Florida Newspaper Organizes Ballot Stuffing Campaign!
by Alphaville Herald on 10/04/04 at 1:59 am
In today’s Palm Beach Post, staff writer Rachel Sauer has encouraged residents of Palm Beach Florida to go the AVG website and vote for their favorite daughter Ashley Richardson, and we quote: “So vote for Ashley! It’s a vote for our hometown girl!” One cannot expect all newspapers to meet the high journalistic standards of The Alphaville Herald, but clearly this is beyond the pale. Arguably, Ms. Sauer needs a refresher course in simjournalistic ethics! Interestingly, Ms. Sauer also reports that Ashley’s mother has “handed out slips with the voting Web site to her English students at Palm Beach Gardens High School. The students, incensed by the way Ashley was being treated, offered to go online and create a Sims gang to beat up Mr-President.” I guess it’s the Florida way.
Apr 10th, 2004
lol, Uri.. I was just about to send that article to you.
Dear Florida,
You can vote.. if you have a sim in Alphaville!
Apr 10th, 2004
That is really disgusting Ashley, you should be disqualified for doing that.
Anti Sim Mafia
Apr 10th, 2004
Yeah well Mr “President” at least she doesnt consult JC Soprano. Any President who feels the need to consult him shouldnt be voted into anything in TSO.
here is the story on him consulting with JC: http://www.alphavilleherald.com/archives/000165.html
Apr 10th, 2004
Ian, let’s not be a bastard, and please READ CAREFULLY. If you had taken the time, you’ll see that Ashley had no part in handing out those flyers, he mom did it of her own free will, and Rachel Sauer obviously did this on her own too. I also don’t see why you have such a hate towards Ashley, but hey, who am I to speak right?
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
Hey Anti Sim Mafia.. Why you afraid to use your name?? I find it funny when people hide behind some text lol I laugh at you.
As for the story itself, I applaud Ashley. There is no rule that says you have to be a resident of Alphaville to vote if I am not mistaken.
JC Soprano
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
see JC?
I can be anyone I want to be. Now I’m going to be a big bad mafia guy in a game!
I like to write stupid things and stick all my fingers in every pie I can set my eyes on; regardless of wheather that pie is worthy of eating… JC, take the fucking pie, no one else wants it for christ’s sake!
Eat up, chum… be sure to wipe your chin
type away you board monger!
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
Here we go.. Time to school another fool on the boards. This should be fun. GAME ON!
It’s ashame you want to be me. It really is. Too bad I have class and dignity. I wish Sally Struthers or Jerry Lewis was here right now so they could have a telethon for your pathetic lame retarded ass. Hell I’ll donate $5.
Board Monger? Hey your the jackass that started this. I’ll be the one to finish it. That’s how this works… It’s a one way road your about to walk down.. I’ll give you a chance to turn around right now and shut up. We’ll see if your smart or not.
JC Soprano
In a battle of wits you are seriously unarmed.
Matthew Armone
Apr 10th, 2004
*grabs popcorn* yet another show of JC’s overpowered Ego and a laugh for all of us
oh and all I can say is LMFAO! at this article..
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
I shouldn’t bash myself, really…
I’m a nice person deep down inside, in the no no parts that my mommy used to tell me I shouldn’t touch or even pull out of my pants when I went to school…
But, lately, I can’t help but jerk off more and more when I read about someone else wanting to be me. Its just so cool. So am I!
Vote for Me, screw Ashely and Mr-President, I’m better then both of them.
Just please don’t hit, punch, scratch or mame me in any way, I like to cry when that happens.
All in all usually whenever I have anything to say, it sounds a lot like “blah blah blah” and “wah wah wah” so I really want to say I’m very, very sorry. My mother didn’t breast feed me into my teen years and so this is the only way I know how to cope with it.
By the way, I have a small penis!!!!
JC Soprano
Whats the Sims Online anyway?
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
….I’m still thinking about how I can reply to myself….
JC Soprano
I’ll be back! Its what I do best!
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
hahaha Let’s see.. Matt you are truly a dumbass. I thought it was you.. If it’s not don’t worry.. I’ll have your name before the days up tomorrow.. I’ll just ask a certain somebody that owes me a favor to track it by IP.. Dumbass lol (My other guess is Antonio but he ain’t that smart and knows better)
Matt, your still jealous that the press never talk to you and they do me. You know why that is? The press don’t like immature dumbasses.
Listen to your posts.. Your the one with the ego, I’m just stating facts that hurt your ego and that’s why your mad. Here is one for example. At least we tag with our own Sims, even me. I’m not a pussy that has to use temps to tag.
I will give you credit for the tag you got off, but your pussy for not stepping into the ring yourself. And don’t try to say you don’t use temps becuase we all saw your post in the other thread that said you did.
Get a clue, no one likes you or your lame ass X-Mafia or Armone Family. Bunch a wanna be mafia rejects turned ssg rejects turned once again mafia rejects who have no lives outside of the game. I only respect 1 armone and that’s Jinjo. I don’t know why he hang’s out with you fools.
What are you going to do once tagging rules change. You will have no offense or defense.. Meanwhile, it’s business as usual for us. Maybe your right, maybe I do have an ego… But damn it, I’ve earned it. Players stand up for me all the time.. Who stands up for you?
JC Soprano
Love the penis comment.. We know you have a small penis lolol Dumbass lol
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
Dear all,
I would like to formally apologize to Matt Armone as I mistakenly accused him of being me.
I am me and not Matt… I get confused sometimes, I’m sorry.
I’d also like to apologize for feeling the need to resort to using words such as “pussy” and “dumbass.” I have a limited vocabulary which is examplified in most of my posts. Additionally, I’m not very creative which is displayed in my use of dumbass not once or twice but four times in one posting.
Anyway, I should get back to stating how cool I am really quick! I’m worthy of my ego, folks. No seriously! The press LOVES (!!!!!!) to talk to me because I’m SOOOOOOO awesome and very well spoken I might add. The name’s JC Soprano, buddy! You can bet your sweet pussy, your dumbass LOVES me.
JC Soprano
You love me so much, your HATE loves me, too!
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
hahaha We will know soon enough who you are.. Hide behind your text.. It’s all you got left if I know who this is lol If your so brave show who you are. Save me the time. Show everyone that my use of the word pussy was not justified. Until you reveal yourself you are technically a pussy. Correct me if I am wrong. At least I am original enough not to try to copy someone else. Say I’m not original? lol Have you read your posts? hahahaha
JC Soprano
I like the word dumbass actually.
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
Have I said how great I am? Great’s a great word, it really is! I like the word great.
Great also is a show on HBO called The Sopranos! Its so great that my not-so-great (wait, I like the word dumbass, its better… so,) dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass dumbass self decided to name myself after the lead character.
Wait a second… oof! I just said that I’ve never copied anyone! Oh, well I guess that leaves me with egg on my face now, doesn’t it?
But a big, overweight actor with a bald head like James Gandolfini’s got nothing on me! But he sure is worth copying, I mean lookit! He’s got a buddy that he called Pussy.
JC Soprano
In the dictionary, my picture is next to the word dumbass!
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
Dear Mr Egg on Your Face,
Maybe you have not seen the show the Sopranos. The lead characters name is Tony Soprano, not JC Soprano. In fact, JC Soprano isn’t even a character on the show. So ya, you do got egg on your face. Here is a new word for you, Putz.
JC Soprano
Baby Sitting The Kids Again
Apr 10th, 2004
Please…both of you get over yourselves…what a waste of time. Two inflated egos telling each other they’ve got an inflated ego. I’m so tired of fake elections…as if the one in 2000 wasn’t enough to turn my stomach…and middle school mafias…where the hell are your parents?!?!
I am so done with TSO, tired of waiting for something new and tired of hearing this same garbage over and over.
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
Middle School? lol I’m 26 and I have a career of playing the Sims. Ya I make money doing it. I have a right to defend myself when a jag off like that wants to talk shit. So I hope your talking about the Armones who are ran by a 14 year old. Thats the real middle school mafia.
Where are the parents? That’s a good god damn question. Five to one says the out of control ones in the game are out of their parents control too. Half the way these kids talk I would wash their mouth out or beat their ass the minute they even tried to talk to anyone like that in game or out if I was their parent.
JC Soprano
No respect I tell ya
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
To whom it may concern:
Please kindly stop pretending you are me. I realize that this request may leave you downtrodden but cheer up! You had enough common sense to pretend to be me!
I wasn’t trying to copy James Gandolfini with the name Tony Soprano. Obviously there is a distinction between myself and Tony Soprano; namely, my name! I’m Jeremy Chase aka JC Soprano. See where the JC came from? Creativity strikes again! I am truly something to be adored.
I felt the need to clarify this just one more time because everything is about me. Even the AVG Election is really about me being behind the scenes, running the whole thing but not really running it at all because I am a putz…
Anyway, I am sorry to once again resort to name calling and finger pointing but you see, its just in my nature.
I’ve already called my friend that owes me that favor from that one time in Blazing Falls where I totally saved his ass from the maze machine gone mad and he’s almost done finding out who you are so why don’t you just admit it now while you still can! I’ll forgive you. I’m the real JC Soprano and not you and sooner or later, everyone will know that and understand that ITS ME THAT ITS ABOUT AND NOT YOU!!! MEMEMEMEMEMEMEME!!!!
You’ll be getting a call from my lawyer, my agent, my publicist and my mommy when she finds out what you did!!!
JC Soprano
Where’s my blankie?!
Apr 10th, 2004
Fake elections?
I guess Wired News, New York Times and National Public Radio (all with millions of readers/listeners) wasted their time.
When the AVG Presidency is determined by votes, how is that fake?
By the way, Florida sims:
Don’t vote for Ashley just because she’s in Florida. Read about each candidate first, then vote for her because you like her ideas.
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
See your one of those players that cannot distinct real life from the game. Hense why you used my real name. I will have all of your posts removed when Uri comes on as well as find out who you are. I’m guessing Piers (he was always the maturist roflmao), Andy (always was the creative one roflmao) or Antonio (always had a way with words roflmao). And yes, that was sarcasm lol. Big word for you I know. Just follow the bouncing ball. I know you like balls.
So go ahead, keep up your rant and rave. Your still the chicken shit hiding from me. Big to talk shit, but scared to face up to it. I’m still laughing at you. =)
JC Soprano
Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
Identity theft is a crime!
I’m calling the police and I will have this imposter arrested and not only will Uri remove these posts from his board but he’ll do it because I told him to before you told him to! So take that!
My mommy told me that she didn’t like you!
JC Soprano
I know who you are but who am I!
Apr 10th, 2004
JC – I’m sure you didn’t mean to refer to playing TSO as having a career. This is surely a short-lived thing meant for us all to pass the time. I’m certain a career would entail making enough money to adequately support yourself (IRL) over an extended period of time. I can almost guarantee you’ll be doing something else by the time you turn 30. Also, I’m with you on the out of control kids ingame. If I had kids, I wouldn’t have a computer in the same house.
Prez – We’re a media-driven society, of course a couple news outlets are going to pick up on a virtual election. It’s still fake. Lose the despotic arrogance and maybe I’ll give you my fake vote.
Apr 10th, 2004
About a comment made earlier by Anti Sim Mafia,
Like JC or not, the guy has web design talent. That’s a fact, and is why I consulted him. I asked him for advice on how to prevent multiple votes from the same computer. The Sim Mafia didn’t play a role in the primaries, nor will they in the main elections later today. ( VOTE 10am – 10pm )
Hmm.. when did I display despotism?
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
I was about to go to sleep in my bed when I had an accident. My mommy’s in the middle of changing my sheets and washing my thong.
I just wanted to come back and apologize again to everyone for being Mafia in the first place. I was a real idiot, wasn’t I? I’m sorry about the trouble I’ve caused. I’ll try to be better in the future when I am co-running the AVG!
Mr President, you’ve got my full backing! I know you’ll do great because I can manipulate you like I can bend my little finger.
JC Soprano
Anti Sim Mafia
Apr 10th, 2004
Out of the million people online whom display web design talent in one way or another, you just *had* to go to JC Soprano.
Oh yes! I can see how you’d be so very hard pressed to find talent like JC’s with all the people online. Your HUGE organization doesn’t konw anyone online other then JC Soprano who knows something or two about web design?
Either way you talk about it, you looked for help from a Mob boss, bucko… that makes you a big NIL for El Presidente de AV!
*votes for anyone who doesn’t associate with trash like JC Soprano*
Apr 10th, 2004
lol, He’s not the only one I asked help from. But he’s the only one I know who’s site has 140,000+ hits and should know about IP addresses.
Hmm.. I do see trash..
it’s not JC though..
Apr 10th, 2004
Jihad will be declared on Alphaville if Mr-President is re-elected. Unless you want terror across Alphaville, vote for Ashley. The decision rests in your hands Alphaville. Free yourself!
Sim Liberation Army
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
I’m gonna be the better person and drop this thread for the night.. As fun as it is, it’s a waste of time. I got more pressing business to attend to.
Goodnight Amira. Goodnight Mr. President. Goodnight John Boy.
JC Soprano
Ashley Richardson
Apr 10th, 2004
Hello. I thought the article was great- we did not tell the author to put that in it though. My mother gave it to those students who play the game, and some actually now play and purchased an online account to play on from hearing about the game
lol.. Its a joke about the “Come online and beat up Mr-President”…I had nothing to do with the article lol- She came over and I went on TSO with her lol. I thought it was a well written article, and Rachel caught onto a lot of the “funnier” aspects of my campaign.
Apr 10th, 2004
I agree that it’s a great article, Laura. But Rachel must pay for the “yellow journalism” crack, lol.
Kudos to both you and Mr-President for making this a fun game for a change, and for showing that the game doesn’t really have natural boundaries.
Whoever wins, fairly or not, you guys both did a great job.
Apr 10th, 2004
It was a fun article. For the record.. no one came to beat me up, lol.
Ashley Richardson
Apr 10th, 2004
They are so protective of me, and of course they would never do something like that hehe.They want to beat up Evangeline as well!
Apr 10th, 2004
Why the hell is Mr-President contacting me by private email? Urizenus, are you SHARING THE INFORMATION YOU GATHER ON THESE BOARDS WITH OTHERS? Of course, there’s no disclaimer, nonetheless this is highly unethical, especially for a college instructor.
I am appalled – please contact me at once.
Apr 10th, 2004
I apologize. I see how my email address was obtained.
Apr 10th, 2004
Lol, if you want your email secret, don’t post it.
Apr 10th, 2004
Amira, you made it sound like I cursed you out..
I asked her why she didn’t like the election.
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
I told you I would find out who was trying to post as me and talk some shit. Well Piers (PM Cruiser), you have showed us once again your maturity level. Aren’t you supposed to be like 36? Acting like Antonio and Andy. They are what, 14 and 19?? What’s your excuse? And don’t try to say it wasn’t you. As I said, someone owed me a favor and I know for a fact it was you. Now maybe you’ll stfu.
JC Soprano
http://www.thesimmafia.com/movie/ video of PM getting dissed on national TV by me.
PM Cruiser
Apr 10th, 2004
Hate to break the news to you JC but it wasnt me…
JC Soprano
Apr 10th, 2004
Ok, I’m sorry pookie. hehe
JC Soprano
Can’t we all just get along? – Rodney King