Club Elite moves to Private Sim

by Alphaville Herald on 18/09/04 at 10:35 pm

Big John Jade flies over Elite Island

Long at or near the top property for dwell, and an important site for entertainment ranging from lap dancing to parties for SL gang leaders, Club Elite has also long been plagued with hellish lag. With the recent move to a private island — Elite Island– all that will hopefully change. We haven’t toured the VIP rooms yet, and we are intruiged by the apartment complex set up for dancers and escorts. Then there is the question of what it all means. For now we just chill and offer you some pics.

Uri checks out the new club from the air.

Big John watches the entrance to his club. The big tat on his back pays tribute to his woman Ana Lily.

Ana Lily herself. HAAARRRR!

The regulars and employees chill in the new digs.

Big John 3:16.

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