Galloway Hacked. CC Government Capitol Lost to Scammers. Bradleys suspected. Again.
by Alphaville Herald on 10/05/04 at 11:39 pm
Seth Galloway will be familiar to readers as a candidate in the recent AV Presidential Primaries. Many also know that he subsequently moved to Calvin?s Creek where he has helped set up the Calvin?s Creek Government. This week Seth?s TSO and YIM accounts were hacked, and he lost about 6 million simoleans, six size 8 lots, and a number of rares including 4 Gnomes 2 Simmys.. and 1 Pink Poodle. It appears that the hackers transferred at least some of this property to themselves before getting his account deleted (bad language and claiming to be under 13), and the Calvin?s Creek Capitol has now been converted into a scam house, riding on the good reputation of the CC government to lure in newbies and other friends of the government. Suspicion again falls on the Bradley?s of Alphaville, who were rumored to be out to get Seth several weeks ago. They have previously taken credit for hacking the accounts of AVG CIA director Fans, Evangeline, Lucianna among others. Following is my interview with Seth.
Urizenus: Hi Seth, I understand that your TSO account was recently hacked. Can you tell us when it happened and what happened exactly?
Galloway: Sure, Well I was on my account Sunday night.. Everything was normal, After being very successful with my lot Apple Creek Inn Sunday, I couldn?t wait till Monday.. I tried to sign in Monday.. But It kept giving me an error.
Galloway: So, I uninstalled the game.
Galloway: Once I tried to reinstall it back, It wouldn?t work.
Urizenus: what wouldn’t work?
Galloway: The TSO Game.
Urizenus: you mean it wouldn’t open?
Galloway: Yes, I would start to update. It would ask for my username and password. Once it got to 19% it would close out, and say there was an error.
Urizenus: but it accepted your password?
Galloway: Yes.
Urizenus: but wouldn’t update?
Galloway: Correct.
Urizenus: ok, so far that doesn’t sound like a hack.
Galloway: So, Then I asked a friend to sign try and sign into my name.
Urizenus: ok
Galloway: Before that, He called me and said ‘Why do you hate me?’
Urizenus: who called you.
Galloway: My Friend. ‘Steele’
Galloway: I said ‘What are you talking about, I haven?t been here all day.’ He said ‘You told me you hated me on Yahoo.
Galloway: So, I said.. Let me get on there.
Urizenus: so then you had Steele try to sign in?
Urizenus: with your username and password?
Galloway: Yes, One second.
Galloway: I first got onto my Yahoo.
Galloway: And Steele, and a few others were on Ignore/.
Urizenus: and you had not put them on ignore
Galloway: Correct, someone else had
Galloway: So, I un-ignored them, And said ‘Will you check my TSO’ I had no clue about being hacked then..
Galloway: After he tried to sign into it.. It gave him a pop-up that said my account had been canceled
Urizenus: ok, I still don’t understand why you couldn’t update
Urizenus: who said this? Steele?
Galloway: Yes.. Let me tell you about the update again.
Urizenus: ok
Galloway: I put the disc in the drive, and it gave me the screen like you get when you first buy the game.
Urizenus: right
Galloway: It tells about the game… you know?
Urizenus: right
Galloway: So, It asked if I had already signed up.
Galloway: I clicked that, and it asked for my username and password.
Galloway: I put that in.. Understand?
Urizenus: right
Urizenus: and it accepted that?
Galloway: So, then it asked for the code on the back of the case..
Urizenus: right
Galloway: I put that in, and it said ‘Accepted’
Urizenus: ok
Galloway: So it started updating..
Urizenus: and froze
Galloway: It got to 19% and would say ‘File Corrupted’
Galloway: Each time.
Urizenus: but you were just going off of the disks you bought, no?
Galloway: Yes.
Galloway: I used the disc, I first used.
Galloway: When I got the game
Urizenus: oh well, let’s move on to the other stuff
Galloway: Yes..
Galloway: Ok .. Steele told me that I had been hacked..
Galloway: I was so scared, I didn?t know what to do.
Urizenus: well, how did he know you had been hacked?
Urizenus: All you know is that your acct had been cancelled
Galloway: Wait.
Galloway: After it wouldn?t download.. I didn?t expect anything
Galloway: So, i asked him to check.. So I gave him my username and password..
Urizenus: right
Galloway: He told me that I had been hacked big time.
Galloway: Because when he signed in.
Urizenus: but how did he know that
Galloway: It gave him a pop up that told that My account was canceled because I was a minor.
Galloway: It said that I was cussing and was underage.
Urizenus: ? what does that mean?
Galloway: It said I wasnt a teen.
Urizenus: it said you were 12?
Galloway: Correct
Urizenus: OK, so the conclusion you and Steele drew was that someone had taken your account, raised hell, and gotten you terminated.
Galloway: Absolutly correct.
Urizenus: ok
Galloway: So, He was looking around, and they had also got into a Internet Broadcasting file.
Galloway: I was a DJ for his radio, they got into that.. and messed stuff around.
Urizenus: you were a DJ for whose radio?
Galloway: Steele’s
Urizenus: what station?
Galloway: He has a radio station called
Urizenus: ok, so they had the password for your YIM, your TSO and for the radio station, did you use the same pass for each?
Galloway: For my YIM and TSO the passwords were alike
Galloway: So, it would be an easy guess.
Urizenus: how did they get into the radio station then
Galloway: It does not have a password.
Galloway: Its just a button I click into
Urizenus: ok
Urizenus: got it
Urizenus: ok, what did you lose then when you lost your tso acct
Galloway: They took all of my accounts money, and lots..
Galloway: I just also found out, they got into my other account and did the same with it.
Urizenus: lots? you mean in diff cities?
Urizenus: what other acct? you mean on tso?
Galloway: They took my Property in AV, CC, BF
Galloway: Yes, I had 2 accounts on TSO
Urizenus: how much money did you lose
Galloway: About 6 Million dollars, not counting items or properties.
Galloway: It makes me want to quit TSO forever
Urizenus: One supposes that the hackers transferred the money to themselves before getting the acct deleted. Did Maxis look into that. Wait, back up. Did you contact Maxis immediately?
Galloway: Well, I found out all this information Saturday.. Last Monday is when my computer wouldnt download.. But, I did call Maxis Today.. They said they would look into everything, Get the IP address for the computers that logged into my accounts
Urizenus: so they were responsive. did they say they would restore your accts?
Galloway: They said, They will get me my account back in a week or two.
Urizenus: with your lost property?
Galloway: They, said they could not recover anything.
Urizenus: why the hell not?
Galloway: So I will have nothing, no items, no money, not lot
Galloway: I do not know
Galloway: I am so.. depressed.
Urizenus: all they have to do is change some number in your acct.
Galloway: Yes, Fake money.. I think they could at least give me at least half of it back
Urizenus: they should give you double the money back for your trouble. it costs them zero
Urizenus: anyway… you are still involved in the CC Government, no
Urizenus: ?
Galloway: Yes, I?m still President.
Urizenus: so you can’t very well leave the game
Galloway: No, no I cant.. Unless I leave it to my VP
Urizenus: OK, now, do you have any idea who did this?
Galloway: Mrs President Bradley and Mr President Bradley… My Vice President Hook of CC said that They own the CC Capitol.. and are scamming out of it
Urizenus: what do you mean “they own the capitol”?
Galloway: Yes
Urizenus: what does that mean?
Galloway: Mrs President Bradley has a sim in CC named the same thing, They stole my Capitol.. and are pretending to be the real President, They kept all the same slogans and everything, except, they said they only do money trades
Urizenus: what do you mean “named the same thing”. Same thing as what?
Galloway: The Property is still called Calvin’s Creek Captiol.
Urizenus: What was your property called?
Galloway: Calvin’s Creek Capitol.. When they stole the lot, they kept everything the same, so no one would notice
Urizenus: what do you mean they stole the lot?
Galloway: When they hacked into my account, They gave the property ‘Calvin’s Creek Capitol’ Which I owned, They gave it to their sims
Urizenus: wow, that was dumb of them. So they made themselves roomates and then had your sim move out. is that it?
Galloway: Yes
Galloway: So, No one would think that they came to scam..
Urizenus: and you?re sure it is the CC Capitol
Galloway: Yes
Urizenus: the very property that you built
Galloway: Yes
Urizenus: not a copy
Urizenus: not a clone
Urizenus: same property?
Galloway: They took pictures of it, as the tore it down.
Galloway: Yes, Exactly the same Property.
Urizenus: they changed the property? the building?
Galloway: The Building.
Urizenus: ok, and how do we know this is the Bradleys?
Galloway: The Property Description, they left the same.. So no one would realize
Galloway: The Sims are called that.
Galloway: Also.. They are the one who sent the FAKE email saying it was from you [containing a Trojan horse virus]
Urizenus: Any more evidence?
Urizenus: Are you sure it was from them?
Urizenus: Did you analyze the headers?
Galloway: Well.. I received more Virus’ from them.. But they would use different email names..
Galloway: They would put it was from geocities, or avgov or anything
Urizenus: how do you know the viruses came from them
Galloway: Because when I checked the properties, They tie back to Lydiabradleytso
Urizenus: what do you mean “when you checked the properties”
Galloway: Of the Virus, When I checked the information [properties] it said it came from
Galloway: Let me rephrase that..
Galloway: It Originated from that address
Urizenus: ok, so it was originally from her, but it spoofed email from either me or Mr-President.
Galloway: Correct
Urizenus: Why do you think your Macafee Virus protection didn’t catch their trojans?
Galloway: I have no clue, Hadn?t updated it
Urizenus: ooops
Urizenus: I hate to say I told you so, but I warned you a couple weeks ago that they were after you.
Urizenus: One of my sources said that Mrs Bradley in particular wanted to get you.
Galloway: Well.. I knew they were after me, but didn?t take the time to think to update that
Urizenus: I think I told you to update. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20
Galloway: Simoleans are valued for real currency.. Which I can use against them, Because they took simoleans from me, which is theft
Galloway: This Law suit will be big
Urizenus: you are going to file a lawsuit against them?
Galloway: Sure am.. My mom is talking with EA, so she will have the source
Urizenus: Do you have a lawyer?
Galloway: $6,000 a visit one..
Galloway: lol
Galloway: EXPENSIVE $
Urizenus: I hope s/he is doing this pro bono
Galloway: SHE
Urizenus: since your losses in game money will be less than $1000
Galloway: But, I could make more then $1000.
Galloway: A Federal offense..
Galloway: That is theft..
Urizenus: That doesn’t mean you recover more than you lost.
Galloway: 6 Size 8s .. 4 Gnomes.. 2 Simmys.. and 1 Pink Poodle
Galloway: And 6 Million+
Urizenus: Are you going to sue for psychological trauma etc?
Galloway: My mom is suing for everything she can.
Urizenus: Will you also be suing EA?
Galloway: No.
Urizenus: Why not, there is precedent for that with the Chinese case.
Galloway: I will be suing them.. Get their credit card banded from EA and MAXIS
Urizenus: Right, but isn’t EA partly culpable too? The Bradleys have been boasting about hacking accounts here for months and EA has done nothing about it.
Galloway: True..
Urizenus: Look don’t say anything yet. …
Galloway: We will find out in court
Urizenus: Just have your lawyer look into the Chinese case
Urizenus: there is precedent for suing a game company for not protecting your in game assets against hackers
Urizenus: Have you spoken to the Bradleys since the event?
Galloway: I just recently spoke with Alfred Bradley
Urizenus: what did he say?
Galloway: [here is the convo]
galloway04_av: We are filling a lawsuit.
alfredbradleytso: for…
galloway04_av: Hacking
galloway04_av: Also..
alfredbradleytso: Who, Fans?
galloway04_av: The
galloway04_av: That isnt me.
alfredbradleytso: What are you talking about, the Please explain.
alfredbradleytso: I am at a loss here.
galloway04_av: It says Im some old lady.
alfredbradleytso: Listen seth, I don’t make those stories, I just post them.
galloway04_av: Who made the story? You or Lydia?
alfredbradleytso: You will have to talk to Felicia about that.
alfredbradleytso: Felicia Skankwell in BF
galloway04_av: Another thing..
alfredbradleytso: She e-mail it to me.
galloway04_av: I seen you stole my capitol.
galloway04_av: In CC.. I have another sim lurking..
alfredbradleytso: No.
alfredbradleytso: You don’t have a capitol
galloway04_av: Already spoke with EA.. They tracked the IP
galloway04_av: They checked the IP that logged in my sims.
alfredbradleytso: I don’t play in CC silly.
alfredbradleytso: Maybe someone loned my sim.
alfredbradleytso: *cloaned
alfredbradleytso: You all can’t automatically some to me for hacked accounts.
galloway04_av: Actually, I can.
alfredbradleytso: There are others you know.
galloway04_av: Federal Offense .. Hacking .. with the IP which clearly states it was from your computer
alfredbradleytso: No.
galloway04_av: Yes.
galloway04_av: I hope you have a good lawyer.
alfredbradleytso: Stupid, don’t you think I am smart enough to use an ip scrambler?
alfredbradleytso: duh
alfredbradleytso: this is like speds 101
galloway04_av: So you hacked it?
alfredbradleytso: haha your right, I did get into your account when you opened the virus i sent you in your email!!!
alfredbradleytso: no
alfredbradleytso: but i do have a scrambler
galloway04_av: Yes..
galloway04_av: Wait!
galloway04_av: Who runs the old woman in CC..
alfredbradleytso: what?
galloway04_av: It clearly states, that I run her
alfredbradleytso: Seth, comeon, what motive do I have?
alfredbradleytso: Your not even the president
galloway04_av: Yes.. I am.
galloway04_av: But answer
alfredbradleytso: ohyea
alfredbradleytso: duh
galloway04_av: Who runs the sim named Omega Hartferd or Hartford whatever?
alfredbradleytso: i dunno, i think it said on felicia’s sotry. i dont read that crap
alfredbradleytso: it at tabloid
galloway04_av: Felicia Skankwell Does she Hack?
alfredbradleytso: maybe, i ont know her too well
galloway04_av: There is not Felicia Shankwell in BF
alfredbradleytso: yea
alfredbradleytso: blonde hair
alfredbradleytso: lepard outfit
alfredbradleytso: she looks like a skank
galloway04_av: How do you know her?
alfredbradleytso: We met at a shop.
alfredbradleytso: She said she was Lead Archetict’s wife
galloway04_av: So you have a sim in BF?
alfredbradleytso: my wife does
galloway04_av: Lead Archetict is a clone
alfredbradleytso: i know, but she is supposedly his wife
galloway04_av: Well.. In the story it says Im the old woman, I didnt give the picture to you.. So you had to hack someones account to get that
alfredbradleytso: i didnt write the story
alfredbradleytso: talk to her
galloway04_av: Does she have YAHOO?
alfredbradleytso: actually, that picture is just her sim page
galloway04_av: What?
alfredbradleytso: you can pull up anyones sim page
alfredbradleytso: it doesnt mean she hacks
galloway04_av: Yes, but she dont live there unless she is the old woman, because in the description.. It will let her type
alfredbradleytso: oh yea
alfredbradleytso: thats true
alfredbradleytso: maybe the old lady sent her a screen shot
galloway04_av: Then why does it say Im the old lady, I know If i was I wouldnt send it
alfredbradleytso: i told you, its a TABLOID
alfredbradleytso: the stories arent always true
galloway04_av: Tabloid huh? Where did the picture come from?
alfredbradleytso: felicia sent it with the text copy
alfredbradleytso: i have to go now
galloway04_av: This will be in court.. Have a good day
alfredbradleytso: keep up the search i guess
Yahoo! Messenger: alfredbradleytso has logged out. (5/10/2004 9:00 PM)
Urizenus: Did you see what Mrs. Bradley posted on the AVH today?
With love-Mrs Bradley
Posted by Mrs President Bradley at May 10, 2004 08:28 PM
Urizenus: Thanks Seth. This one is to be continued, I guess.
Mrs President Bradley
May 11th, 2004
Well what can I say? I couldnt help myself.
Catch me if you can…
But I didnt do it…
Or did I?
Is I a we…
Or just a me?
I guess we will never know.
With love-The Mrs:)
Mrs President Bradley
May 11th, 2004
You need some help Seth.
“Boast” I’m sorry I dont boast or brag. I say what I say and mean it too. It IS a game and you have proved that you can’t handle it. See where greed has gotten you? I guess your just the slow and stupid types. By the way Ersula is such a great dog.
Seth Galloway
May 11th, 2004
We will see if you cant help yourself.. You will need a lawyer to do that, kiddo. ‘Hacking’ Isnt a game. It will not be treated like one, so I guess your out of luck. See you in court!
Seth Galloway
..Evidence, Evidence, Evidence..
May 11th, 2004
I am not on the side of anyone here, but everyone keeps saying they are going to sue the Bradleys, but when are they? LOL
May 11th, 2004
Have to agree with Ian here. We heard all about lawsuits from Fans, and now we are hearing them from Seth. Obviously the Bradley’s don’t take this talk seriously. Question is, when does this talk turn into action?
May 11th, 2004
wondering this myself as well. Internet crimes are hard to go to court with.
- IP address does not count as proof because it can be faked
- pictures do not count as proof because they can be faked
- Lot ownership does not count as proof because the owner can simply say he bought it from another sim or created it himself (whose name he cannot remember)
I don’t think the hacker is touchable in any way with current proof
Dante Dracos
May 11th, 2004
I find it hard to believe that any court would actually allow a case involving alleged theft of “play money”. While it may have value in-game and on E-Bay, a “simoleon” is not real-life currency. It is like suing someone over “Monopoly money”.
I also find it hard to believe that Seth’s mother is paying an attorney $6,000 an hour for a case over a problem with a video game. If Seth was my son I would have him give up TSO permanently since it’s obvious that his obsession with it has gotten out of control.
With the current state of TSO, is it really worth fighting for anymore? By this time next year I’m sure TSO will just be a distant memory anyway.
May 11th, 2004
Well, the evidence trail is certainly there, and one could prove who the culprit is, but it would take a very dilligent effort and lots of hours of labor by either a technically literate prosecutor or a lawyer (you could be talking about $100K US in discovery alone). No prosecutor is going to care about these cases, and who is going to drop 100K or more on a personal attorney over this? Plus, all this assumes that EA would cooperate and there isn’t any evidence that they would.
I doubt that anything is going to happen until this hacking results in a death or a suicide attempt or something. Given that possibility and the deep pockets of EA I guess I’m surprised that EA isn’t a little more vigilant about this orgy of account hacking. What? You say there has been a suicide attempt as a result of these hacks? And the victim was 13? Calling all ambulance chasers!
May 11th, 2004
Funky is right, and so is Uri. Sorry Seth, I think you were just making that 6,000/hour thing up. I don’t even know if Johnny gets paid that much, most high priced lawyers are $1000/hour, unless your talking about a multi-million/billion dollar company. I think the Bradleys keep doing this because they know they can get a way with it, and those who try to stop/threaten them, well get there doom. As the old proverb says “If you don’t pay attention to them, they will go away.” I know Seth didn’t deserve it, however talking about legal action in something of this nature, would be tedious work, thus causing huge lawyer fees. And like Uri said, EA doesn’t have to abide, they could deny the whole thing happened and said it was server problems. And if you read the EA Terms of Service correctly, any loss of possession can not be recovered, Tigger has even expressed this “rule” many times on the old TSO boards and on Stratics. If you read stratics you will see many complain about loss of simmy’s and whatnot, but Tigger says “sorry these can not be replaced”.
May 11th, 2004
now if this was Japan…
Seth Galloway
May 11th, 2004
EVERYONE I SAID 6,000 a VISIT not an HOUR .. READ IT .. There will be action, you can better believe it, its not for my TSO money being taken, its for illegal hacking. Hacking is illegal, Ask anyone.. Check on the internet if you want to know that bad.. So its 6k a visit, name is Barbra Anderson.. Its a female.
Seth Galloway
Get it straight
May 11th, 2004
Whoa nelly Seth calm down. Okay 6,000 a visit, but by that means we can see her prices. 6,000/hour or a visit, still 6,000 is a lot for items that don’t even add up to $500US. Even if Bradley gets convicted from hacking, what will you get…zip. Unless your filing a class action suit then your down the drain $6,000 + Lawyer time.
Seth Galloway
May 11th, 2004
Urizenus: Do you have a lawyer?
Galloway: $6,000 a visit one..
Galloway: lol
Galloway: EXPENSIVE $
Urizenus: I hope s/he is doing this pro bono
Dante Dracos
May 11th, 2004
Hi Seth,
I am certainly not without compassion for what happened to you. I think the point some of us are trying to make is the futility of paying big money for a lawyer to do something that will probably result in very little in anything at all.
Also…knowing how the law works…one cannot hire an attorney to bring criminal charges as that is done by law enforcement agencies and a District Attorney. In your case it would be an Attorney General since we’re talking federal. Your claim that the lawyer is taking the case to sue for the hacking sounds a bit strange. If this lawyer is trying to get a case based on some tort laws then surely she would know that all tort cases must include a proposed remedy, i.e. financial restitution, return of lost items, etc. Since you lost no real currency or any real property of real-world value (according to the legal definition) the case has no legal merit.
This is just my opinion based on my legal knowledge and experience. I may be totally wrong about this and your attorney may actually have some way to do this….however it would have to be a civil suit. Any lawyer knows that to win a civil suit is to have the preponderance of evidence..and it looks like right now you have very little. Also, how is your attorney going to have the Bradleys served with the proper documents?
In any case, I wish you all the best and hope that you recover from this well.
May 11th, 2004
I feel the same way as Dante. I do hope you get your items back, however the chances are slim to none. If the Bradley’s think they would not get away with this, would they have done it? The answer is no of course. There is so little that you can do to prove it was them, then to even sue them, like Dante said, according to the law, Federal suits are handled by an Attorney General, which is on your side. Your lawyer is only used for civil lawsuits, such as stolen tangible goods, stalker, etc. However there isn’t any proof presented to suggest the Bradleys did do it, other then the capitol incident. Best of Luck Seth
Mrs President Bradley
May 11th, 2004
Wow Seth! I’m so proud of you. I mean really $6,000? HOLY SHIT!!! You should feel special. What happens when everyone finds out that you didnt have $6,000,000? Or even $1,000,000? More like less than $200,000. In all cities (combined). Thanks for letting us all know that “Barbra Anderson” (your lawyer) was a female. That really made a difference in my life. Really I can die happy now. Just get over it. We out played you. All is fair in a game.
You think your scarring us? You honestly think we spend time out of our day wondering if your telling the truth? We know Seth. Everyone knows now. You are a scammer at heart. (Thats right everyone he has a scamming house in CC too. Omega Hartford. Well lets see what you do now.
Your move.
Love always-Mrs Bradley:)
May 11th, 2004
Mrs. Bradley, I think you have a couple issues you need to work out.
(oh and I think you meant ‘scaring’ not ‘scarring’.)
May 11th, 2004
I recently read an article where someone in the UK sued another player over theft of goods in-game. The court sided with the victim stating that since the items can be sold for real money, it constituted a crime. The guy who stole the stuff was ordered to pay restitution. Granted it was the UK, but still.
The main problem Seth will run into is EA don’t log anything. This is why you have to file a report right away or there is no proof. For EA to keep track of the 10′s of thousands of IP addresses that login god knows how many times each day, is asking EA too much. God forbid they lose a penny protecting their customers.
May 13th, 2004
Don’t worry the hacking will be over soon…i give it a few days…
Mrs President Bradley
May 14th, 2004
Oh I’m so sorry I made a typo Uri. Please take me out back and shoot me. It really feels so nice to be cared about so much:)
I DONT GIVE A SHIT! (Just to let you know)
May 16th, 2004
*yawn* you really are a bore. Keep smiling
This great big smile goes out to you my friend!See you in the sunshine state. My summer vacation is about to start!
Mrs President Bradley
May 16th, 2004
I’ll belive it when I see you. I thought you said you hate tan people? Oh well see ya soon.
May 18th, 2004
LOL, I do not hate tan people. I just prefer not get skin cancer. Once is enough for me. Hmmm, I don’t think My vacation included you, but if you want we could meet up and exchange tan lines…that is if you can get away from your computer long enough…Happy Hacking.
Jun 18th, 2004
Still waiting to exchange tan lines
Ms. Bradley….
Jun 20th, 2004
thats y u shouldn’t go bragging about having all these items. or dont keep them on ur main account. And remember its just a game
Joshua Garcia
Jun 20th, 2004
LORD! this is some good Drama I’ll tell you… Geezus! Woot lol