Fists of Ham! Starring SOE

by Alphaville Herald on 25/08/04 at 11:47 pm

Looks like a protest movement broke out in SWG, over the following. Some players found a way to dupe credits, and then began tipping heavily with them. Rather than do the sane thing and ban the dupers, Sony Online Entertainment banned everyone who received the duped creds (even if unknowingly). Confusing charges about SOE attempting to thwart the protest by teleporting away protest leaders etc. etc. The usual thing. This is being tracked in Lawmeme and Terra Nova among other sites now.

8 Responses to “Fists of Ham! Starring SOE”

  1. Storm Armone

    Aug 26th, 2004

    If you had any knowledge of the subject Uri you would understand that the innocent’s that were banned are being reinstated and the protests were not interupted, when in fact it was so large it crashed the server. SOE had no choice but to ban everyone because there was no possible way to see who all did the dupe, since the exploit was involving /banktips as it was, whether or not they were involved, or at least I understand. Many were miss-informed (Somewhat SOE’s fault, but they DID tell people to hold tight and send an appeal if they did not dupe, those that did are mostly (not all) are reinstated)

  2. Mick Lite

    Aug 29th, 2004

    A lot of people were reinstated. And about 25% of the dupe credits were untraceable. Dupers always get caught. We don’t dupe, so we werent banned :)

  3. urizenus

    Aug 29th, 2004

    My understanding is that the protest didn’t crash the server but that people were TP-ed away because the protest was creating lag. As to whether people receiving duped credits are being reinstated, yes they are, but why should people be banned and have to appeal their innocence. Here is the notice from SOE, by the way:

    Posts: 542
    Registered: 10-03-2003

    Credit Dupe…
    … A credit dupe has surfaced. We are aware of it, and have put a solution in place.

    We know who did it. We log everyone’s financial transactions, including WHO AND WHERE THE MONEY IS TRANSFERRED TO.

    Please be careful of receiving large sums of money from anyone.

    We are going to suspend, and then ban anyone who has participated in this dupe, which includes transfer or reception of funds.

    If you know of a PA hall that has received these funds, DO NOT attempt to retrieve any money… this will flag you as dirty as well. And anyone you transfer money to becomes dirty as well. And so on…

    We take this extremely seriously, and will go to great lengths to protect your play experience.

    Posts: 167
    Registered: 06-26-2003
    Re: Credit Dupe…

  4. urizenus

    Aug 29th, 2004

    We can argue about whether that was an intelligent way to handle the initial problem, but even the SOE guys on Terra Nova are admitting that it wasn’t handled well.

    Meanwhile, Storm, I don’t think you understand what happened in the protest. The server didn’t crash, but the protestors were beemed to distant planets. Was that really the right way to handle the situation?

    Here’s a snapshot of the protest itself.

    Here’s a nice penny arcade cartoon on the matter.

  5. RB

    Aug 29th, 2004

    Amusing cartoon. :)

    - RB

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