Lucianna/Eliana speaks: “Celestie and I are on the Throne now”
by Alphaville Herald on 09/04/04 at 10:40 am
In this interview, long time Evangeline associate Lucianna (formerly Elianna) talks about her early association with Evangeline in the days of Hotel Erotica (and about how customers and employees were duped into public cybering with false promises of 500K). She also talks about movements of the Free Money franchise to FF and BF (typically with Nick and Celestie), and about their return to AV. She describes the various scam houses including the African Village racist scam, the Japanese Scam house which they used to scam Japanese newbies. Lucianna talks about competition from “wannabe” scammers like Mr. and Mrs. President Bradley, Alphaville’s Bad Girl, Evangeline III, etc. Finally, she takes a shot at Viva T/Isabella for scamming Celestie, vowing revenge.
Urizenus: should I call you Lucianna in this interview?
Lucianna: Yes please
Urizenus: In addition to Lucianna you were Eliana?
Lucianna: yes that is correct
Urizenus: And that was at free money? with Van?
Lucianna: Well i was 50% van also we both owned the account
Lucianna: And yes i started with her at free money
Urizenus: ic
Lucianna: we both owned Evangeline at the time
Urizenus: was that Van’s only account? the one he shared with you?
Lucianna: She did have 1 other one that i gave her but the most she ever had was 2
Urizenus: that other one was her Snow White account?
Lucianna: No she was Grandma
Urizenus: so you came into TSO about when?
Lucianna: I came the day after beta testing
Lucianna: so i am about 400 days old
Urizenus: ok, and when did you meet Evangeline?
Lucianna: A few weeks into the game we met…became friends a month or two later and joined with her.
Urizenus: this was when she was at Hotel Erotica?
Lucianna: Yes correct
Urizenus: ok, so some people, like the SSG say that Hotel Erotica was just a scam place. No one really got cybered there. what do you say?
Lucianna: Well for a fact i know SSG are total thieves and all they want is attention but in any case Hotel Erotica was made for sexual purposes but no attention was being put towards it so she started to scam
Urizenus: meaning you had no customers, or no one cared about it?
Lucianna: Typically yes so in the end it was cybering but they were cybering for money Lucianna: That’s when she did deals such as get 100k for every kiss etc
which was a scam
Lucianna: So it was 50% scam while being 50% Cybering
Urizenus: why is that a scam? People got cybered no? repeat customers and all?
Lucianna: Well she would say 500k if you cyber so they would cyber but she wouldn’t give them their money
Lucianna: So like i said it was a cyber scam
Urizenus: wait, now I’m confused. who did she promise the money to?
Lucianna: The customers–If they cybered with another person
Urizenus: oh ic, I think
Lucianna: Like modeling so to say they get paid for modeling, but she wouldn’t pay them after they did the modeling but in this case it was cybering
Urizenus: do you mean that the “ladies” of the establishment were promised money to cyber with other customers and they didn’t get paid after they did it?
Lucianna: Yes that and also what they would also do is say Cyber with ANOTHER customer and you both will recieve 500k but they would never pay them, they would just want to see the 2 customers cyber
Urizenus: ic, and they would have to cyber in the open, not in IM
Lucianna: Correct
Urizenus: what were you doing at this time?
Urizenus: when she was one of the Merrill sisters
Urizenus: who were you then?
Lucianna: I was a sim named Viviana who did fake money transfers
Urizenus: were you a roomie at Hotel Erotica?
Lucianna: No, i was offered but i didn’t want to, the whole thing seemed odd, when she started the Free Money For Newbies INC i moved in with her then, but recreated as Eliana
Urizenus: well this was then when she came back as Voleur?
Lucianna: Yes
Urizenus: ok, and that’s when you moved in.
Urizenus: and you stayed there until…?
Lucianna: A few weeks
Lucianna: But then i moved out and went to fancey fields and opened an free money for everyone
Urizenus: why did you do that?
Lucianna: To move the INC and show the whole game what we taste like
Urizenus: the INC?
Lucianna: The Free Money Incorporation
Urizenus: ah right
Lucianna: I was in charge of money and accounts
Urizenus: how long did you stay in FF
Lucianna: 1 month
Urizenus: who else was there with you?
Lucianna: With Nick known then as Martha O’Hare
Urizenus: lol
Lucianna: Celestie also moved with me
Urizenus: so Celestie and Nick were there part time or full time?
Lucianna: Nick full time then Celesite showed up a week later so Celestie almost full time but Nick full time
Urizenus: were you guys angry with Van at this time?
Lucianna: No, we just wanted to move the Inc. to FF
Urizenus: what did van say about this?
Lucianna: Nothing, she found it interesting! But roomies started to become irritated with me because me and Van were best friends and we knew each other account names and so fourth
Urizenus: so there was some jealousy?
Lucianna: Sort of but then we talked it out and we were all friends again
Urizenus: well ok, so when you were in FF you were still named Eliana?
Lucianna: No i was Angela
Urizenus: and were you able to scam a lot of money there?
Lucianna: about 10 Million
Urizenus: in one month?
Lucianna: Correct i had tons of money transfers and fake contests that cost 10k to get in
Urizenus: this came mostly from newbies? or sims that should know better.
Lucianna: Newbies of course, some other sims but newbies are the easiest
Urizenus: no doubt.
Urizenus: so why did you move back to Alpha?
Lucianna: I was always in alpha just part time in FF
Lucianna: I just closed down FF
Urizenus: ok, why did you quit FF?
Lucianna: So i could concentrate more on AV because i would make over 10 mill every 3 weeks there since it’s so popular in AV, so i concentrated on AV and had my money transfered to AV
Urizenus: Do you remember what month you had your FF operation?
Lucianna: Whoa…
Lucianna: No i don’t
Urizenus: was in during the Voleur era or after that?
Lucianna: It was the ending of Voleur and the beginning of Van it was when all that change happened
Urizenus: ok, so then you came back to alpha, and who was in the Free Money house then
Lucianna: Evangeline, Celestie, Martha O’Hare, Lara, And Me
Urizenus: Now who was Lara?
Lucianna: Another one of Vans friends
Urizenus: where was Angelica at this time?
Lucianna: Angelica?
Urizenus: isabella
Lucianna: Oh haha yes at Free Money also
Urizenus: tsk tsk, forgot Isa!
Lucianna: Haaha Isa is a tranvestite
Urizenus: so how much were you guys scamming at the time?
Urizenus: when you were all in the Free Money place
Lucianna: All together?
Urizenus: yah
Lucianna: i would say a good 15 Mill a month between scams but then pets and rares came out and we were scamming ptff like 30 mill all together i had a tiger that i would make like 10 mill off of
Lucianna: Scamming out of it
Urizenus: and everyone kept what they individually scammed, or was there a common pool of scam money
Lucianna: Well me and nick split ours but everyone really kept there own
Lucianna: Nick as in Martha O’Hare
Urizenus: why do you think Maxis let you guys keep doing that?
Lucianna: Because it is not against the TOS scamming is a natural part of the game
Urizenus: Have you read the TOS?
Lucianna: Yes they added some scamming things in now
Urizenus: ok, so they never came and complained to you guys or anything.
Lucianna: But we were all banned around 5 times and we just keep coming back
Urizenus: ic, what were you banned for?
Lucianna: Inappropriate language, illegal disadvantages 3rd party software etc etc
Urizenus: you mean like running bots or something?
Lucianna: yes
Urizenus: ok, so if this is from the time of Voleur — October ’03 let’s say — then when did the house break up?
Lucianna: Late December, Mid January
Lucianna: Celestie and Isabella were jealous of me and left
Urizenus: Is that when they went to the African village property they set up?
Lucianna: Yes that’s correct
Lucianna: Then I was paying over 50 bucks a month in RL a month on evangeline so i left with Nick
Urizenus: what do you mean you were paying $50/month on Van? for what?
Lucianna: Simoleans, Buying key codes for new accounts, account fees in general for other accounts for the whole house to go on
Urizenus: well how many accounts did he need?
Lucianna: When his accounts were banned
Urizenus: oh right. but why did he need more than one account at at time? ie why more than $12/month
Lucianna: Well it was 24 bucks for a key code i believe and i also bought simoleans and paid for one of his first months TSO accounts
Urizenus: Ok, so then you and nick started the japanese place
Lucianna: Yes
Urizenus: and then Royalty Cash or something
Lucianna: yes
Urizenus: I forget, were you Sanjiro or the other one
Lucianna: I was Yoshii
Lucianna: Nick was Sanjiro
Urizenus: right ok.
Urizenus: so why didn’t that last?
Lucianna: We talked to Van and Celestie
Lucianna: And we all came back together
Lucianna: Until the mega war
Urizenus: alright… so then you guys got back together, but then the mega war happened?
Lucianna: Yes
Urizenus: now when you went back to Free Money did you go back as Eliana?
Lucianna: Yes
Lucianna: But then that sim was banned
Lucianna: So i made Eliana Rose
Urizenus: Oh, so you got banned in that big sweep that knocked out you and Van and Celestie and Isabella
Lucianna: Yes I think Celestie just got a 72 hour
Lucianna: Isa got a new account
Urizenus: who did Isa recreate as?
Lucianna: Umm I believe it was Isabella- or -Isabella
Urizenus: oh ok
Lucianna: Then that was the start of mega war
Urizenus: why? what happened?
Lucianna: I bough Van a new account
Lucianna: Then Van got on and made a house but i thought van was Taking advantage of me
Lucianna: Again
Urizenus: so you bought van an account — was that the Eve account or was it Evangeline Merrill?
Lucianna: Evangeline Merrill
Urizenus: ok
Lucianna: Then everyone just totally split up
Urizenus: ok, and who went where?
Lucianna: Celestie hadn’t even gotten a new account yet i believe
Lucianna: Isabella just made a house i don’t remember the name
Lucianna: And I and Nick made another separate scam house
Lucianna: Lara did her own little thing we never kept track of her
Urizenus: I thought Nick had retired from scamming by then
Lucianna: No not yet
Lucianna: A few days later he did
Lucianna: But then i met Mrs Granny
Urizenus: ok, and does anyone know where Mrs Granny came from?
Lucianna: No..we weren’t sure..
Lucianna: She was a nice sim
Lucianna: Who was originally going to trash the house
Lucianna: but then she liked the idea of scamming
Lucianna: so she joined us
Lucianna: She was a 19 year old girl living in Florida
Urizenus: ok
Urizenus: did Van know her in real life?
Lucianna: No
Lucianna: Me And Van knew each other over phone and et
Urizenus: ok, so you moved in with Mrs. Granny?
Lucianna: She moved in with me
Urizenus: Mrs. Granny had several accounts no?
Lucianna: Yes 3 or 4
Lucianna: Then at the time i had 4 accounts with 2 trials
Urizenus: ok
Urizenus: alright, so who all lived in this place, and what was it called?
Lucianna: Somethine like FREE-MONEY’FOR NEWBIES
Lucianna: But that ended quick and me and Mrs Granny moved to BF and met 2 other sims that were scammers but they left after 2 weeks
Lucianna: Then i came back to AV and became Lucianna with mrs Granny only
Urizenus: so Mrs Granny is back too?
Lucianna: Yes she came back to AV
Urizenus: as?
Lucianna: Shannen
Lucianna: But i would say about a month later she vanished
Urizenus: hmmm
Urizenus: so why did you leave BF?
Lucianna: Because the 2 sims that joined were gaining power and i was in throne so i kicked them out of it and came back to AV with Mrs Granny
Urizenus: who were the two sims in BF?
Lucianna: Ummm we all were the Merrills one was Cindy Merrill and the other one i THINK was..grrr i don’t remember
Urizenus: I think that AJDown complained to me that you guys were harassing him
Urizenus: maybe you didn’t notice
Lucianna: I dunno maybe they were i don’t know the name
Lucianna: So then when Mrs Granny left in AV me and Van teamed up and did the Japeneese scam
Lucianna: which was only 2 months ago
Urizenus: ok, so you came back with Mr. Granny, and you set up shop again?
Lucianna: then Celestie joined
Urizenus: oh right
Urizenus: I notice that didn’t last long
Lucianna: No haha it didn’t
Urizenus: is that because no Japanese players came to tso?
Lucianna: yes
Urizenus: were you expecting to scam Japanese newbies?
Lucianna: yes
Urizenus: did you even see one?
Lucianna: yes a few
Urizenus: were you able to scam them?
Lucianna: yes
Lucianna: we had Japanese translators
Urizenus: what kind of translator. machine? person?
Lucianna: Oh machine
Urizenus: lol, ok
Urizenus: so when that fizzled, what did you guys do?
Lucianna: I moved out
Lucianna: started my own thing
Urizenus: which was…?
Urizenus: who is with you in that?
Lucianna: Nobody
Lucianna: just me
Urizenus: just you, as Lucianna?
Lucianna: Yes
Urizenus: ok, and where is Celestie now?
Lucianna: And now i just had Celestie move in with me, Nick, and 2 other new sims
Lucianna: Celestie is in my house
Lucianna: With me
Lucianna: As Celestie
Urizenus: oh ok
Lucianna: And Isabella owns a free money for everyone place
Urizenus: also in alpha?
Lucianna: Yes she is Viva T, she actually scammed Celestie
Urizenus: really? how?
Lucianna: Celestie told her to hold his money
Lucianna: And she said that “She Is Evil And Friends With Nobody”
Lucianna: Was her quote
Lucianna: And ignored him
Lucianna: My famous quote which is being popular now is “Revenge Will Fall Upon The One Who Backstabs The One They Love” meaning we will have revenge on Viva T
Urizenus: well, where is she now?
Lucianna: Who Viva?
Urizenus: yah
Lucianna: She owns number 6 on Newbie which won’t be for long we have a plan to take her out of power
Urizenus: and what about Alphaville’s Bad Girl. who is that?
Lucianna: Some copy cat of me and Evangeline who thinks she is me or Evangeline, what else is knew there is always a copy cat with the name like Lucianna’ or Queen Lucianna it figures
Urizenus: so she is just a wannabe?
Lucianna: Correct
Lucianna: So is Evangeline III
Lucianna: So is Ms Martha Stewart
Urizenus: What is Van herself up to now?
Lucianna: She quit
Urizenus: sure?
Lucianna: So i am in throne now with Celestie
Lucianna: Yes I’m positive
Urizenus: for good or just a bit?
Lucianna: Im not sure probably just for a bit the reign never ends but any power would be put down right now by me
Lucianna: Except Jannettes
Lucianna: We are allies
Lucianna: She made me so proud when she won the most hated award
Urizenus: well let me ask you about Mr and Mrs president bradley
Urizenus: thoughts about them?
Lucianna: I have a lot to say about them
Urizenus: shoot!
Lucianna: We were good friends
Lucianna: But then i turned because he was overcoming my power so i shut him down
Lucianna: He hacked the hell out of me and put viruses on mine, celesties, issys and vans computer
Urizenus: what does that mean: “overcoming my powers”
Lucianna: I do not want anyone achieving more power in the free money group besides Nick or celestie
Urizenus: ok, so were they in the group for a while?
Lucianna: Yes
Lucianna: Again they are wannabes
Urizenus: and then they started their own thing.
Lucianna: Yes
Urizenus: why are they wannabes?
Lucianna: But please do not quote me on them because they will hack me
Urizenus: just update your virus software
Lucianna: Ughh ok then i will not say anything else about the bradleys
Lucianna: they are very nice and we are now friends with them now
Lucianna: we are basically allies
Lucianna: now
Urizenus: well, what can you say about them Off the Record
Lucianna: [comments elided]
Urizenus: just so I am clear, what do you want to say about them On the Record.
Lucianna: They are very smart and have excellent tactics but they are definitely more goverment scammers. as you know they copied a lot of mine and Vans ideas
Lucianna: Like they aren’t a totally good with the free money for newbies
Lucianna: they should go for transfers or money for skills or etc
Urizenus: but you don’t wanna call them wannabes?
Lucianna: Not so much wannbes
Lucianna: But they should think of better ideas on their own they do have the jerry springer show
Lucianna: so that is an idea
Urizenus: what do you mean by “government scammers”
Lucianna: Like be anti-gov
Lucianna: They would be better at that
Urizenus: how do they make money out of that?
Lucianna: Well scamming but be anti-gov also
Urizenus: got it.
Urizenus: What are your plans now?
Lucianna: To keep my incorporation going and help celestie get revenge on Viva, and get all the wannabes out
Urizenus: how do you plan on getting rid of the wannabes?
Lucianna: no comment
Urizenus: anything you want to add?
Lucianna: No not really but i honestly think AV is weak
Lucianna: They only got 20 tags on me so far
Lucianna: hahah
Urizenus: so why stay here?
Lucianna: Its the best place to scam
Urizenus: AV is weak or AVG is weak?
Lucianna: AV
Lucianna: The citisims
Urizenus: got it
Urizenus: ok, thanks Lucianna…
Lucianna: You’re welcome
Apr 9th, 2004
I and Evangeline opened first “Free Money” house aug 2003. If you dont believe me, then ask Evangeline. We were friends since Jan 2003 when i worked at her lot “Granny’s Secrets”
Lucianna u wanna be me! ur so unoriginal!
Eliana and Celestie jonied us oct 2003 i think.
Apr 9th, 2004
Lucianna, You copyed Evangeline’s house design. Get a life.
Apr 9th, 2004
This is just a bad soap opera. It will take more than one person can handle just to keep straight the names.
AV's Bad Girl
Apr 9th, 2004
Apr 9th, 2004
AV’s bad girl,
Yea I, you and Evangeline were roomies. But you moved out, then Wannabes Eliana (Lucianna) and Celestie moved in. They spoiled the atmosphere. becuase they are kids and n00bs
Lucianna, I just heard that Celestie dont like you because you always lie. Awww! none likes you little boy =(
Apr 9th, 2004
::weeps::…Aww poor Isabella..are you jealous? Awwww
I feel so bad for you =”( AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Apr 9th, 2004
Nick, haha ur mad at me because i booted and banned your sim “Transexual Theresa” from my lot HAHA what a fucking loser!
Apr 10th, 2004
Get ready for the end.
Apr 10th, 2004
Poor poor Kevin. Well now that you crossed ud. You will meet your end in no time. Your a baby in an adult’s game. Change your diaper and grow the hell up. We were never friends dear. You WILL be punished.
-Your Ruler
Apr 10th, 2004
Poor poor Kevin. Well now that you crossed us. You will meet your end in no time. Your a baby in an adult’s game. Change your diaper and grow the hell up. We were never friends dear. You WILL be punished.
-Your Ruler
secret me
Apr 10th, 2004
Apr 10th, 2004
isabella go on yahoo
Apr 10th, 2004
This is a note to Isabella/Viva..Viva wants to make me look unorignal and not respectful..i was there fromd ay 1 with Van..yes me and Evangeline hate each other now from further causes..Viva doesn’t like to tell anyone the true secret! You see Isabella is a tranvestite she is really a man but likes to put make up, girls clothes on, and a wig..take a look on look up Viva T! She is a troubled person who likes to make other people look bad for her troubled personality in real it is for the Bradleys me and President Bradley are good friends and soon Ms Bradley also..And for AV’s Bad Girl? Come on..what a silly wannabe..whats up with the face and profile? It makes me sick, im sorry i had to show the real Isabella but Issy..geta life and stop showing your insecurity on other people!
Apr 10th, 2004
This is a note to Isabella/Viva..Viva wants to make me look unorignal and not respectful..i was there fromd ay 1 with Van..yes me and Evangeline hate each other now from further causes..Viva doesn’t like to tell anyone the true secret! You see Isabella is a tranvestite she is really a man but likes to put make up, girls clothes on, and a wig..take a look on look up Viva T! She is a troubled person who likes to make other people look bad for her troubled personality in real it is for the Bradleys me and President Bradley are good friends and soon Ms Bradley also..And for AV’s Bad Girl? Come on..what a silly wannabe..whats up with the face and profile? It makes me sick, im sorry i had to show the real Isabella but Issy..geta life and stop showing your insecurity on other people!
Apr 10th, 2004
Celestie and Nick are my best friends for your Information Isabella, your just jealous that you are not the original so you like to sya me, Celestie, and Nick were “unoriginal” i feel so bad for..don’t you have a wig to go pick up?
Apr 10th, 2004
Lucianna, Shut up u idiot!
Celestie told me on yahoo, I have the history. =)hahaha none likes you. your roomies/friends are using you AWWW POOR POOR LUCIANNA! She has no good simfriends.
But….Luicanna, why did you IM me today and asked if we could be friends again? But i put you on ignore! because ur so ugly, i dont like you
and please dont IM me anymore u idiot!
Apr 10th, 2004
So, we’re using Kevin then huh? Well, I’ll tell you right now I’m not, and you can’t tell me that I am, because I know what I’m doing and you don’t. You don’t even know me, so please pull the dildo out of your ass and grow up before you post next time. Thank you.
Apr 10th, 2004
And for the record, my sim is not “Transexual Theresa”. It was Razor Ramone. Again, pull your fucking head out of your ass.
Apr 10th, 2004
This is how it happend in my eyes.
I came back from a long break from TSO, retired all my sims that were in dead cities. I recreated as an old woman named Ethel. Then I didn’t like that name so I created Celestie, and I fell in love with this alter ego of mine. I started out nice and sweet as can be and went to the FMFN lot to find out more about it. I knew to do everything they said by now because I was kicked out before. I was well behaved and then I was asked if I wanted to be a roomie by Van herself. I accepted thinking it was a once in a life time chance and I became meaner and meaner then I was hooked. By then Margarita was already kicked out and there was other roomies ( Snow White and someone else). I built my room and Van said she loved my work. So we got to be friends and I was then the “house mother”. I forget exactly what happend but Nick became a roomie, then Lara, or kevin (who ever came first). I’m not sure where viva fits in because she was always moving in and out but once I remember meeting Angelica, and Fruitcake lady (Who hated me like she hates me again now). Time passed and me and viva/isa/ugly became “friends”. I went on power trips and got jelous when kevin came and things just fell apart then came back. Viva talked me into hating van 2 times and the last was the final time. I will tell more when I get to talk to Uri about this but it ended with me being on my own again taken in by lucianna/kev. Viva T fooled me and I was immature to trust her but what can you expect from someone who has never had this happen to them. I guess Viva is living proof that there are ugly, mean, rotten, selfish, crossdressing pigs out in the world that have no one to love but themselves. I’m leaving TSO soon.
Isabella / Viva T
Apr 10th, 2004
haha do you remember u told me u wanted a makeover irl. I am still laughing! and u told me your RL classmates think you looked like a handicap person. Hahahahaha and u asked me why your classmates never ask you if u want to hang out. You told me you wanted to be a transexual too. Don’t try to lie because i have the YM history
Apr 11th, 2004
::yawns:: Viva for your own sake, quit publicly degrading yourself, and shut the fuck up.
Isabella / Viva T
Apr 11th, 2004
Nick, Dont talk to me
Apr 11th, 2004
Hahaha…’Friends’??? Come on Kevin…you know better…
Apr 11th, 2004
kevin your a liar. you were in FF as an ugly sim with sun glasses creating a “wannabee” scam house with a shitty webpage like mine. You and I were never friends when i started playing. It was like taking candy from an overgrown baby. Me and Isabella have been friends many years. She is the longest friend ive had on tso. You were never at hotel erotica. You cant cyber if your life depended on it. Your only 13 and a n00b. You think me and viva are not friends? WE scammed all of you. It was all an act. WE hate all of you in r/l. We just wanted your money. Celestie dont u understand? Viva and I planned to take your money for many months.and we did. Where is your animal statue ahahahaha. Your all n00bs. Me and Isabella know eachother in r/l. Dont mess with r/l friends. Suckers.
Apr 11th, 2004
Apr 12th, 2004
van, Someone hacked your Yahoo account…??
Apr 13th, 2004
Viva I said I want a makeover you sweedish meatface fucker. Do you have any idea why I make up stories for you? I was your friend and I think you are in a wheelchair irl and I wanted you to feel better about yourself because you were making a big deal about van calling you handicap. You said you wanted a sex change im laughing at you hahaha your so gay you want to be a girl. You say you believe in ghost but not it God, and you have to ask what words mean because you can’t understand and you can’t read. wipe your cum pumped ass you sweedish meatball. Do you need me to explain what a meatball is? It’s very similar to ugly clown face. No one likes you, you arn’t even in school you are to dumb to go.
Apr 15th, 2004
Let me get this situation straightened out! First off all Viva, stop acting like me, just because i left the game it does not mean you are “queen” if you think i hate Luci or Celestie your wrong, i liked both of them and you until you had these huge moodswings and went crazy. I also think you should get a new sim face its impeccably ugly its VERY silly. So before you go around acting like your something that your not think about it. If i were to give anyone throne it would be Lucianna Or Celestie..not you for these purposes!
Apr 15th, 2004
Let me get this situation straightened out! First off all Viva, stop acting like me, just because i left the game it does not mean you are “queen” if you think i hate Luci or Celestie your wrong, i liked both of them and you until you had these huge moodswings and went crazy. I also think you should get a new sim face its impeccably ugly its VERY silly. So before you go around acting like your something that your not think about it. If i were to give anyone throne it would be Lucianna Or Celestie..not you for these purposes!
Apr 15th, 2004
Let me get this situation straightened out! First off all Viva, stop acting like me, just because i left the game it does not mean you are “queen” if you think i hate Luci or Celestie your wrong, i liked both of them and you until you had these huge moodswings and went crazy. I also think you should get a new sim face its impeccably ugly its VERY silly. So before you go around acting like your something that your not think about it. If i were to give anyone throne it would be Lucianna Or Celestie..not you for these purposes!
Apr 15th, 2004
Apr 17th, 2004
I’m laughing so hard in rl at Viva. Viva, no one is silly enough to beleive your bullshit. Viva, Cele is not ugly or fat irl. I have seen her webcam! Today you wrote me on yahoo and told me to take you off my buddy list bc i am ugly. Well I showed you my pics and I certainly don’t think I’m ugly. Oh, and you WERENT on my buddy list to begin with! Maybe all of us will have to post our RL pics on RSO to prove you wrong. We are all better looking people on the inside and out than you Viva. Jealousy is a bitch isnt it? BTW, I’m Mrs Granny…now Ethel in AV. Viva, please DONT get a sex change, we can all see the ugly male hairs growing on your legs while you dress like a girl. You will never be a pretty girl irl. You will be HIDEOUS like you already are as a man. Aren’t you too young to even know your sexual preference? When i say Hideous, I’m talking about the person beneath your skin. I still can’t get over you scammed Cele! I don’t care what it takes, I will get revenge on you. Wait and see. The clock is ticking and your times running out. Be careful.