The Other Fixed Election: Seth Galloway Speaks
by Alphaville Herald on 21/04/04 at 8:09 pm
Much has been made of allegations of cheating in the final election between Ashley Richardson and Mr-President. Largely overlooked in the Alphaville Election Scandals has been the charge that final primary election between Ashley Richardson and Seth Galloway was also fixed – this time in Ashley’s favor. In this interview we talk to Seth Galloway, get his current take on what happened, and find out about his new project: building a new government in Calvin’s Creek.
Urizenus: I assume you have followed the controversies surrounding the alphaville elections, including the chat logs which seem to suggest that you got jobbed by Mr-P in the primaries. Any thoughts or reactions to that?
Seth Galloway: Once I read the logs, I realized I had been cheated, when I confronted JC Soprano he said I should try and get a re-election, he said he knows that all my votes weren’t counted..
Seth Galloway: When I mentioned something to Mr-President, he said that all my votes were counted..
Urizenus: So JC Soprano confirmed the election was fixed?
Seth Galloway: Yes..
Seth Galloway: Then he said something like ‘Do you think there would be news if seth won?’
Seth Galloway: I asked Mr-President about that, because me and Ashley are both 14..
Seth Galloway: He said ‘I just thought it would be funny, for a 14 year old model vs. a 21 year Airline Agent.’
Urizenus: That sounds like a confession
Seth Galloway: Yes..
Seth Galloway: But then he said on that all of the votes, were counted..
Urizenus: well, do you think they were counted?
Seth Galloway: No, because in the CHAT, it says the end ones weren’t counted, mine anyway.. Plus..
Seth Galloway: I lost by 3 in the first primary..
Urizenus: right
Seth Galloway: In the second one, I had Jason Sim and supporters, also Jinjo and supporters..
Urizenus: you mean you came in only three votes behind Ashley and you should have picked up the votes from Jason and Jinjo’s supporters
Seth Galloway: Yes..
Seth Galloway: I dont think the election was done fair, I would have had many more voted, by far..
Urizenus: Well, you worked in the AVG for a while, no?
Seth Galloway: Yes, I worked for a long period of time..
Urizenus: What was your position?
Seth Galloway: I was a lawyer with Sean Kendrick [Who is leaving sadly] And, I also ran a Government housing agency, as well as lived with Fans with the CIA
Urizenus: Did you know Mr-P pretty well?
Seth Galloway: I know him alright, I thought he was a fair person..
Seth Galloway: But when I think of it..
Seth Galloway: If Mr-President didnt cheat, or wasn’t going to cheat, then why wouldn’t he use a 3rd party site?
Seth Galloway: I think he knows if he does, he will lose..
Urizenus: He considered using JC Soprano’s site as the “independent 3rd party site”
Seth Galloway: Heh, That wouldn’t be different then the one he used..
Seth Galloway: He kept say that it was a 3rd party site, but let him use his domain..
Urizenus: Well, let me play the devil’s advocate here. Mr. President is very popular and he is the driving force behind the creation of the AVG. Why do you think that *you* or anyone, could have beaten him?
Seth Galloway: Because, I think that I have could of won, because I’m a popular sim also, Maybe not like him, but.. People know that I do what they need, and don’t take long 10-20 minute AFK sessions, and would know I would do stuff fair, I had a lot of support from AVG employees..
Seth Galloway: Or at least that is what they said to me..
Urizenus: Here’s another question. You know Mr-P pretty well, does this sound like something he would do. Some people, like Coco, consider it unthinkable.
Seth Galloway: It seems like Coco always agrees with him, on everything .. [Coco no offense], Before the election, I didn’t even suspect of him cheating.. He seemed fair, everyone told me he would cheat.. I didn’t ever think he would, after the chat log, I knew he did..
Urizenus: Everyone told you he would cheat? Why did they think he would?
Seth Galloway: They said That he wouldn’t want to lose something he started, and built to its success that it is right now..
Seth Galloway: He is the founder, why would he give it away?
Seth Galloway: You know?
Urizenus: Were these friends of his that said this?
Seth Galloway: Well, not close friends of his, but they know him..
Seth Galloway: But..
Seth Galloway: Once that happened I didn’t invest as much as before, because he wouldn’t leave something he founded, it would be crazy.
Urizenus: When they told you that you decided that they were right and so you didn’t invest as much in the campaign?
Seth Galloway: Well, I still tried my best, because I thought a littler worse of him, but I still thought that it wouldn’t be cheated that bad..
Urizenus: Do you think he cheated in the final election against Ashley too?
Seth Galloway: Yes.. Of course, you can stop votes coming in for a certain # in that case Ashley..
Seth Galloway: He could of Changed his IP which is illegal and gave his self votes..
Urizenus: Well, you’ve moved on since the election. You’ve established a new govermment in Calvin’s Creek?
Seth Galloway: Yes..
Urizenus: Tell me about that
Seth Galloway:
Seth Galloway: Ok..
Seth Galloway: We just started it about a month ago..
Seth Galloway: We have increased greatly, but still not as large as AVG..
Seth Galloway: But it helps cool some hot tempers in CC..
Seth Galloway: It helps the sims dearly..
Urizenus: So you negotiate truces with the mafias there?
Seth Galloway: There are many mafia’s their, but they don’t bother sims much, if at all..
Seth Galloway: At least recently..
Seth Galloway: Since we have been their, we have not had one problem..
Urizenus: Well what hot tempers are you cooling?
Seth Galloway: People are mad, because they have been scammed, or something in that nature, for example:
Urizenus: IC
Seth Galloway: ‘Ill sell you a tiger for 200k’ ‘Well i only have 108k’ Ok that will work’
Seth Galloway: They cheat them out of all their money..
Seth Galloway: We help the sims with counseling, and money..
Urizenus: How many members in your organization now?
Seth Galloway: 50 Roughly.. Still quite small.
Urizenus: And it appears to be modeled on the AVG.
Seth Galloway: What do you mean by that?
Urizenus: Meaning that the organization seems similar.
Seth Galloway: More or less, We try to help sims, we have a lot of sims from AVG, that came there, because no one was recognizing them, or AVG is not helping everyone..
Seth Galloway: Understand?
Urizenus: yah
Urizenus: Well are people becoming unhappy with AVG now?
Seth Galloway: I guess so, Not sure, they mentioned that in CC..
Seth Galloway: They said that AVG will pass over them when they have waited forever for a job..
Seth Galloway: Or they think the election was a cheat.
Urizenus: IC, so people have left the AVG because they think Mr-P cheated?
Seth Galloway: Yes, There was one sim [unnamed] Said that I should of won the election, or at least Ashley beat him, he said that Mr-President doesn’t answer the questions he gives him in debates or anything..the hard ones.. lol
Urizenus: Do you think more people will leave AVG as the depth of the scandal is exposed?
Seth Galloway: Yes.. Truly I think they will.. No one will trust Mr-President, or respect him, if it is fully exposed..
Seth Galloway: In the chat, was the $125k a week, to keep quite about the elections?
Urizenus: yes.
Seth Galloway: It just kills me all the people that put so much time in it..
Seth Galloway: He hardly did anything for re-election, and won.. It’s just terrible..
Seth Galloway: There is no way he could be that popular, to get them big ‘boosts’ in the election.
Urizenus: Well, all I can say is sorry.
Seth Galloway: I know. It is terrible…
Urizenus: Anything else to add?
Seth Galloway: I think that will be all, Have a good day.
Apr 21st, 2004
“Seth Galloway: He hardly did anything for re-election, and won.. It’s just terrible..”
What about founding the organization?
Also, Seth, do you deny having this conversation with JC Soprano?
galloway04_av: Hello.
thesimmafia: Warning you. I am very pissed off. So watch what you say.
thesimmafia: In general, not at you
galloway04_av: About the column, is that true..
thesimmafia: Man I was busting the presidents balls.. I made up all that shit .. I mean its quite obvious that I was joking about 3/4 of the way down but no one wants to beleive my ass
thesimmafia: I was the one who gave that to Uri not some source
thesimmafia: I did it as a friend after he gave me his word he wouldnt twist shit into a story
galloway04_av: So nothing about that, is true?
thesimmafia: I got no proof of it man. I was just throwing shit out there to fuck with him… Mafia humor, dry at best.
galloway04_av: I wanted it to be true, give me another shot at President..
JC Soprano
Apr 21st, 2004
Thats BS Seth! I never said those things! I shared my conversation with you with the president and above is it! How the hell you turned that into that is beyond me!
JC Soprano
I hate liars
Apr 21st, 2004
See this is why you should always get both sides of the story before publishing. Looks like AVH will publish any sort of lie as long as someone tells it to them.
Apr 21st, 2004
As amusing as all this is I can’t believe players in AV actually care, know about or voted in this fiasco in any significant numbers. It’s no suprise to me that it’s all a sham. Tempest in a teapot but giddy fun … love the blog Uri.
Apr 21st, 2004
This has turned into more of a tabloid then a newspaper. Truely
JC Soprano
Apr 21st, 2004
Nah, a tabloid at least checks some of the facts.
JC Soprano
Tabloid? That’s too good.
Apr 21st, 2004
Anyways, I’m really neutral in all this. I’m torn between two good friends. I am VP in CCG but I wan’t involved with Seth long enough to really feel about this election. And with this beggining to the conversation on the AVG site, I really can’t say.
JC Soprano
Apr 22nd, 2004
I love the part where he says Mafia’s leave him alone. Know what I find so funny about that? I got some major operations in CC that Seth didn’t and still doesn’t know about. In other words, staff is standing by for my call. Tell Seth we’ll chat soon. =)
Don’t worry, his lying I am only holding against him and not the CC govt. I support all Govt. Oh no! I support CC Govt too!!! OMG!!!! Seth had to have gotten into office by elections rigging then!! Wait no, he appointed himself.
Votes Hook for President
JC Soprano
It’s good being neutral huh?
Apr 22nd, 2004
JC, you’re a jackass.
Galloway Correspondent
Apr 22nd, 2004
Next time you threaten Seth via email, try to NOT send it to his media realtions dude. I will post the message on later today
Apr 22nd, 2004
Interesting letter from Soprano to Galloway; feel free to post it here as well, Mr. Correspondent.
Having read it, all I really have to say is that Mafia Dons should be required to take a proficiency exam in which, at a mimimum, they show that they know how to spell ‘capice’.
JC Soprano
Apr 22nd, 2004
Hey Galloway Correspondent. I copied who I did for specific reasons. I knew that you would post that e-mail. It shows that Seth did lie in his interview. And notice my threats were all in game (what’s not shown is the second e-mail telling them to have fun and it’s only a game, just in case they got scared.). I do have the right to defend myself and sense Seth is not brave enough to reply back after his flat out lie, I opted to do this knowing it would get posted for all to see. So keep it up there, makes you look more stupid than me.
JC Soprano
Laughing @ Seth & Friends
AVG Employee
Apr 22nd, 2004
JC, and Mr-President, you are both Jackasses.. You know that you rigged the election, I wouldnt have cared even if ashley won, they are still better then you guys
Seth Galloway!
Apr 22nd, 2004
Mr-President, I know you try to get everything against me, but if you got your little chat log straight, without editing out about JC telling me to ask Congress(dept. in that nature) for a re-election, because they could hold it.. You need to get your stuff straight, you know you cheated, or you would have held the election on a different site, and when you told me that it MIGHT be Seth Galloway – Mr-President – Ashley Richardson May 2004. A few days later, you said it isnt needed, we know who the real president is .. Oh and JC! How did Mr-President get his first term? Thats right he declared himself president! So screw with that!
JC Soprano
Apr 22nd, 2004
Yes, I did say that we should hold a recall as I told Mr. President and Uri and a whole bunch of other people. I said that a recall should be done so that way there is no confusion and I even went as far as to say Uri should run it.
Now how that is a confession of guilt is beyond me. I guess that’s how a 14 year old interprets shit.
As for the presidents first term, Seth, there was an election. Have you not read all the interviews and history of AVG?
JC Soprano
Laughing even harder at Seth
Seth Galloway!
Apr 22nd, 2004
thesimmafia: Hi buddy!
galloway04_av: For your information..
thesimmafia: Will you be my friend
thesimmafia: I like liars
galloway04_av: Annessa is my mom..
thesimmafia: BTW
JC Soprano
Apr 22nd, 2004
See, the above chat that me and Seth just had (which includes our original chat in which he claims I confessed), proves that I never said the elections were rigged or that I had anything to do with it, unlike what Seth had said in his interview with Uri.
I think really, bottom line, it comes down to misreading or miscommunications. I’ve found a lot of the time people misread or misinterpret what you say without thinking about it. Happens to everyone. I think Seth misread or misinterpretted, whatever you want to call it, our original conversation, since you can clearly see I never said the things Seth said I did.
JC Soprano
Vindicated & Smiling
Seth Galloway
Apr 22nd, 2004
With re-reading the conversation, I may have made a small mistake, which could have been easily made.. Aparently, when he said ‘Something wasnt fair’ He was talking about the column, And not the election.. With this, I will take the action of me being slightly wrong, in this mistake.
Seth Galloway
Mumbling and Smiling.
Apr 23rd, 2004