Second LIFE Magazine tops 1K in-world circulation

by Alphaville Herald on 27/08/04 at 9:48 pm

In an important event for in-MMORPG publishers, the second issue of the free monthly publication, Second LIFE Magazine, topped a circulation of 1000 (figures based on copies taken from distribution stands throughout Second Life). With over 65 auto-updating distribution stands throughout the game, Editor Lorelei Patel believes that circulation could top 2000 for issue 3. If we suppose that there are 10K subscribers in Second Life, it is interesting to speculate how circulation would scale if SL grew to a million users as predicted by Philip Rosedale. (Second LIFE Magazine has also established a content sharing relation with The Second Life Herald.) Other in-game publications, including Players and The Erogenous Zone, have circulation above 500, but are pay per copy (about 85 Lindens) and hence have not topped the 1K mark to the best of my knowledge.

A distribution stand for the Second LIFE Magazine.

4 Responses to “Second LIFE Magazine tops 1K in-world circulation”

  1. Father Callahan

    Aug 27th, 2004

    1k, wow that is a lot. maybe they should make a script that tells them unique issues too, just to get more of a close answer.

  2. Scarface Ciprioni

    Aug 27th, 2004

    Second life only has 10,000 players…Atleast there growing lol…Seems like SL has a lot more people…10,000 people that all the people in Av and BF on Tso on peak hours during a weekend mostly…

  3. Father Callahan

    Aug 27th, 2004

    i think it is up to 15,000 now

  4. Good job you guys!

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