Meet the Candidates 4: Jason Sim for President

by Alphaville Herald on 06/03/04 at 1:20 pm

In this interview we talk to Jason Sim, who is running for President of the Alphaville Government. (Primary election today!)

alphavilleherald: So Jason, you are a candidate for the AVG Presidency?
Jason Sim: Yes.
alphavilleherald: How come? Why do you want to be President?
Jason Sim: Because We need better organization in this city
alphavilleherald: what’s wrong with the organization we have now?
Jason Sim: We need people who will create schools and stick with it.
alphavilleherald: schools? why does AV need schools? and what kind of schools?
Jason Sim: Newbie teaching
Jason Sim: And also people who want to learn about history and math etc etc
alphavilleherald: There is a High School in AV now. Do you think there should be more of that?
Jason Sim: Yes.
Jason Sim: Because most people haven’t heard of the school.
alphavilleherald: Why should there be history and Math taught in AV — shouldn’t people just log off and study if they want to learn that?
Jason Sim: But they want to be with other people.
alphavilleherald: ic, so this would be a way to study together — online
Jason Sim: Yes.
alphavilleherald: How is this going to work for newbies? How are they going to find the schools?
Jason Sim: We will have this newbie communication system
alphavilleherald: how will it work?
Jason Sim: Where newbies can come and get filled in about alpha and someone will take them on a tour of the city
Jason Sim: Get to know the locales
alphavilleherald: Is this supposed to help them from getting scammed among other things?
Jason Sim: Yes.
Jason Sim: We will warn them about scammers too.
alphavilleherald: On your bio you say you want to teach them about the history of AV. Why?
Jason Sim: Becuase I feel that it’s important to learn history and the great people who made alphaville
alphavilleherald: The AV founders?
Jason Sim: Yes.
Jason Sim: We have to remember them.
alphavilleherald: You also say something about a “newspaper system”. What is that?
Jason Sim: Well I was going to contact you about that.
alphavilleherald: lol, now you don’t have to!
Jason Sim: I want you to lead the newspaper
alphavilleherald: I already have one.
Jason Sim: Get to know the locales
Jason Sim: You’re the great man.
alphavilleherald: well that is certainly true
alphavilleherald: lol
alphavilleherald: so what’s the idea
Jason Sim: I want you to go really public like posting ads on sim stratics
Jason Sim: Events and radio stations
Jason Sim: Weddings
Jason Sim: Even RL news.
alphavilleherald: Why doesn’t the AVG just start its own newspaper?
Jason Sim: Because no one has volunteered
alphavilleherald: hahaha, you’ll have to appoint someone
alphavilleherald: let’s talk about the other candidates for a sec
Jason Sim: ok.
alphavilleherald: Why do you think you can do better than Mr-President
Jason Sim: Because he really doesn’t answer his IMs much
Jason Sim: lol
Jason Sim: But he’s a busy man though
Jason Sim: But i think I can go more public than him
alphavilleherald: so will you be if elected. Do you promise to answer all IMs?
Jason Sim: Yes.
Jason Sim: I might have people answer my Ims for me
alphavilleherald: lol
Jason Sim: lol
alphavilleherald: What about Jinjo? any thoughts about his candidacy?
Jason Sim: Well some people are concerned about his mafia background
alphavilleherald: are you concerned about it?
Jason Sim: Yes I don’t want AVG mafia owned
alphavilleherald: Will you have a “no mafia” policy if elected?
Jason Sim: Well.. It depends
alphavilleherald: depends on?
Jason Sim: On their character.
Jason Sim: They’re will be a limit of what position you can get too.
Jason Sim: And background checks
alphavilleherald: or I see, you are talking about whether you will let mafia guys in the gov?
Jason Sim: yes
alphavilleherald: ok
alphavilleherald: what about tolerating mafia groups in the game. Will you let them control neighborhoods?
Jason Sim: Yes. If they don’t obstruct other neighborhoods
alphavilleherald: What do you think about Seth Galloway?
Jason Sim: He’s got a chance…
alphavilleherald: why do you think you are a better candidate?
Jason Sim: Seth is a man who’s not really a public person.
Jason Sim: I go out and get peoples opinions
alphavilleherald: ic, so he might not be cut out for all the ribbon cutting and baby kissing that comes with this job?
Jason Sim: Yes.
alphavilleherald: or he just doesn’t get out in AV much.
Jason Sim: Yes.
alphavilleherald: What about Ashley Richardson?
Jason Sim: Well #1 shes a girl with a lot of supporters that are girls
Jason Sim: and that’s drawing away from the men candidates
alphavilleherald: so what’s wrong with that?
Jason Sim: No I mean the men won’t get a lot of women votes because the women want a women president
alphavilleherald: ic, so it sounds like you think Ashley is going to win this then.
Jason Sim: Well we’ll see
alphavilleherald: She had some things to say about you…
Jason Sim: negative or positive?
alphavilleherald: For example, she claims that at one of her modeling shows you said nasty things about the Models.
Jason Sim: LOL
alphavilleherald: how do you plead?
Jason Sim: That was way before I ran for president
Jason Sim: And it was not nasty
alphavilleherald: ic, so this is the Arnold Schwarzenegger defense
Jason Sim: LOL
alphavilleherald: so you think she is overblowing things?
Jason Sim: Yes trying to create a scandal.
alphavilleherald: lol, ok…
alphavilleherald: Oh, who is your running mate?
Jason Sim: aaronk but if I win I’m choosing another one because he usually is never on
alphavilleherald: ic, poor aaronk!
Jason Sim: lol
alphavilleherald: Any last comments?
Jason Sim: Vote for Jason sim. LOL
alphavilleherald: thanks Jason, good luck!
Jason Sim: My honor.

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