Meet Alphaville’s Oprah Winfrey

by Alphaville Herald on 09/06/04 at 5:22 pm

Oprah Interviews Viva T and Celestie (then Barbara Walters)

In this interview we talk to sim Oprah Winfrey, who puts on the Oprah Winfrey show in Alphaville (although strictly adhering to a flexible — i.e. chaotic — programming schedule). We ask Oprah about some of her shows, and some of the obstacles that she has encountered in trying to produce a show in TSO.

Oprah holds some sort of bachelor auction.

alphavilleherald: Oprah, how long have you been running your talk show in tso?
AVOprahShow: 170 days or so.
alphavilleherald: did you begin in alphaville or another city?
AVOprahShow: I started in Test Center in Summer of 2003 as Oprah, but quit because of school, then came back to AV around Christmas and I have been there ever sense.
alphavilleherald: why did you move to Alpha as opposed to some other city?
AVOprahShow: I have no idea, lol
alphavilleherald: do you have regularly scheduled show, or only when you get an idea
AVOprahShow: I am not an organized person in any way, like normal human beings, so I have shows at random times, with usually one hour to a week’s notice
alphavilleherald: What might spur you to have a show?
AVOprahShow: When I get bored, or when there’s a hot topic, or interesting people in the city that I feel other sims should know about.
alphavilleherald: Who are some of the people that you have interviewed?
AVOprahShow: Oh my gosh, let me get my list, hold on a minute.
AVOprahShow: Scammers – Viva T, Celestie, Mr and Mrs President Bradley, Janette. Others – Mr-President, Ashley Richardson, Hosts of other talk shows, etc.
alphavilleherald: What are some of the hot issues that you’ve covered?
AVOprahShow: When a holiday comes up, I have shows about its history and things like that. Once a month I have a gossip show that covers basically everything that is mentioned in the AVH, lol, and the audience puts in their info, and ideas. I also have giveaway shows once a month, where I give away a lot of expensive stuff provided by local AV stores. I also have charity events that go to The Oprah Foundation, which donates to the AVG, needy sims, deserving businesses, etc.
alphavilleherald: needy sims?
AVOprahShow: Yah, occasional newbies that ask for money.
alphavilleherald: For readers that have never seen your show, can you describe the set and the format of the show? (we’ll add screenshots too)
AVOprahShow: Well, there’s a backstage area with all the costume trunks which is connected to the stage. On the stage we have wooden floors, flowers, a backdrop, and a chair for me and my guest(s). Then there’s a pool that divides the stage and the audience so that random people don?t have an excuse to make a fool of themselves on the stage.
AVOprahShow: When I interview people, it’s question/answer like the real life Oprah show; the audience usually cant help themselves and they add their comments (Boos, Hoorays, etc.) especially when we have scammers on the show. It sometimes gets out of control, lol.
alphavilleherald: Yeah we reported the event when you had both Celestie and Viva T on the show. “Mayhem breaks out!”
AVOprahShow: Yah, that was a good one.
alphavilleherald: hehe, what challenges have you run into in trying to do a show like this in tso?
AVOprahShow: They usually run smoothly but, I can only reach a certain number of people when I do my shows (17 tops) and that’s a disadvantage.
alphavilleherald: That’s because of the limit on the number of people in a property?
AVOprahShow: Yes.
alphavilleherald: Has the room chat function been adequate (the little chat bubbles and all)?
AVOprahShow: Well…I refrain from using caps most of the time, but if too many people are talking, and it is absolutely necessary, I have to use them . Its just too many people talking at the same time.
alphavilleherald: hehe, is it hard to keep control of the room sometimes?
AVOprahShow: Yes.
alphavilleherald: Ok, what about the problem of you audience constantly having to green (not to mention you and your guests).
AVOprahShow: That’s a problem, too. Especially when I have to exit the stage just to make food…. Very embarrassing.
alphavilleherald: hehe. Do you wish that Maxis would do something to minimize the need for greening in entertainment lots?
alphavilleherald: (like eliminate it!)
AVOprahShow: I?m in the offbeat category. I?ve been giving a lot of thought to switching to the entertainment category.
alphavilleherald: would that help?
AVOprahShow: Yes, it would.
alphavilleherald: speaking of switching… have you thought about moving your show to another game like Second Life?
AVOprahShow: I just might do that, but because I?m going into high school this upcoming schoolyear and because I want to donate my time to that, I will probably end up not doing it.
alphavilleherald: cuz of the amount of time it would take to learn SL?
AVOprahShow: Yes, that too.
alphavilleherald: What are your plans for the Oprah show? Anything we should expect to see you trying in the future?
AVOprahShow: I dont know. Just keep your eyes open. I?m sure ill have an idea for the show that is exciting by the end of the month though.
alphavilleherald: And what *everyone* wants to know is when Uri is going to be on the show!
AVOprahShow: lol
AVOprahShow: Soon, very soon.

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