New Name. Extended Mission.
by Alphaville Herald on 14/06/04 at 3:10 pm
Hope Uri doesn’t get banned for this T-shirt!
Many of you saw this coming, but we are now officially The Second Life Herald, to reflect both our greater focus on Second Life, and also the more generic interest in MMORPG life generally. We will keep the domain, and will mirror it at
We will continue to cover life in Alphaville, but we are more interested in the community that emerged TSO and is now departing from there. We plan on covering the TSO diaspora as TSO refugees move into Second Life, Star Wars Galaxies, and other MMORPGS. Let us know if you are in a new game and want to work for the Second Life Herald!
Jun 14th, 2004
Best of luck to you, I will still continue reading.
Jun 14th, 2004
So SLAVH now? lol.
Hope your having a blast in 2L Prof. , At least EA can’t screw that up. =D
- RB
Jun 14th, 2004
This is terrific news! But I think you should change the domain name as well.
Jun 14th, 2004
ya gl. Hope u got just as much bad shit to bitch about in those games 2 lmao.
Jun 14th, 2004
Good luck
Jun 14th, 2004
You can reach the blog via the domain too, Coco.
MattyS offers this hope: “Hope u got just as much bad shit to bitch about in those games 2 lmao.”
Oh just wait!
Jun 14th, 2004
Glad to see everyone happy over in Lindenland
. I’d be happy to file a report now and then about how things are going in Eve Online.
Jun 14th, 2004
Jun 15th, 2004
Yah Banshee, definitely file some reports from Eve.
Listen, do you know anything about the negotiations that were taking place between EA and the big property/money holders in E&B? I heard they were ongoing and then heard no more.
Jun 15th, 2004
I have not heard much about that in Eve, to be honest. There was talk about it a while ago, and then that talk seems to have died off. I don’t know whether litigation is planned or whether there is simply a quiet period in the discussions.
Jun 15th, 2004
You know what I find ironic is that all the tso scammers move to AV and so do you. Once trash, always trash!
Jessica mcPherson
Jun 15th, 2004
I heard the bad news on that cursed Stratics, but best of luck to you in SL Uri! =D Keep bringing the juicy stories to us and lets hope SL has some great ones.
-Jessica McPherson
Clickable Culture
Jul 6th, 2004
The controversial and much-covered Alphaville Herald has changed its coverage and its name: It's now called The Second Life Herald, and according to this official post, hopes to expand its scope to include not just Second Life, but MMOGs in ge…