News From Dan?s Grove: LegolasTheGreat Wins DG Presidential Election

by Alphaville Herald on 02/06/04 at 9:43 pm

By Dana Grove

The AVH wishes to congratulate LegolasTheGreat on winning the Dan?s Grove Presidential election this past Saturday, May 29th.

Final Results:
263 votes cast
Jeremy- 111
LegolasTheGreat 152

The entire election process became somewhat controversial during the primaries a when mafia role player was allowed to monitor the votes (shades of the Alphaville Election fiasco). For the Presidential election some improvements were made, the first improvement being the removal of Dia Maria Martel from access to the monitoring of the voting signs. This eased the concerns of many citizens who were aware of Mrs. Martels? background and ?agenda?. Some improvements were still needed for the house that hosted the elections, but in general the election went a lot smoother than the primaries.

Jeremy- the former President of Dan?s Grove, after losing the election, has been threatening to try to impeach the new president or start his own separate government. The former Vice President (Dia Martel) was quoted ?”No one can stop Jeremy-” in regards to him losing the election on the TSO Stratics boards. Guess we have to see what happens folks?

3 Responses to “News From Dan?s Grove: LegolasTheGreat Wins DG Presidential Election”

  1. Celestie

    Jun 2nd, 2004

    I don’t care

  2. Claydog

    Jun 2nd, 2004

    lmao nice article liz

  3. RB

    Jun 3rd, 2004

    And there goes 2 minutes of excitment. Now back to the routine we go.

    - RB

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