Mount Fuji Primaries Tomorrow! Interview with candidate SteeleII

by Alphaville Herald on 07/05/04 at 5:52 pm


In this interview SteeleII talks about the primary elections for the Mount Fuji Government (taking place tomorrow) and the inevitable clash between the winner and Kurdt Cobain (better known in Alphaville as Paul Tulley — the former Vice President of the AVG). Can any one beat Kurdt? Will the elections be fair? Is Mr-President a behind-the-scenes player in this election? Is Kurdt a puppet of Mr-President? StelleII gives us the 4-1-1.

Urizenus: Hi SteeleII, I understand that elections are coming up in MF and that you are playing a key role in them. Can you tell us about that?
SteeleII: Yes Uri. The Mount Fuji Government is growing fast and elections are coming around VERY fast (like tomorrow lol) The Mount Fuji Government Focuses on the people more than the perfect and professional logos of our site (Like I am playing a role in this government by running for President of The Mount Fuji Government along with 2 other candidates excluding the current president, Kurdt Cobain.
Urizenus: Alphaville denizens will know Kurdt Cobain as former AFG VP Paul Tulley?
SteeleII: That is correct
Urizenus: So tomorrow you are entering a primary election versus who?
SteeleII: -Servo/Mahrya & Kiwi Lover/Elzbietka
SteeleII: Might I comment on them?
Urizenus: sure!
SteeleII: I have been in Mount Fuji for almost a year now ( from my old account aka Steele) and I have never spoke to these candidates or ever seen them online
Urizenus: How long have they been in MF?
SteeleII: except for Mahrya who i saw online once
SteeleII: Kiwi Lover: 493 Days. But -Servo’s sim I cannot find in Fuji Right now
SteeleII: perhaps just a bug
Urizenus: So are you confident that you can beat them?
SteeleII: Yes but I have learned not to have my ego too high
SteeleII: Kurdt will be the most competition though
Urizenus: ok, do you think you can beat HIM?
SteeleII: I will try my best but he has the AVG on his side or at least he did before his resignation (Which I was never informed about until it was on
Urizenus: it was in the AVH!
SteeleII: Yes, I know
Urizenus: OK, first question anyone is going to ask is: who is hosting the election site?
SteeleII: Kurdt is arranging for sim stratics to
SteeleII: But,
SteeleII: The Mount Fuji Messenger will most likely
Urizenus: Is that a newspaper?
SteeleII: more like a tabloid
Urizenus: not a classy outfit like the AVH then, ::cough::
SteeleII: I know very little about them
SteeleII: lol true. Kurdt keeps me in the dark about the election which concerns me in some what but, I trust Kurdt very much
Urizenus: Well, do you have any idea how you will get around problems with votes from mutiple IPs, votes from non-MF residents etc?
SteeleII: yes
SteeleII: As a professional web designer,
Urizenus: what’s the plan?
SteeleII: I can make sure nothing happens like that
SteeleII: If the MFM does not host it, I will find some third party site to that blocks multiple IP from voting.
SteeleII: however, non Fuji Voting is a problem
SteeleII: Almost impossible to prevent
Urizenus: one problem in the AV elections is that there was no clear definition of a “resident of alphaville”. Do you have a working definition in the Gov. constitution?
SteeleII: The Gov constitution is under works by the current president ::cough:: have seen anything of it ::cough::
SteeleII: The MFG is still in the works though
SteeleII: not as old as AVG
Urizenus: ok, did you mean *haven’t seen anything of it?
SteeleII: correct
Urizenus: ok, so we are working without a constitution then
SteeleII: Sadly, yes
Urizenus: Well, let’s say you get elected. What then?
SteeleII: I will focus on getting the holes in this government fixed like the constitution which is more of a ditch rather than a hole lol
Urizenus: yeah, what other problems need to be addressed?
SteeleII: The Gov IDs are being distributed but as web designer, I asked kurdt for the ids to put on site, almost been a month and still haven’t seen them
SteeleII: also,
SteeleII: elections on other department
SteeleII: like the MFPD, CIA, FBI , etc
SteeleII: MFPD= Mount Fuji Police Dept.
Urizenus: In AV, one of the concerns were the scammers. do you have those issues in MF?
SteeleII: not as many but thanks to the MFG The “Double Money” houses which where alot more popular in fuji than av have been abolished mostly
Urizenus: those were scam houses?
SteeleII: yes
SteeleII: tricking newbies to giving them their money and promising double
Urizenus: It sounds like structurally the MFG is very similar to the AVG. Is that a conscious effort on your part?
SteeleII: We want to be split off from the AVG
Urizenus: split off?
Urizenus: does that mean separate?
SteeleII: yes
SteeleII: I have a bad feeling that MR-P thinks he will be able to run this gov
Urizenus: ic, why do you think Mr-P wants to control your gov?
SteeleII: He is loosing control of AVG it is falling and he wants something to grab onto in case it does
Urizenus: do you think he would move to MF if that happened?
SteeleII: Not really
SteeleII: I think his plans where to be a puppet master of Paul Tully but once Paul resigned that plan fell
SteeleII: I think those where his plans
Urizenus: Well, why is he losing control of the AVG — is it because of the scandals?
SteeleII: yes
SteeleII: not sure
Urizenus: ic, so he could better control the MFG from behind the scenes?
SteeleII: Correct, but no longer
Urizenus: but that is what he wants?
SteeleII: I am not sure, I believe
Urizenus: ok. But why? What’s in it for him? Money? Chix?
SteeleII: Popularity
Urizenus: ah ok
SteeleII: Paul is a great guy, he would not do that
Urizenus: I guess that is worth something. I have so much of it I never even think of its value, lol.
SteeleII: lol
Urizenus: Lemme ask you a question about MF itself…
SteeleII: Alright
Urizenus: did Maxis plan for it to have a large number of Japanese players once they had the asian release?
SteeleII: yes
SteeleII: However,
Urizenus: And are there any?
SteeleII: not near as many as they thought
SteeleII: there are some
SteeleII: about 10-15% I’d say or less
Urizenus: How many do you think there are.
Urizenus: oh ok.
Urizenus: Are you able to communicate with them?
SteeleII: not really. I only know how to say goodbye and hello
Urizenus: lol, but there is no tension between the asian and non-asian players?
SteeleII: Not that I have seen
SteeleII: If you look at our flag,
Urizenus: I ask because there have been reports of problems on FFXI
SteeleII: it symbolizes a welcome to the asians. has wrong flag on it. SteeleII: I published wrong flag lol
Urizenus: what’ wrong with the flag?
SteeleII: nothing, I just published wrong one
Urizenus: oh ok
SteeleII: the real one is black red and white
SteeleII: looks japanese
Urizenus: well, that’s good. Can you send a screen shot? just a little one, of the flag? [flag sent]
Urizenus: doesn’t look very Japanese. red white and black bars?
SteeleII: yes
Urizenus: ok, saved. Anything else to say?
SteeleII: nope
SteeleII: thanks

2 Responses to “Mount Fuji Primaries Tomorrow! Interview with candidate SteeleII”

  1. SteeleII

    May 7th, 2004

    I relize this is the “AV” Herald but It has it
    s ties to the AVG ;)

  2. Person

    May 7th, 2004

    Well.. it looks like neither of the candidates can spell “a lot”

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