AVG Vice President Resigns. Forms new government in Mt. Fuji

by Alphaville Herald on 05/05/04 at 11:18 pm

By Ian

Paul Tully, Alphaville Government’s “Invisable Man” is interviewed on his resignation from his Vice President Position. Why would he do this? Boredom? Concern about corruption? Other projects? Read on to find out!

Ian: Good evening, Mr Tully, how are you?
Paul Tully: I’m Great, thank you Sir :)
Ian: So you are the Vice President of the Alphaville Government, correct?
Paul Tully: Yes, at this moment, I am.
Ian: K, How long have you been in the AVG?
Paul Tully: Well, i’ve been Affiliated with them since About November, when I started my own Government in Alphaville
Paul Tully: at the time, was just a friendly relationship…
Ian: Oh wow, so about 5 months or 17 months?
Paul Tully: have been a real member for about…3 months?
Ian: Ohh gotcha
Paul Tully: 5, haven’t been in for 17 months, lol
Ian: well they have been around that long lol
Paul Tully: lol, true
Ian: So, Are you and Mr-President good friends and on good terms?
Paul Tully: Definitely. Mr-President is one of the best sims I have ever met, and i’d have to say i’ve met some pretty good people.
Ian: Yes, he is a nice Fellow
Ian: So tell us the big news!
Paul Tully: Well, i’ve recently stopped Playing Alphaville, and i’ve decided to resign as Vice President.
Ian: Wow, can you tell us why?
Paul Tully: Well, since a little bit before the elections, I was forming my own, new government in the city of Mount Fuji
Paul Tully: Recently, the government took off there, and i’ve been swamped out there.
Paul Tully: So, needless to say, i’ve been fairly busy with my business in that city…
Ian: So tell us a little bit about this MF Gov.
Paul Tully: Well, we are ALOT like the Alphaville Government. Most of the Governments in TSO are…
Paul Tully: We basically try to help the sims of Mount Fuji.
Ian: So, its like the other governments your saying
Ian: So you can possibly say, Calvin’s Creek, Alphaville, Dan’s Groove, and Mt Fuji Government’s are all the same.
Paul Tully: If your looking at it like that, I guess you could say that. In reality, only the influences are taken from alot of the TSO governments that are already established
Paul Tully: We took alot of the ideals to lay the groundwork for the Government
Ian: So “We” … Are you the founder?
Paul Tully: Yes, I am.
Paul Tully: We had only about 3 early members, lol
Ian: lol
Ian: And now its growing?
Paul Tully: Yes, growing quite well, actually
Ian: Great
Paul Tully: we’ve been working ALOT for the past 3 weeks…
Paul Tully: up to about 30-40 members
Ian: Wowie
Ian: sounds great
Ian: Good Luck on that
Paul Tully: Thank you :)
Ian: Now back to the AVG resignation real quick
Paul Tully: Alright
Ian: Now about resigning, you wanted to build another government, but you felt like you were not really “apart of the AVG”
Paul Tully: Well, I’m bad at being I guess you could say, Second banana….I like to be in charge, and know EVERYTHING thats going on…
Paul Tully: one of the things that compels me to start my own…
Ian: Right, and you didn’t feel like that in AVG?
Paul Tully: Well, I was kept well informed, but i’m A bit of a control freak, for lack of a better term. I like to know and have full authority over everything within my government. Not meaning like i’m a dictator, but in a normal sense of a president.
Ian: Right, you want to be “the guy” LOL
So you are leaving also, because you think it’s unfair to run two governments at the same time?
Paul Tully: Well, on that, its unfair only to Mr-President.
Paul Tully: I’m not in Alphaville at all anymore
Paul Tully: the only times i’m on are during the Maintenence of Mount Fuji…
Ian: lol
Paul Tully: its not fair to Mr-P that he’s running it without ANY help from me…
Paul Tully: I think he should have a VP who’s there to really back him up
Ian: Well, actually you brought up a good point. The citisims don’t really see anyone but Mr-P running the show.
Ian: Well agreed.
Paul Tully: as of Late, mr-p has been running the show only because i’ve been completely absent. he was more than willing to let me help out with the work
Paul Tully: Mr-P seems like he does all the work, mainly because he does the little things, like handling his own press
Ian: yeah, well *ahem* some people tried to contribut *ahem* but some people wouldn’t let him ;)
Paul Tully: and alot of people see that as he’s trying to do All of his own work…
Ian: Well I don’t really want to get into anything personal, hehe.
Paul Tully: Yeah, probably not a good idea, lol
Ian: Anyways…So, Are you leaving for any other reason, for “corruption” or “abuse” of AVG?
Paul Tully: In all the knowledge I have gained of the AVG, in my short time as VP, I have not found ANY traces of corruption whatsoever
Paul Tully: Thats why I don’t believe that “election rigging” crap….
Paul Tully: I feel I would have been informed if it was taking place…
Ian: Or any outside influence on the AVG, such as mafia’s, scammers…etc..
Paul Tully: Well, i’ve never been, and I doubt I ever will be Anti-Mafia
Paul Tully: No real outside influences, except business relationships, i’d say
Paul Tully: Mr-President is friends with JC Soprano…some see that as a heinous crime…I really don’t understand that….
Ian: Business, what do you mean/
Paul Tully: Well, alot of the Mafias respect the AVG and what they’re trying to do
Paul Tully: So, they keep up a business relationship…
Paul Tully: Trying to think of how to voice the other part…lol
Ian: Oh no problem lol
Paul Tully: lol
Paul Tully: I hope somebody out there knows what i’m tlaking about
Ian: wait a sec hehe, could ya try to explain that/
Paul Tully: Lol, i can try…might just take a minute
Ian: Well,….
Ian: I mean like sum it up, what do you mean ??? that Mafias are business partners with the AVG?
Paul Tully: No no no…
Paul Tully: They basically have that kind of initial respect for each other, I guess it could be voiced as….
Paul Tully: they respect the ideals the others live by
Ian: Ohh okay gotcha
Paul Tully: they knwo they won’t be able to get rid of the other, so they learn to live side by side…
Ian: Oh sounds like a “utopia” lol.
Ian: Well Paul, thank you for your time.
Ian: Any last comments?
Paul Tully: A utopia? lol
Ian: Well perfect society…
Paul Tully: I know, I know, was just thinking it a bit out of place
Paul Tully: Well, not sure I do have any closing comments…think we really went over everything…
Ian: Yeah, gotcha. Well good Luck on the MF Gov!
Paul Tully: Thank you, hope you c ome to visit sometime! :)
Ian: Will try.

3 Responses to “AVG Vice President Resigns. Forms new government in Mt. Fuji”

  1. Hook

    May 5th, 2004

    Sad to see you go Paul. Only someone as great as you can take the VP spot and nobody is…I wish I could be in MF but no open spots. Good luck with MFG!

  2. Seth Galloway

    May 6th, 2004

    Paul, its terrible to see you go, but the reason to form a new government is great. TSO Governments need to be in every city and make sure the sims are treated fairly. I have a sim in Fuji ::cough:: You may know.. lol Good Luck

    Seth Galloway
    ::Cough:: For you.. lol

  3. Just another commenter

    May 6th, 2004

    I think your the best person in the word, in AV and MF.. Im glad you are helping out sims all over The Sims Online. ;)

    Just another commenter

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