Open Letter from AV?s Home Designer: Keep Guard up Against TSO Hackers
by Alphaville Herald on 15/06/04 at 1:09 pm
Recent surges in hacking have led to many problems in The Sims Online. This is an issue I need to alert you people of. My account along with other Big Companies or ppl such as Lead artitect have been tampered with. It is vital that anybody playing The Sims Online should do the following. Do not open or download attachments sent from a source that claims to be EA. Electronic Arts NEVER SENDS ATTACHMENTS TO CUSTOMERS. Never open something you?re not sure of. And always do a full scan of your computer from norton or McCafee. Many “Hackers” have been linked to several Scammers and Mafia’s throughout Alphaville.(but they can attack whenever they want). If you feel your computer has been hacked, DO NOT Change your password through the computer, because the hackers can just get the new one as soon as you type it in. INSTEAD call EA Games and change it thru the phone. Pleae contact me for more information. Thanks
-Submitted by:
President of Alphaville Designs
Ebay: leaddesignertso
AV: Home Designer
BF: Roof Designer
JP: Lead Designer
CC: Home Builder
DG: Home Builder
MF: GI Kelly
Storm Armone
Jun 15th, 2004
lol stupid child, please explain which ‘mafia’ is linked to hacking, or are you just using someone as a scapegoat, again?…anyone yet see where ‘mafias’ get the bad reputation and image?
Jun 15th, 2004
Because that is what Mafia is organized crime.
Jun 15th, 2004
rightly said matty, especially for one mafia who failed,
Storm Armone
Jun 15th, 2004
No Matty…if I was a scammer or worse, a hacker, I would have demolished your home I built for you in Alphaville when I was Andy S
so alas, again, people hypocracy is their undoing.
Storm Armone
Jun 15th, 2004
Peoples *
Jun 15th, 2004
Storm, you were nothing….I dont think he said anything about you lol
Jun 16th, 2004
wow :O. So that is who you are lol. I have been looking for you. LOL I miss my old house and was wondering if i could have the pictures so i can clone it again. And Ian are u talking about me for a mafia that failed?
Jun 16th, 2004
First of all STORM, IAN, MATTYS. Non of this is directed to you so why the hell are you upsizing crazy over my comment????? You have no right to say something that doesn’t need you in it. When i was talking about mafias i was referring to: CjJohnson who a lot of ppl have told me he hacks accounts. SO don’t go judging when you dont know shit. Who the hell is Andy S?
Jun 16th, 2004
And another thing: I said “MANY” hackers, NOT ALL OF THEM SO BACK THE FUCK OFF!. I don’t know who hacked NYK’s account and took 300 milllion simoleans, but if u look throughout this site ( that there are a lotta postings about mafias and scammers that hack. OK OK OK???? I don’t see where you have the authorizaty to say shit to me when u have no clue even how hackers hack???? ITs done in 3 steps want to know how i know?? I guess you’ll find out for yourself
Jun 16th, 2004
first of all those are scammers not mafia lol.
JC Soprano
Jun 16th, 2004
First of all even if you call them to change your password, guess what, you have to type it in eventually so unless you have cleaned off your computer of the virus, that advice does no good. Best advice, get a virus program worth something and update it. McAfee (not McCafee lol) Pro is $30 and it’s free life time updates.. Detects all this crap. Norton too, although it is not as good.. How calling cust service solves the issue is beyond me. Ya that changes your password, but if you clean the infected system, no need.
Second, this is the first time I have read anything on AVH about Mafia’s being related to hackers. That Cj person a 1 man Mafia? Come on.. There is a different between a Mafioso and a Mafia too. One is an individual the other is a group, better wording perhaps was in order.
JC Soprano
Did I just side with Andy (Storm)? lol
Jun 16th, 2004
Ya I know JC he’s a kool guy u cant relate him to hackers
JC Soprano
Jun 16th, 2004
Ummm, who’s a cool guy? What are you talking about?
JC Soprano
Jun 16th, 2004
i knew you when we did that huge beat the dealer bet. And I’m saying that just cause ur in mafia doesn’t mean u should be in the same cat as hackers that is it
Storm Armone
Jun 16th, 2004
First off…OMG OMG OMG Jc and I just agreed on something, call up CNN and Boston Globe lmao…
Second off, I know plenty about how hacking works and is done…does NOT (and I repeat NOT) mean I do it, just means that I have taken courses on the subject and know what to do
.. oh and lastly, may I suggest a spellcheck to you kid? Do not stereotype or confuse …
Jun 16th, 2004
Ryan, I never said anything about you, so don’t confuse me with anyone you dumbass, and I don’t think MattyS or Storm did either.. And your ignorance is really funny. CJ, is not a hacker, nor in any mafia, infact he was HACKED by the infamous “Bradleys”…which brings me to my next point, they are scammers too. And they are not in the mafia. And did ya think about this…when you call up Maxis to get your pw changed, you will eventually have to log in your acct. again lol
Jun 16th, 2004
First of all guys, i made this post to alert people. I didn’t need extra comments by yourselfs. In a recent article i read on AVH it said CJ johnson was a hacker and scammer. Thats the only reason to why i said it. If it makes you and ian and matty and andys etc am sorry ok. I was just here to make a little informative. And just a heads up. Do you know who the bradlys are? Johnny Lace told me they were age 14 and 17. Mr president says 13 and 15. But i have no idea. Do you know? Any input with the subject would be fine. Thank you
Jun 16th, 2004
Nyk — lost 300 million
Anonymous trader – lost over 1.5 million
Fans – acct. wiped out, credit taken by Mr. and Mrs. President Bradley
Evangeline – credit taken by Mr. and Mrs. President Bradley
Eliana – acct. wiped out
Nick – lost 800K, allegedly by Alia C
Other money traders have detected attempts to infiltrate their accounts. For example one trader began receiving reminders of his password, suggesting that a hacker already had his email account was fishing for tso acct. password. Everyone should be on high alert!
EA’s apparent indifference to all this (they told Fans that “Were sorry we can’t do anything. We can’t handle in-game issues.”) is pretty remarkable given the recent court precedent set in China, where a court ruled that a game company was responsible for game objects lost due to hacking.
—-copied and pasted..Very intresting. Wouldn’t you say? Looks like EA has some issues lol
JC Soprano
Jun 16th, 2004
Since this is something that has already been on the AVH several times before and half your post (the story) is an ad for yourself, leads me to believe you were looking for free, fast advertising. Just a guess..
JC Soprano
Can I get an amen?
P.S. I am tired of people putting the blame on EA for hacking. EA is not perfect, but they are not the cops. Hacking is their department, not EA’s. Why not call the cops which can then subpeona EA for logs. It’s not EA’s fault and their’s not a damn thing they can do about it. It’s not EA’s fault your not smart enough to have a decent Virus Scanner or you open strange attachments from strangers. Call the cops, not EA. That’s my 2 cents.
Jun 17th, 2004
Well frankly your 2cents isn’t worth shit to me, because my parents already called the police, and actully found the fucker who hacked me. We brought him to court and sued for $1500 and WON. And no “JC” am not advertisint. It askes for my url, i put my url. It asks for my e-mail, i put my e-mail. It asked for contact, i put my contact. The only thing i can say is that: EA HAS BAD SECRUITY. If they had some kind of upped secruity then i wouldn’t worry about my computer being broken into. And “JC” if your really smart which you sound like an immature lil brat right now but, they also deleted thousands of dollars worth of information and programs on my computer, so much where i had to nuke my HD and reinstall the opearting system. SO don’t even try to get into my business when u have no idea even where to start.
Jun 17th, 2004
Uh Ryan, if only ignorance was bliss…… First of all I doubt that Cj Johnson was called a hacker here, perhaps you are misunderstood, when there was an article, named “CJ Johnson Hacked”. And there is no way to tell the age of the Bradyleys, have you ever met them, NO? And it isn’t EA’s fault of hacking, it’s your own dumbass fault. If you’re stupid enough to get a keylogger, and have no protection of viruses, well than, poo on you, you fucking dumbass.
JC Soprano
Jun 17th, 2004
Amatuer? lol Did I mention I was on Intel’s Emergency Virus Responce Team and supported million dollar enterprise application mainframes? Amatuer? Please, I prolly know more about virus’s and computers and network security then you could imagine, it’s called college.. Look it up.
JC Soprano
I’m bored already with this guy.. lol
Jun 17th, 2004
laff whadda newb
Jun 17th, 2004
WEll at least am not so bad as to reply to my comments, at least i have my intelligenence, i can’t say much for you people who respond to the ad, when u problay have nothing better to do then jack off in your moms closet looking at gay porno, while you were playing TSO on your laptops. ANYWAY am having this post deleted, as i was making this to alert ppl and i didn’t need you 2 mothua fuckers to always get in my business
Storm Armone
Jun 17th, 2004
First off the Jack-Off comment was immature…secondly…
mouther* intelligence* you* Probably* Anyways* (Correct grammatical use)
anyways…I’m pretty sure at least 2/3 people attacking you don’t live with their mom’s
Can you say the same, “Ryan”?
JC Soprano
Jun 17th, 2004
And I was called the immature lil brat.. lolol Ryan, you are truly a dipshit.
JC Soprano
I got no further comments at the moment lolol
Jun 17th, 2004
grow some balls and grow up.
Jun 17th, 2004
Ryan don’t get mad, get glad!
Johnny Lace
Jun 20th, 2004
euhm…did I tell Bradleys are 14 and 17? Dude you got your brains messed up. I don’t even know the guys, haven’t even met them ever lol.
These are the reasons I removed you from my site my friend.
You make up too many things.