Mr-President Responds: Affair with Relina fabricated by her sister!
by Alphaville Herald on 25/04/04 at 12:07 am
Special from Pat the Rat (AVH gossip columnist extraordinaire):
In an AVG Press release, Mr. President has denied having a sim relation with Relina, but has acknowledged that two of the screen shots are authentic (one of him kissing Relina next to the ice cream stand and the other with Relina in the Bathroom while Mr President bathes). According to chat logs produced by Mr-President, the lie was developed over time by Relina’s older (i.e. 17 year old) sister who did it to create publicity for Relina’s club, Studio Fifty Four. If Mr-President is presenting the information accurately (and we have no reason to doubt that he is) then what a sad commentary on the sim youth of today — seeking to debase their little sisters for 15 nanoseconds of fame and a higher ranked entertainment lot. *sigh* Were it not for the abundant silliness of it all we might join some sort of religious organization. Or at least AA.
Apr 25th, 2004
Uri – I think that She was lying about her sister…
Apr 25th, 2004
Sorry meant to finish that hit post accidently…
…But I mean, that we aren’t totally sure that she is telling the truth, however it is possible”
- Ian
AVG Press Secretary
[Sir in AV]
Apr 25th, 2004
hehe i think he’s trying to save face from the ‘tabloid’ comments made in the other story
Apr 25th, 2004
I added a fact to the press statement:
My sims’s font color is Orange, not green.
Gina Giancana
Apr 25th, 2004
Correct me if I am wrong but Mr. President said the screen shots are authentic? But yet then says his font color is orange not green as seen in the shot? How can it be authentic then? Am I misunderstanding something here. Anyway I have a feeling Mr. P is going to be taken to Sim Court soon with all this sexual harrassment he’s been throwing out lately.
Apr 25th, 2004
Isn’t it funny that all this tabloid press has taken the spotlight off Mr-P’s real crimes and misdemeanors? I am sure he is enjoying his newfound fame as a “playa” but has the AV Herald forgotten that two weeks ago this so-called public servant engineered a fix on an election? How convenient for Mr-P that he is suddenly being accused of being a groper and a heart-breaker. Give me a break. “Arthur” aka Mr-P needs to be held accountable for what he did which was to lie, cheat and steal an election. Uri — have you stopped looking into this? I had more faith in you. I guess it really is role-playing and Arthur Baynes is just sitting back and waiting for things to blow over while he lives an online fantasy that he is a stud-muffin (choke!)who got away with stealing an election. Well, there are people who know what really happened, saw the proof and think he’s a pathetic joke. He has his middle school boys fight his battles for him – and they can’t even write, spell or back up any of their arguments with facts. Ian, ask your teacher for some extra help, you need it. And keep on believing in our current government (the liars who taught you how to do what you do) — they love kids like you. Pretty soon they will draft you and you’ll be wishing you had listened to people like Michael Moore when you’re getting shot at in Iraq to help make Bush and his people even richer than they already are.
Apr 25th, 2004
Not that any of this really matters now… but amidst the admissions from her made last night, I took a few screenshots before I read the AVH to send to somebody because I thought they were funny.
So yeah… she admitted it several times in game, so these are pretty subtle compared to her behavior the rest of the time.
This ones of her threatening Sir with the same dealie… not that big of a thing really.
And this ones the one where she admits she made it up… she had admitted it prior to this, but I didn’t know about the story then, so I didn’t snap it, but I’m sure if you asked the people on the lot the entire time they’d say the same thing.
mmmk, thats my bit plzkthnx.
Apr 25th, 2004
Onlooker, I do NOT know what you mean. I hardly ever make a mistake, and when I do…I usually correct it. Sorry, if I can not be perfect like you. Gina – yes they were authentic, but one was misleading. I suggest, looking at the first one that says “I love you Relina
”.. Mr-P speaks with an orange font color, if you don’t remember the color, come speak for your self. If you don’t know the “bug” in game, when you are next to someone, like really close, when you speak it some times goes to the left/right of you, depends what angel your looking at. That is why it looks like Mr-President is saying it.
Onlooker – if you had the chance to actually sit down and talk to Mr-President in game, or even out of game for a long time, you would know that he is not the kind of person who would be capable of doing something like this. You can use all your anti-Bush, pro (disgusting) Michael Moore talk in this, but I do not think those type of politics are needed in the Alphaville Government. You can also, bash me and the people who join AVG all you want too, but I bet you a) never been in the AVG b) never talked to someone from the AVG or c) Know what it is really about. It is about roleplaying, not about war in Iraq. It’s not like the “rigging” has blown over, there is yet to be valid proof. And please do not respond saying that JC Soprano’s conversation is, because JC submitted it himself. Why would he hurt his own honor. Think before you speak!
AVG Press Secretary
[Sir in AV]
Storm Armone
Apr 25th, 2004
You cannot deny though Ian, that the “Alphaville Government” is not being run by a bunch of mind-warped children..I know for a fact your age, I know for a fact FansII (although, a scammer wiped him out) age, and I’m pretty sure by their moronic display of typing skills most of them are either A) Too dumb to spell out simple words, or B) Not old enough to have gotten a proper grammar/spelling class.
Storm Armone
Apr 25th, 2004
And we honestly cannot forget your ideals towards Goerge Bush…Are they your parent’s ideas speaking? do you read some of the most biased news segments out their?(I.E. Fox, lol) Some of us, who know the bs that Bush threw out their, are still waiting for his press conference about where the supposed and alleged Nuclear Weapons are…Without him flirting the subject all night.
-Storm aka Matthew Armone
Apr 25th, 2004
No Storm, my dad hates Bush, and my mom is down in the center. I know my age, and the way you act, you have no room to speak. I am not like ashley and call my self a party, because I am not 18. I never referred to my self as a Republican, so please. Storm, you need to get your facts straight, Fans is like 25. Again with the real life politics in Alphaville. Is it really neccessary? And my grammar….
You just said ” who know the bs that Bush threw out their” …. it is spelled “there”, not “their”.
Looks like you need to go back to school.
AVG Press Secretary
[Sir in AV]
Apr 25th, 2004
oK WAT IS UP with this….I am not crazy gurl!!! My acoutn was canceled…because sir told on my sisterthat she was 12…Im realy anger to as why crazy gurl is pretending to be Relina.
Apr 25th, 2004
You people got crazy gurl to pretend to be me…i get it know…we have one aacount!!! Its canceled!!!!
Storm Armone
Apr 25th, 2004
The way I act?..Please explain Ian
I am neutral on this…I think Relina is full of shit, yet I also believe that JC Soprano and Mr-President rigged the elections. Care to start moral-based wars, Ian?..I can play that game
Apr 25th, 2004
I am not making this a personal matter, I just wanted to point out that while attempting to make an ass out of me, you made one of your self. The AVG does not want to get in Real Political Battles. If you think the elections were rigged, you know that is great. Because; you have a right to your opinion, and that is what any government is about. Just like in real life politics, you can “march against it” or “protest”. But disagreeing with your government, and not getting punished is what democracy is about, and that is what AVG is about.
AVG Press Secretary
[Sir in AV]