EAsucks.com gets to the bottom of EA’s tech support problems
by Alphaville Herald on 03/05/04 at 1:10 am
By The Phantom
I you think that uri is tough on EA, you should check out EAsucks.com. Just to whet your appetite, here is a little piece that I think finally explains to us what is going on in tech support (and customer support) over at EA.
May 4th, 2004
now THATS comedy!
Jun 3rd, 2004
Well, it must have been pretty bad, whatever it was, because http://www.easucks.com no longer exists!
Jun 4th, 2004
Jun 4th, 2004
if you have a copy of that image, you should post it. (For those of us that have seen this article AFTER the site shut down)
Jun 4th, 2004
I have it somewhere. stay tuned
Jun 5th, 2004
Okay. I will.
James LaPlatte
Jul 7th, 2004
http://www.easucks.com was brought about due to the closing of Motor City Online. I used to post on the site. I was a player of MCO and if you haven’t experianced MCO you haven’t lived. It was life for many of us that played and EA took our life away. This is why we hated and continue to hate EA until the day we get MCO back or an MCO2. It will be very hard to improve upon the original. easucks went through many changes and was closed for a few months I believe to make the changes. I didn’t post on the site after it had reopened, but I did look and the pictures and loved how they kept the hate alive. I miss it now that it is gone and wish I had some word on why it was shut down, but I don’t. Im glad at least this message board is left to preserve some of its memory.
formerly 1979Vette [CCA]