Satan Returns to Alphaville
by Alphaville Herald on 04/08/04 at 9:32 am
Kudos to the Alphaville Gazette for breaking this story. It seems that a new Satanic Church has opened in Alphaville, and this one seems a bit more serious than the Church of Mephistopheles, which we understand was run by some posers and not full-on Satanists. Hail Satan!
Aug 4th, 2004
The Alphaville Independent broke that story August 1.
Aug 4th, 2004
And? Are you trying to imply I copied that story; I read the AVI sometimes but do not remember reading that story. And even if so, I saw it on Stratics last evening, and if you see that Mr. Mansson is online, I was talking to him about that. That is why I posted it last night. I wasn’t “stealing”…and even if I was you do not have a copyright on your work.. *points to the side bar of the AVH homepage, scroll down to the bottom*
drew kj/ marilyn mansson
Aug 4th, 2004
who talked to me and when i dont get it but if you guys are interested in learning about satanism visit one of my websites how bout and please dont take this post down theres someone named BFunky i hate him with absolute desire he thinks just because im 16 means i just use satanism when the time calls so he thinks i celebrate christmas lets see ahh no!! my dad is an satanic leader in north dakota unfortunately i believe in Laveyism satanism he believes in his litte stuff but where were we yeah im looking for recruits thank you for your time
drew kj
Aug 4th, 2004
guess what mr president i dont care at least alphavilleherald disses my own religion and switches what i say around to make it sound like i hate everyone ive ever known
Aug 4th, 2004
i mean at least they dont
Veronika Grishenko
Aug 4th, 2004
I’m confused, you made a church that worships Satan, but you’re looking for recruits for what exactly?
drew kj
Aug 4th, 2004
Well in church of satan we need 1 more magus i am a magus need one more 2 more magistras a few reverends some followers of course high priests and high priestesses a magistra templi Rex and others
drew kj
Aug 4th, 2004
i forgot we do not worship “satan” read that is my website people made god in there own image they told a few people then they misintrepeted it as god made them in his own image Christianity is just holding us in one place so we cant experience the joys of our lives
Aug 4th, 2004
Anything anyone writes is automatically copyrighted.
Aug 4th, 2004
okay mr-president whatever, but i didn’t copy. so anytime anything happens with the news, after the new york times prints it up, but it was in the washington post earlier, without their knowledge, they have to kiss their ass, even though it was something national. mr-president, sue me.
Overlord Fans
Aug 4th, 2004
Shut up cry baby Mr-P. The satan church isn’t yours so you can’t copyright it. Loser. Pathetic. Get a life.
Aug 4th, 2004
Take it easy, guys. I just wanted to point out that the Alphaville Independent had their story out first. No big deal.
Aug 4th, 2004
Stop referring it to as that, just say “my paper”…. Mr-President, I never stole it from you, but is your point that Urizenus didn’t put “Alphaville Independent” in this article in big ass letters? Do I get mad when I saw your thing about Oprah and said letter given to second life herald, when you can clearly seen that I posted it first… Yeah, i just contridicted yah
Aug 5th, 2004
Drew, like I stated on Stratics your just a mixed up little kid. In a few years you’ll see that I am right. Maybe not, either way I hope you don’t stay closed minded to other beliefs that make a whole lot more sense than satanism. If you ever want to rationaly discuss the subject then look me up on yim.
Aug 5th, 2004
Well good for you, You should be so happy you will go to hell and burn for an eternity! Oh yay what a future to look forward to. Oh my all of us Christians are so envious. (uh no) You have a messed up mind little boy. As far as B I will be sure and alert him to the fact that you hate him. Im really sure he cares. Oh whatever, Im not going to preach to you on the internet. You seem to be an avid reader. Quoteing your quotes from this satanic crap. Try reading some new stuff. There is a great series entitled Left Behind. The last book in the series will give you some idea what you have to look forward to….Actually the whole series will. I know no matter what I say the Devils in you so deep nothing could change your mind. But imagine and eternity of nothing but suffering and shame, does that sound good to you?
Bob the Tomato
Aug 5th, 2004
Ah the joys of teen rebellion… isn’t it great when little kiddies come out thinking they’re really something special for ‘daring’ to challenge what is accepted as decent.
Got news for you kiddo. You aren’t the first, and sadly you won’t be the last. This kinda crap pops up all over the place all the time, recruits a few teens that think its ‘cool’, then they drop off, it falls apart, and then the lone drifters that were members fall into something else equally offbeat.
Your so-called ‘religion’ is less than 40 years old. I know of one religion that has been around for 2000 years, which came as the fulfilment of another religion that was around since the day that the world was created.
The God of the Christians can lay claim to the creation of the world and all that is in it. What has your poor excuse done, apart from rebel?
Aug 5th, 2004
How is it teen rebellian if his dad is a Satanic leader?
Aug 5th, 2004
“How is it teen rebellian if his dad is a Satanic leader?”
“Satanic leader” is, in itself, just plain silly.
And I would guess that Drews dad is still a little kid himself.
Speaking of rebels and the like, back to SWG for me!
Bob the Tomato
Aug 5th, 2004
If his dad is a satanic leader, then I can fully understand him falling for it if that’s what he’s been bought up as being “normal”.
Don’t be mistaken, lives are ruined by dabbling in this kind of stuff. Young impressionable teens should not be exposed to this in game. Whilst TSO may be ‘just a game’, the stuff behind this is very very real, and very very dangerous.
Quite what is the point of your little ‘satanic church’, Drew? You know as well as I do you aren’t using some ‘right’ to express yourself in the game, you have some other motive that’s far more sinister than ‘having a little roleplay fun’.
I just seek comfort in the fact that, in the battle between good and evil, you are on the losing side. However, it isn’t too late to repent and turn.
Aug 5th, 2004
dont fucking start talking about what i am yes it is a serious religion and yes i am serious i read all of my posts none of them are quoting the satanic bible you dumbass: Lets see all i have Read The Satanic Bible Aleister Crowley Tim Lahaye those gay ass books your were talking about from the left behind Right now im reading a book on Hinduism yes i do read alot of religon I will NEVER be a christian im not going to tell you this all but my best friend killed himself because of you guys NO he wasnt a SATANIST he was an ATHEIST he had been teased by CHRISTIANS about it I have been teased to and I have never been one either and”BURNING IN HELL” how can I when i dont believe in this mythical hell and you can ask anyone satanism and wicca have been here way longer then christianity if you guys want to try to make a point you need to do some reading ive done my fair share of it i have read up on all religions Satanism is the best one for me and just look up the damn satanic rules and you will see its not that easy of religion to follow
Bob the Tomato
Aug 5th, 2004
I thought the whole reason of this was to debate? If you can’t hold a reasoned argument then I’m sorry. If you can’t discuss without swearing then I’m sorry too.
Whilst I am sad to hear about your friend, I don’t think to tar every Christian with the same brush is very fair. Do you know, for sure, that the ‘teasing’ was the ONLY thing going on in his life at that time? It takes many things to drive someone to suicide so to blame it all on Christians is not only unfair, but probably also wrong.
Hell is not mythical. Look up the Church of Satan website, history, part 3 – “It was the enactment of an allusion at the end of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Kubla Khan: an incantation rejecting the Holy Trinity and the spiritual life in favor of one devoted to Hell and material pursuits. ”
So if Hell doesn’t exist, as stated in the Bible, of satan’s home, the pit of fire and brimstone, why did LaVey undertake an incantation “rejecting the Holy Trinity and the spiritual life in favor of one devoted to Hell and material pursuits”?
Your ‘satanism’ was founded less than 40 years ago, although I understand that the concept has been around for much longer. Jesus Christ was around at the beginning of creation, existing with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Lucifer and the other angels were then created as the world was created. Lucifer rebelled, was thrown out of heaven.
If you’re an active member of the Church of satan then you are supposed to be 18. Your command of the english language suggests to me that you are not.
All you’re doing is throwing hate and accusations. Let’s have some facts from you. Have you paid your $200 to be a proper member?
Aug 5th, 2004
Just because you don’t believe in it doesnt mean it won’t happen. The reason it would happen is because you do not believe in it. Im sure most people whom believe in heaven and hell surely won’t go to hell cause they want to go to heaven.
And have lived thier lives accordinlly.
Any way who ever teased your friend for being an atheist wasn’t a real christian. Christians will not tease you for being what you are but they will state what they are and try and witness to you so that you have a chance to make an informed descion.
But I can already see that your desicion is made and all we can do is pray for you.
And another thing, I would not risk my soul for one second,reading about this satanic crap you read.
And another thing players may think that tso is just a game. But you know I really believe in gods eyes what you do in the game what you role play what you choose to do will also be judged by him. Because of how it can effect other peoples lives. This game really can affect peoples feelings. (oh but drew this doesnt matter to you right cause you don’t believe in god) But in my eyes thats just how it is.
just and example of a ten commandment being broken in the game that the rl player will someday be judged for.
But like i said the devils got a hold of you boy and one day you will wish you had listened.
Aug 5th, 2004
Guys, we live in a world that is extremely liberal. If he wants to be like this, then so be it. I do not think any web commentary from people drew has never seen, will effect his ways.
Aug 5th, 2004
it was an ENACTMENT thats also why he shaved his head and stuff like that Yes I am a member have been for 3 years like i have said alot the money part of it has been going on for about 6 months now the 18 part of it has been going on for about 2 years the only reason for this is it cut down on crimes from satanists im just going to give you a couple satanic sins:Stupidity–The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid.
SOLIPSISM 3) Solipsism–can be very dangerous for Satanists. Projecting your reactions, responses, and sensibilities onto someone else who is probably far less attuned that you are. It is the mistake of expecting people to give you the same consideration, courtesy, and respect that you naturally give them. They won’t. Instead Satanists must strive to apply the dictum of “Do unto others as they do onto you.” It’s work for most of us and requires constant vigilance lest you slip into a comfortable illusion of everyone being like you. As has been said, certain utopias would be ideal in a nation of philosophers, but unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, from a Machiavellian viewpoint) we are from that point.
6) Lack of Perspective–Again, this one can lead to a lot of pain for a Satanist. You must never lose sight of who and what you are, and what a threat you can be, by your very existence. We are making history right now, everyday. Always keep the wider historical and social picture in mind. That is an important key to both Lesser and Greater Magic. See the patterns and fit the things together as you want the pieces to fall into place. So not be swayed herd constraints–know that you are working on another level entirely from the rest of the world.
AND THIS IS A RULE THAT ALMOST EVERYBODY HERE HAS BROKEN 8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
Bob the Tomato
Aug 5th, 2004
At least you learnt the Cut and Paste trick
If you want to play that game, check out “The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth”
1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
1) We asked, and you haven’t explained why you are a member.
2) We did’t ask to hear about your friend’s death, and you offer no proof that Christians are to blame.
3) This is Uri’s lair, his domain, his property. Show some respect.
Aug 5th, 2004
on stratics member post you are asked to give your opinion thats why it is a board also do not tell other people your troubles i wasnt what i was saying is I AM opening up COS not i want to know what you guy think of it I have not said anything to the people of stratics that own the site or own this site Well why do you think im a member its my religion it my dads religion of course im going to be a member I have total proof that christians are to blame i knew his parents i still do he lived 3 houses away from me and his parents live there now if you are so smart and read the rules it says if you show the owner disrespect i did not say anything to Uri if i did tell me what i dit to him and I suppose you didnt read up on the satanic bible just did a quick search on google if you got it read pages 30-35 also right now im reading An Introduction to Hinduism by Galvin D. Flood, Galvin Flood real good book has anyone read it yet if you havent its awesome
Aug 5th, 2004
THIS IS WHY I TOLD YOU GUYS OR PART OF THE REASON BEFORE YOU ASK ME QUESTIONS READ ALL OF THE POSTS Quite what is the point of your little ‘satanic church’, Drew? You know as well as I do you aren’t using some ‘right’ to express yourself in the game, you have some other motive that’s far more sinister than ‘having a little roleplay fun’
Aug 6th, 2004
You arent making any since drew sorry. Im lost.
Aug 6th, 2004
At least you learnt the Cut and Paste trick
If you want to play that game, check out “The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth”
1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
1) We asked, and you haven’t explained why you are a member.
2) We did’t ask to hear about your friend’s death, and you offer no proof that Christians are to blame.
3) This is Uri’s lair, his domain, his property. Show some respect.
Bob the Tomato
Aug 6th, 2004
Drew, you really aren’t making any sense at all. This is precisely why, as a CHILD (under 18, by your own admission), you really shouldn’t be dabbling in things you don’t understand.
I don’t need to know the whole satanic bible inside out to know that you are in far deeper than you can handle. You don’t understand the evil you are unleashing and playing with, and I doubt if your dad can either.
Evil corrupts. It’s a fact. Look in the mirror, read your posts, and you’ll see just what a mess you are in. Your posts are rants, you can’t answer our questions, you don’t make sense when you do post. Try listening to common sense and using it instead of listening to the dark power that has taken over your mind.
Until you are able to explain what your aim of this little church is, then I can only label you as a deranged rebellious teenager who needs help.
At least the Herald gives me the opportunity to be brutally honest to you and try and get some answers, which Stratics doesn’t allow me to.
Aug 6th, 2004
Bob, Drew, yeah we’ll let you guys vent at each other here, but I just wanted to add a post to say that this is potentially a very helpful thread, and Drew, you should avoid the temptation to get angry and just try to be as informative as possible, because a lot of folks are genuinely curious about your beliefs and all. Likewise for Bob, the more we hear about your objections the better. The Rules of Conduct here: vent if you have to, but don’t waste your opportunity to explain your beliefs.
Bob the Tomato
Aug 6th, 2004
OK, my objections? They’re twofold.
1) I’m a Christian, and as his ‘religion’ is anti- everything I stand for and believe, that’s one big factor.
2) I don’t believe that such evil has a place in a roleplaying game, especially one where a large proportion are children and at an impressionable age. Many that dabble in the occult because it’s ‘cool’, having seen Buffy, Charmed or even Sabrina, don’t realise what they are getting into and how it can take over your life. Until it’s too late.
3) There were huge objections in TSO from the non- and anti- christian mob when we got christmas items, because “real life religions have no place in a game” – yet it appears to be a selective thing. Every other group, be it wicca, vampire, bdsm, hey its just roleplay right, but no, christians aren’t allowed to have a community in game because it might offend someone. Well, tough. satanists offend me. The Christian churches and meeting places only offered a social angle, and perhaps bible studies for those who wished to join in. Drew’s house offers satanic ‘turnings’, baptisms, etc etc, in other words far more than just a ‘roleplay’ or ‘social gathering’.
I can only assume that you do not plan any ‘good’ with what you are doing, only to bash christians (by the way, hate in game is a TOSsable ban offence) because you blame them all for something that isn’t everyone’s fault. A black guy steals your bike (for example), so do you attack every black person you see as revenge? I would hope not.
Discrimination based on colour, religion, race or anything else is divisive and hurts everyone.
Aug 6th, 2004
ok im not a dabbler in the occult or satanism
TELL ME THE QUESTIONS I WILL ANSWER THEM IN MY BEST POSSIBLE WAY I do not believe in heaven or hell to me this is how you start the apocalypse shoot yourself (apocalypse pretty much the end of the world)im not trying to ‘bash’ christians all i want is a place for me and people who share my own beliefs if you dont want Weddings Funerals or Baptisms dont go these are all of my antis or most of them-anti-killing anti-war and thats pretty much it I fully understand Satanism what kind of evil am i unleashing? Evil is ourselves in someways dont you think Good is ourselves in someways to no i do not hate all christians which i stated most that i know are real mean to me one of my best friends is a christian himself his mom and dad know what i am yet they still dont care they dont say anything about it I dont really care about christmas trees have them if you want! I should be able to practice my own religion anywhere I want i am a USA citizen which means Freedom Of Religion and of course people roleplaying doesnt want a christian,satanic,buddhist, or anyother real life thing in TSO cause they think it ruins the fun:BDSM, MAFIAS, AND VAMPIRES most of them are roleplaying i dont really know what BDSM is though yes there are real mafias and vampires but its real exciting to be a vampire dont you think ok ask me questions i will try to answer them to best of my ability
Bob the Tomato
Aug 7th, 2004
Ok answer your own questions……
1: “of course people roleplaying doesnt want a christian,satanic,buddhist, or anyother real life thing in TSO cause they think it ruins the fun”
So if people don’t want any of these things – including yours – why do it?
2: “I do not believe in heaven or hell”
Why? Your church of satan website clearly states that hell exists. The guy that invented the religion you claim to follow seems to disagree with you. Clarify please.
3: “BDSM, MAFIAS, AND VAMPIRES most of them are roleplaying i dont really know what BDSM is though yes there are real mafias and vampires ”
I think you’ll find that people PRETEND to be vampires because they think it’s somehow cool, real ‘vampires’ kill people and drink their blood. Dressing up in black and wearing wierd clothes does not make you a vampire, any more than simply wearing a cross makes you a christian.
4: “I should be able to practice my own religion anywhere I want i am a USA citizen which means Freedom Of Religion ”
In reality, sure, you can do whatever you like, but the game is not america. Whatever freedoms you feel you are entitled to in reality do not automatically apply in game.
5: I repeat again, what is the aim of creating your satanic church? Is it merely ‘shock value’, a place for like-minded people to socialise, or a serious place? Offering the services you do are REAL LIFE things, and as you have already said these things shouldn’t exist in game.
6: Do you call up satan for help or whatever in the game? If so, you are invoking spirits, and satan is the epitome of evil, so to say that there is no evil is plain inaccurate.
7: Why should anyone join your church? What do you offer?
8: You did hate all christians, blaming them all for the death of your friend, now you don’t. Whats the right answer?
Aug 7th, 2004
1. I said some people not me im not interested in roleplaying really just having fun and pizzaing
2. In the history he is just stating hell he believes in something called hell on earth but he also believes in lesser and greater magic
3.Dont really get the question but real vampires sleep during the day and drink blood but dont kill people But being a vampire is roleplay and so is being a vampire on Haloween
4.Im in The USA at the time of playing the game and that means i can do anything americans do
5. Its a serious place my aim of the satanic church is merely to talk to other people with the same views
6. Yes there is Evil in every person there is also Good in real life yes i have done spells for walpurgisnacht and other satanic holidays to invoke spirits
7. I offer no special services if thats what you mean all i offer is socialization with other people like us
8. I dont hate all christians like i said before most are mean to none christians at least over here in North Dakota and one of my best friends are christian he knows that i am a satanist his parent do to so there not bad like alot of them
Aug 7th, 2004
Admitedly, Bob you state you know nothing about BDSM yet it seems since you do not know anything about it you lump it in with mafia’s, satanism and vampires. Very narrowminded toy would think. You cant speak of someething you admit you know nothing about
BTW.. its a lifestyle, not a religion
falara kajira toy
Aug 7th, 2004
I just found out what BDSM is but i dont know what BDSM stands for well i think i know what it is its like hehe i dont think i want to say cuz i will screw it up:)
Bob the Tomato
Aug 7th, 2004
toy, I was responding to Drew’s comment where he lumped them all together. I’ll admit I don’t know much about the BDSM lifestyle, although one or two of my friends are involved in it. I choose not to be involved, however I respect your right to partake of that lifestyle, along the same lines as Drew, in other words as long as it doesn’t infringe on my gameplay.
Back to the questions then Drew.
2) If you don’t believe in ‘hell’, where does satan live? Assuming satan is an actual being rather than just ‘the evil in all of us’.
3) Halloween is actually All Hallow’s Eve, a Christian festival. I believe there is actually another name for what you celebrate?
4) Your assumption that, being an american citizen, you are entitled to do whatever in TSO, is plain wrong. TSO is played by people from all over the world, and the Terms of Service define what is an isn’t allowed. Nationality is totally irrelevant in an online environment.
5) So you are serious about what you do. Fine. You’re 16, correct? Read the youth section of the site, you can’t do most of what you are claiming to offer until you are 18.
6) As I thought. Are you able to contain the power that you call upon?
7) If it’s merely a social gathering place (“grotto” I believe is the terminology) perhaps your property description should be revised? But then again, the 18 rule prevents you anyway.
The reason ‘most’ (your word) Christians will ‘hate’ you is because you stand against everything we believe in. But in fact, speaking here as my personal opinion, I don’t hate you, I am merely opposed to your particular beliefs. There is a big difference. “God hates the sin but loves the sinner” is a quote I have heard before, which seems appropriate in this case.
Finally, to put you out of your confusion, “BDSM” is an acronym of “B&D” (Bondage & Discipline), “D&S” (Dominance & Submission), and “S&M” (sadomasochism). “BDSM” refers to any or all of these things, and a lot of stuff besides. But I would suggest that you seek further information from someone with more experience. I believe toy has already spoken up on this issue
Aug 7th, 2004
1. The so called ‘satan’ lives in us i dont call it satan i call it evil and good
2. Dont get this question rephrase it
3. I didnt say i could do whatever i wanted just the stuff that is legal in the USA
4. Have you heard of life isnt fair if your dad is a satanist and you can admit it contact Blanche personally thats what my dad did
5. Yes i can contain my power i can do anything i set my mind to
7. God hates the sin because the sin is making it impossible for him to take power over the sinner thats the way i would put it
Well ive never seen a real life BDSM
see you all later
Bob the Tomato
Aug 7th, 2004
1) So it’s “The Church of Good and Evil” then, why call it “church of satan”?
2) I’m not sure which part of “All Hallows Eve”, also known as “Halloween” is causing you a problem. Not heard of Samhain?
3) Regardless of whether it’s allowed in america or not, it’s not automatically allowed in TSO. Constitutional rights are irrelevant on the internet, whoever owns the internet site you are visiting sets the rules. If Uri decided that everyone posting here had to dress in scuba diving gear whilst posting, that’s the rule, and nothing you can constitutionally do can change that.
4) Of course life isn’t fair. It’s a result of the fall of man, where satan tempted Adam and Eve in the garden of eden, and life isn’t rosy any more for any of us. We can choose to live in rebellion (sin) or ask God for help. I don’t need to contact Blanche, thank you, I have a better source to call upon.
5) You say can contain the power, I have no proof that there is anything otherwise…. however would you care to share some of the things you have done?
6) Was actually (5), and you didn’t answer that, as we’re led to believe, as a 16 year old you shouldn’t be doing what you do under the rules of the church of satan youth section?
7) Sin is our choice. It doesn’t stop God working though. Nothing can stop God working. Atheists may not believe in God but He still believes in them.
As for “never having seen a real BDSM”, well… they are actually quite common and can take many forms. I would suggest that toy answers this particular interesting observation, possibly suggesting a few websites.
Aug 7th, 2004
1. no its not i dont really feel like explaining it all
2. Its not causing me a problem
3. still not going ot change my mind on this one this is why if uri said that this was his site so now we can post child porn on it since thats against the law in america but not against the rules on the site can i post that
4. i was saying if you wanted to be a satanist you can contact her lol
5. i have done many things including obe(out of body experiences) Tarot cards which is for psychic powers ouija boards,Spells to call upon the spirits good ones:)
6.Just read it and i can do anything the things they dont want kids to do is be exposed to people who want you to do drugs and sex but there are a few people in the area that i know of who are over 18 and are satanists but they dont do stuff like that and as you know drugs and sex with under age kids is illegal in COS AND USA
Bob the Tomato
Aug 7th, 2004
Thank you Drew for completely confusing everyone
You create something for a religion based on something you don’t believe exists… that does sound a little strange to me. As a Christian I believe that satan exists, but in a very different way to you. may help you understand at least some of where I’m coming from.
I think the issue of child porn on this site is something Uri needs to address, not me, but I would personally be against it anyway.
I may wake up in the morning and think “I’ll cut the grass today” or “I’ll have such-and-such cereal for breakfast….. but I don’t recall thinking “Oh I’ll just become a satanist today”. I don’t have $200 spare even if for some reason I did have that thought! I am assuming you got ‘into it’ because of your parents rather than discovering it independently?
Aug 7th, 2004
I did it totally by myself i studied wiccan but the thing is i didnt believe in it and know i didnt wake up one day saying o i want to become a satanist i dont think anyone wakes up saying the same thing about christianity ok going to look at that site now
Aug 8th, 2004
“Ever heard of Samhain?”
LOL, I think I have once or twice
Bob the tomato
Aug 8th, 2004
Erm… lol
Ok Samhain….. care to tell us a bit about yourself (the festival, not the player I mean)
Aug 8th, 2004
BtT, you are concerned that children are being exposed to this. That is an issue you should hold against EA for giving this game a Teen rating, NOT drew.
Further, why shouldn’t drew do this? He’s simply putting his beliefs out there. I am a pantheist – would I too be persecuted for hoping to educate the public on my beliefs IF they show interest?
Frankly drew is being more adult about this than you are. He may be naive, but he is not running around trying to convince people of his beliefs. He is simply offering them a way to learn more should they be interested. This may be corrupt from your point of view, but whether or not something is corrupt is in the eye of the beholder. If you dont want your children exposed to this, dont let them play. Parents should educate themselves on a game before they let their child play it. And frankly, children are exposed to much worse at school than a little satanic church on TSO – your fear is not entirely warranted. Although it is a viable issue, I feel you are taking it out on the wrong person.
Aug 8th, 2004
TY finally someone take my side by the way thats another thing ive never heard of is pantheist and yes schools are exposed to more bad things like violence,drugs,alcohol, and racism
Aug 8th, 2004
For the record, Thomas Jefferson and many of the founding fathers were pantheists.
Aug 8th, 2004
cool but what are they im to lazy to google it lol
Aug 9th, 2004
There are a couple of ways to describe it, but the essential belief is that nature is the God that most other religions speak of. There are certain natural laws that guide the universe, and if you must say that there is a god, those laws collectively – or nature – would be that god. I can go into more detail if you want, but thats the basic gist of it.