIOT you see what i have to work with here…. Fans is gone and many more are to come…Watch your back…
You couldn’t get a clue if it was clue mating season in a field full of clues drenched with musk….
thats gotta say something
Ashley Richardson
Mar 12th, 2004
Oh.. I remember- They asked me if President was the number one hated sim in AV.. and I said no, it was Evangeline, but President is a scammer to. I’m not a fan of red tags and this person asked me if they should tag him, and I said if you want to.
-Why are you sending spies against me anyway?
Mrs President Bradley
Mar 14th, 2004
PORQUE YO PUEDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That translates to your an idiot…
Ashley Richardson
Mar 16th, 2004
My new campaign site is now
Thank you for voting for me- I will now take on Mr-President on April 10th for the final election!
Will be a close race!!
Ashley Richardson
Mar 16th, 2004
My new campaign site is now
Thank you for voting for me- I will now take on Mr-President on April 10th for the final election!
Will be a close race!!
Ashley Richardson
Mar 18th, 2004
Hello.. I am not a scammer nor will I ever be a scammer. I do not have connections with past scammers except from when I was President of Alphaville People Against Scam and fought to stop scamming- I do not appreciate you putting that on AV Herald as many ppl have come up to me saying that I’m a scammer and they saw it on Alphaville Herald. The FREE MONEY people have been after me since I started this game as I have always been an anti-scam activist in Alphaville. Do not put false information to your site or add to silly rumors posted by scammers themselves trying to bring down my campaign. When I used to play in the summer before I quit TSO for a while, I had a friend named Rusty who was scammed by Evangeline (200k) – Thats when I formed APAS (AV People Against Scam). I am FAR from a scammer and would like you to know that! Please get rid of that on your website.. because I am not a scammer and I would never want to hurt anyone! I play this game trying to help people and look what I get.. PLEASE remove it from your site..
-Ashley Richardson
_+~*~+_ Ashley Richardson/Loxee for President of AVG _+~*~+_
Sammy Jo'
Mar 26th, 2004
Ashley, Good Luck On The Presidential Race! and..*peeks around corner* *hopes scammers arent listening* i like good people not bad peoples , keep in mind *ashley for president you will sure have the best* its in my new tune and i hum it in school for no aparent reason, ill see ya in alphaville.. nobody stalk me! .. nobody hurt me!…. nobody even dare to hack me!
*puts up armor* NOBODY IS GOING PAST ME
Lucy dal oli
Mar 26th, 2004
ashley sucks you waldos , i hope to know i will kill you irl and in tso you will vanish sooner or later , anyways , you know who i am
Lucy dal oli
Mar 26th, 2004
oh sammy the dammy , you suck just as bad as ashley, just worse , i hope you change your account name and pasword
Mar 26th, 2004
ashley and sammy suck dear, anyways why do you hit on ashley when sammy is worse??
Mar 26th, 2004
ashley and sammy suck dear, anyways why do you hit on ashley when sammy is worse??
Mar 26th, 2004
ashley and sammy suck dear, anyways why do you hit on ashley when sammy is worse??
Ashley Richardson
Mar 26th, 2004
-Ashley Richardson
Ashley Richardson
Mar 26th, 2004
ashley sucks you waldos , i hope to know i will kill you irl and in tso you will vanish sooner or later , anyways , you know who i am
Posted by: Lucy dal oli at March 26, 2004 08:05 PM
*Who ever wrote this “Mr President Bradley” I am sending it to Maxis and the police”
Ashley Richardson
Mar 27th, 2004
allright kidz, time to chill. The threat came from Sammy Jo’s ip address and appears one minute after the post in her name above, so either you girls have some explaining to do or Sammy Jo got hacked by someone that can’t decide if they are a supporter or not. Uh, I look forward to hearing this one explained.
Sammy Jo'
Mar 27th, 2004
i didnt say anything about that maybe someone did hack me
Sammy Jo'
Mar 27th, 2004
lets just forget the whole thing ill just tell my parents to make sure this dosnt happen again they bought a firewall so i wont get hacked and some other weird thing
Mar 27th, 2004
Forgetting the whole thing is probably a good idea. But um, Sammy Jo’, you are going to need more than a fire wall, ‘cuz if that post wasn’t from you it was from someone with access to your computer at your physical location.
Advice: Don’t pull a stunt like that again. I know the above just from the info the blog records. Imagine what law inforcement has access to.
Mar 30th, 2004
Death Threats are Illegal and police do take it serious. The Law Inforcement does hold the person who owns the computer/uses it the most, responsible for the actions unless no one else is found.
Mrs President Bradley
Mar 31st, 2004
Well…well..well…would ya look atthat…Nice to see ya Fans;) I missed you. They don’t give a rats ass. Out of everyone even YOU should know that!!! Ashley what YOU did was illegal! Blaming my husband for giving you a death threat…How syupid can you be?
You all still think theres on of us huh?
With loving tender care- Mrs Bradley