more about pets
by Alphaville Herald on 23/05/04 at 4:49 pm
the trade in pets continues.
the pet lotto transfer store, marjoriex, proprietor offers the following four ways to trade in pets:
6 pets for 15K, keep one
25 pets for 39K keep only rares
50 pets for 70K keep rares
100 pets for 135K keep rares.
undesirable pets get sold back.
i asked marjoriex if i could just keep all the pets that i bought and she said no.
mrs c, where are you?
May 23rd, 2004
I always hated doing those things…I thought it was dumb that we couldnt get the pets that werent rare. I mean didnt i pay lol?
May 23rd, 2004
Sorry bout all those comments…lol dunno what happened
May 23rd, 2004
It happens when u get in patient and keep clicking the post botton more then once
May 23rd, 2004
Well mattys, perhaps you misspell things when you are IMPATIENT! hehhe
Well to prove you wrong clay/hum, i just did a 15k pet pull and on my 2nd pet, i got a RARE BLUE TURKISH CAT
May 24th, 2004
lol, I dont really get this article, not really newspaper-alike. What is it about?
May 24th, 2004
the article is newsworthy because it demonstrates the tragedy of the pet situation in AV. a pet who ends up at pet lotto, or at a house like pet lotto, is a pet on death row.
May 24th, 2004
its a freaking 16 pixle object
May 24th, 2004
its a freaking 16 pixle intangible object
well if you are going to cry over this, why dont you cry when a toilet is broken and we have to sell it back, or when a bird dies in game, you have to sell it back???? same concept
Mrs. President Chomsky
May 24th, 2004
Honestly Ian, such reductionism does not become you. You might as well say that people and toilets come to the same thing because they are made out of the same stuff: protons, electrons, neutrons or something.
May 24th, 2004
No, I am not talking about humans. I am talking about 16bit Pixels that you think exist, but rather are, a figment of our Imagination. Look I know you are roleplaying, but it is going a bit to far of “Crying” about People deleteing pixels.
May 24th, 2004
No, I am not talking about humans. I am talking about 16bit Pixels that you think exist, but rather are, a figment of our Imagination. Look I know you are roleplaying, but it is going a bit to far of “Crying” about People deleteing pixels.
May 24th, 2004
No, I am not talking about humans. I am talking about 16bit Pixels that you think exist, but rather are, a figment of our Imagination. Look I know you are roleplaying, but it is going a bit to far of “Crying” about People deleteing pixels.
May 25th, 2004
honestly, ian, just about every relationship a person has with the outside world is pretty much a figment of their imaginations.
Mrs. President Chomsky
May 25th, 2004
>it is going a bit to far of “Crying” about People deleteing pixels
Why? Pixels are electrons too!
Plus you are missing the point I made — actually that Descartes made — that even if animals were automota and had no feelings it would be wrong for us to mistreat them because it would dehumanize us.
May 25th, 2004
Oh so you are saying…That me DELETING a fake animal, will compel me to kill a real life one? Please, i don’t think there is any subliminal messages that arouse my head in videogame. Perhaps, you might be crazy in RL, and you don’t know it, and getting a voice to “KILL AND BURN”
Mrs. President Chomsky
May 25th, 2004
No Ian, I am not saying it will compel you to kill a live animal. I’m saying it will dehumanize you. In your case I only pray that it isn’t too late. –Mrs. C
May 25th, 2004
Dehumanize me how… what I think dehumanize is, that it is something that makes “doing something against ones morals, is okay with you” .. such as hurting something, but you think it is okay to do so.
May 26th, 2004
Getting upset over deleting virtual pets that are nonexistant other then on a pc monitor? Jesus christ wtf are you whiners going to protest next?
Get a life!, Seriouisly, get a LIFE this is absolutely assinine!
May 26th, 2004
Agreed again TBT.
sad, sad person taking roleplaying to such a tragic extreme.
- RB
May 26th, 2004
i dont think you can take it to a “extreme”, because isn’t that well, what roleplaying is all about. but to roleplay over something as stupid as this, is just ruining the picture of roleplaying. you make the roleplayers look almost as bad as those BSDM sick shits.
Mrs President Chomsky
May 26th, 2004
Well Ian dearie, it’s BDSM, not BSDM, and I don’t see how you can call them “sick shits” given that by your theory they are just pushing pixels around. Why exactly does their form of pixel pushing make them sick shits, when your form — pushing pixels as if killing thousands of pets — make you such a stand-up guy?
May 26th, 2004
Gee wonders if we’ll start seeing pictuires of tso pets on web boards with them descriptions…
“This pet was destroyed on… by…., for the sole reason of…., but you could have prevented it….”
LOL Now that I planted the bug, no pun intended ;p
May 26th, 2004
ahh i lost my post… anyways what my point was is the BDSM BSDM, or whatever the fuck they want to be called, use TSO as a medium to perform their sick twisted acts. you can’t actually have Sex with the avatars in tso, but you can chat about “putting a whip all over you” and then “i want to fuck you with a chain whip in your ass” or some crazy shit like that
Mrs. President Chomsky
May 26th, 2004
Well Ian, the only difference that I see is that a human sim can voluntarily ask for the whip (and maybe enjoy it — I bet you would, anyway) while a poor pet has no say in its extermination.
May 26th, 2004
lol, you just dont get it do you. it is a PIXEL
May 27th, 2004
No use arguing anymore Ian. You won’t get blood out of that stone.
- RB
May 27th, 2004
“Well Ian, the only difference that I see is that a human sim can voluntarily ask for the whip (and maybe enjoy it — I bet you would, anyway) while a poor pet has no say in its extermination.”
Next time you have a hamburger, or fish or chicken, think about whos pet those once were…
Next time you drive your car think about the pets air that you’re ruining by the cars emmissions.. next time you walk through your front door think about the an9imals youir house and neighbothooodhas displacedv and probably cause to die by the homes being built there…
Need I say more?
Get over it! Every god damn thing in life could literally be responsible for somethings death..
Mrs. President Chomsky
May 27th, 2004
TBT says: “Next time you have a hamburger, or fish or chicken, think about whos pet those once were…”
While as a general rule the meat we eat does not come from people’s pets but from factory farms, your basic point is right. Which is why I’m a vegan.
TBT also says: “Next time you drive your car think about the pets air that you’re ruining by the cars emmissions.. next time you walk through your front door think about the an9imals youir house and neighbothooodhas displacedv and probably cause to die by the homes being built there..”
I think about all these things, TBT, which is why I don’t drive a car but ride my bike and use public transportation if necessary. I also agree that we should build our own habitats in harmony with nature.
And Ian, while the tso pets are pixels — so too are the BDSM whips and chains that worry you so much. come to think of it — those are just pixilated *words* which represent whips etc. You need to think about why you are so eager to slaughter pixilated creatures but so uncomfortable about pixilated words.
May 27th, 2004
Hmm interesting..
“ride my bike and public transportation”..
So youre saying that because you don’t own or physicaly drive the vehicle yourself then it is perfectlty fine to use this type of detrimental transportation to the wildllife?
I guess that the same as the playes who say using bots for simoleans is bad butr find it perfectly acceptable to use the fruits of those bots labor in the game if friends give them x simoleans or they get them at payouit lots etc.. how do ya think they get that much to give out? they buy it.. but this is off topic lol..
May 27th, 2004
oh i forgot..
“While as a general rule the meat we eat does not come from people’s pets but from factory farms, your basic point is right. Which is why I’m a vegan.”
and whos to say that those animals couldn’t be someones pet..
Well going by that rule then its ok to slaughter animals if they are farm raised.. Well rare hunting farms are exactly that and thus should be acceptable then
somehow i knew you’d have the perfect example of well i’m a vegatarian, thet doesnt use motor transportation doesnt this or that… almost the absolute perfect person.. in other words an imaginary thing, it doesn’t exist ;-p..
May 27th, 2004
lmao. Right on as usual TBT.
Vegetarians don’t dislike meat, they just hate plants. so they eat only them. lol.
sound like a hippie woman, are you all natural? do you need to feel free? ” i don’t eat meat, i ride a bike, i smoke weed” . oops that 3rd one was’nt in there originally.
- RB
May 27th, 2004
hey i ain’t a vegeterian but i do the whacky tabbacky! and you’re from down under, i wouldnt be surprised if you did too
but chom, as much as i would love to believe you, something inside in me is saying “ding ding liar” if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen
Jul 14th, 2004
Even tho they are 16bit pixels when i see someone mistreating a animal on sims it makes me think of animals i have seen abused in RL they have NO voice so rl or not you should try to save them from being wrongfully punished..and Ian..i know everyone is thinkin it and i may be 2 late but your just annoying!
Vitolo Rossini
Jun 30th, 2009
Known as “The Dogfather” in the virtual world Second Life,as well as in real life, I am Vitolo Rossini. I invite you to explore the Vitrtual world of 2nd Life, and to come to see me!
I own the VKC Dog Park at Canis Beach in the region of Rhoda. This has become the largest and most popular dog park in the virtual world of Second Life.
Owning and working with one of these dogs, can be the most rewarding experience you have ever had, in a computer “metaverse”. At my dog park my philosophy is “you bought a dog… you will get respect!”. We go out of our way at Canis Beach to make certain that all of your virtual dog needs are met 24/7.
Come and see me, and let me walk you through the experience of a lifetime!
The dogs are always getting new exciting features, and are true artificial intelligence , and can learn and develop as you do. This enhances your virtual experience to such an extent, that the great confidence you build carries over into your daily life. Success, after all begets further success, and I make sure all Virtual Dog experiences are successful ones.
I do not only work with VKC Dogs. I direct in world Services for All D&D Dog locations as well, and I provide consultation and assistance with any SL dog.
It is time for you to come and try Second Life. It is easily downloaded, and is a virtual world with endless possibilities! Once there contact me. For more info Google my name, or contact me through this Website!
Vitolo Rossini
Nov 19th, 2009
Due to confusion between the names of locations, and someone building a not so positive image of the name we had used, our dog parks name has been changed. I re-post the notice to reflect the change!
*Known as “The Dogfather” in the virtual world Second Life,as well as in real life, I am Vitolo Rossini. I invite you to explore the Virtual world of 2nd Life, and to come to see me!
I own Dogland Dog Park in the region of Rhoda. This has become the largest and most popular dog park in the virtual world of Second Life.
Owning and working with a virtual dog, can be the most rewarding experience you have ever had, in a computer “metaverse”. At my dog park my philosophy is “you bought a dog… you will get respect!”. We go out of our way at Dogland to make certain that all of your virtual dog needs are met 24/7.
Come and see me, and let me walk you through the experience of a lifetime!
The dogs are always getting new exciting features, and are true artificial intelligence , and can learn and develop as you do. This enhances your virtual experience to such an extent, that the great confidence you build carries over into your daily life. Success, after all begets further success, and I make sure all Virtual Dog experiences are successful ones.
I do not only work with VKC Dogs. I direct in world Services for All D&D Dog locations as well, and I provide consultation and assistance with any SL dog.
It is time for you to come and try Second Life. It is easily downloaded, and is a virtual world with endless possibilities! Once there contact me. For more info Google my name, or contact me through this Website!