Imitation Herald…Smerald
by Alphaville Herald on 01/10/04 at 12:32 am
By: Father Callahan
Update: Some readers are confused that the link belongs to the new DC Herald, however in the midst of all of this drama, Ian (Sir) bought it and fowarded it to his blog, the Alphaville Gazette. I hope our readers are not confused that he is the imitation name. My deepest apologies for what this has causes to many…
As the Stratics Forum lurker that I am, I came upon a piece called “Dragon Cove Herald“. Hmmm, so I decided to click and indulge myself in something that might be worth wild. Turns out, it was. The Alphaville/Second Life/Dragon’s Cove Herald (With an “s” at the end of dragon’s cove…which is us) now has a copy cat (for lack of better word). Go ahead click it…, that’s us…this is them Can someone say, copyright? However, they do say that imitating is the sincerest form of flattery, but I doubt in this case. All I can say is…get your own name!
Oct 1st, 2004
I think I’d come back to YOU and say “get your own name”. It doesn’t matter if these people have “copied” — it’s more likely they just innocently made this URL to cover DC, not realizing there were trolls out there like you squatting on the URL mainly in contempt.
Why should Alphaville Herald, which changed its name to The Second Life Herald (because the writers all got bored with TSO and moved to another game), have the right to grab up any and all URLs related to TSO, especially one about the new server, upon which AVH/SLH has only heaped scorn? You aren’t really reporting on DC, you’ve had only one or two pieces knocking it. That’s your right, but then what gives you the right to scarf up a URL with the phrase “Dragon’s Cove” in it, and take it from somebody else who is actually doing a kind of typical, innocent fanzine sort of site related to DC? Or if this is the case, to slam this other group because they “stole” a URL which you are only using to rope more unsuspecting readers into the SHL maelstrom?
Your arrogance knows no bounds, as always! Or…am I to expect now that when I click on the URL dragonscoveherald every day, I’m going to find coverage of DC?
Oct 1st, 2004
I actually agree more with Dyerbrook than Father C on some of these points (not all). I don’t care if people want to copy the SL Herald. Why shouldn’t they? It is the most important blog EVER! What this has to do with copyright is beyond me.
I also really don’t see what the news value/humor/interest/etc is in this article. I think someone forgot that stories are *supposed* to be posted in draft form and not be published until the editor in chief gets a look.
On the other hand, yeah we own Why shouldn’t we? Father C did bust some big stories on Dragons Cove, so it is a news source that u might want to follow if you are interested in what is going on. And in the fullness of time we may well have a dedicated site for DC. Anything wrong with that?
Oct 1st, 2004
Uhhhh yeah that really does not have much to do with copyright issues. Father C, please be more careful whe creating stories.
You must have a good story with facts to back it up, the purpose of the story should not be to try and make people grab their pitchforks and go after ___ person or ___ website.
Oct 1st, 2004
using the logic above, then i guess
somebody will have to decide if the LA times is infringing on the NY times or vice versa, or, if they are both infringing on the london times or vice versa.
Oct 1st, 2004
Funny do a whois ad both urls show the same exact admin and owners and contact info..
Oct 1st, 2004
Ermm…I don’t think Father C actually “busted” the story on the purchase of high-cost islands in DC and *gasp* the presence of money-traders in those soi-disant hardcore city. Everyone knew it already, and it was on the Stratics boards before it was on here. I think there have been about 3 DC stories here, nothing special. No real analysis. For example on whether the figure of 7000 sims created in DC vs. the 150 somebody actually found there at high noon one day, and what that means about TSO sub numbers. Yeah, sure, you might want to cover DC someday but come on, why hog these URLs like trolls when you have really long since left TSO? TSO only enables Uri to dine out on his banning story for the rest of his life. When it closes, why…somebody might forget!
Say, Father C. why did you or Uri close the 9/11 thread? I need to tear that guy another asshole.
Oct 1st, 2004
That 150 figure was entirely wrong; see my posts on Stratics.
Father Callahan
Oct 1st, 2004
Oh come on… we aren’t talking about real world global newspapers…We are talking about blogs that cover one server, in a certain videogame. And the fact that this guy is using “Dragon Cove Herald”, means two things… (i) he knows about the “real” Herald (here) and wanted to use the name, or (ii) he obviously tried to use “DragonsCoveHerald.Com”, and found out the name is registered.
We are talking about a small choice of known names.
Romeo Love
Oct 1st, 2004
I think its great people are suporrting me, And Father C to answer your questions.
Yes i understand there is an ALPHAVILLE herald. But i didn’t know there was already an DC herald
(( I just wanted to make a website for DC, and i love the AV herald, so why not do it for DC? And as far as copyrights go? WTF man get a life. Its just a game
Father Callahan
Oct 1st, 2004
I am not saying don’t do it…who am I to say “no you can’t do that”…Do it all you want.
Romeo Love
Oct 1st, 2004
Thank you.
Oct 1st, 2004
What is the point in the AVH/SLH registering the DC Url??
Your's Truely
Oct 1st, 2004
Mr Nathan Cole, what is the point of you posting?
Oct 1st, 2004
Yea, I don’t see it as copying the name either. DC Herald seems like a pretty obvious name choice. Since you don’t have “Dragon’s Cove Herald” actually posted as your title anywhere, I’m not sure how he could have known the name was being used. What would have been copying is if he already had a blog and then decided to re-name it ‘Dragon’s Cove Herald’ and registered the domain name after learning that’s what this blog is “called.”
Oct 1st, 2004
And I agree with the other posters. You need to take a refresher course in copyright law. Perhaps if you had trademarked ‘Dragon’s Cove Herald’ you could have a case.
Father Callahan
Oct 1st, 2004
Any printed media becomes copyrighted automatically… perhaps saying copyright was a bit to the extreme, because the name isn’t trademarked. But my point was…When people think of Dragon’s Cove, they dont think of obviously he had to try Dragon’ first… go ahead.. go to
Oct 1st, 2004
Crimey, I’m sitting in Poland wondering if I should kill this topic or what. Romeo, u can call your paper anything you want and if you want the domain just ask and u can have it.
Oct 1st, 2004
DB, What 9/11 thread? As a general rule threads get closed when the cialis spammers catch up to them. We had a story on 9/11?
Romeo Love
Oct 2nd, 2004
I apperate it Urizenus, but i also bought, and registered – Thanks anyway !
And Urizenus, you know who this is right?
sup man? ur never online
Mick Lite
Oct 2nd, 2004
I thought thw was the site that Ian (Sir) was running, with Seth Galloway as one of his writers… am I wrong?
Oct 2nd, 2004
I find it both sad and hysterical that a man of an advanced degree has to go so far as reserve a website with the name of a new area in a game that he has been banned from for… What were you banned for, El Heinie?
Did it ever occur to you not to play childish games and to allow those who truly enjoy TSO to use that domain name? You made your point, you got your 15-minutes of fame — why would you continue to harrass EA? Have you lost absolutely any pride that you once had?
Oct 2nd, 2004
DB, What 9/11 thread? As a general rule threads get closed when the cialis spammers catch up to them. We had a story on 9/11?
Yes, scroll down, you’ll see the 9/11 piece, if you try to post, it won’t give you any screen at all to post with, unless that was installed especially for me, knowing I’d bite on that one : )
Mick Lite
Oct 2nd, 2004
Because he is a journalist and this is his hobby. Everybody is free to have any hobby they choose, its a right given to everyone of us. People like you who sit here and criticize and whine about everything should be in Iraq on the front lines. WOOT!!
Oct 2nd, 2004
It’s Ian/Sir.
Romeo Love
Oct 2nd, 2004
Yes, i was wondering why it was taking so long for my hosting company to reserve my name. And it turns out IAN, reserved it the same day i did, but registered a cpl of hours before me
. So the name of my site will be which makes sense, because .ORG’s are non-profit. And my site is Non-Profit. My link now is being registered, so the .org won’t work for another 24 – 48 hours. But i talked to SIR in the game, and he is cool about it. So ty mick lite, for ur input, i apperate it!
Sir aka Ian
Oct 2nd, 2004
Just to clarify…I bought that domain because Romeo was foolish to announce it on stratics. So I bought it, and linked it to The Alphaville Herald (here) for a bit… then I linked it to The Alphaville Gazette (my blog). I just saw this as an oppurtunity for free publicity… And boy did it pay off… I got over 250 unique hits from stratics
Oct 2nd, 2004
DB, the 9-11 story is reopened.
Oct 3rd, 2004
Yours Truly… my post had a point..I was asking a question..or maybe you didnt see that?
Your's Truely
Oct 3rd, 2004
You asked “what is the point” … and I asked you back. Don’t be a troll!
Oct 4th, 2004
All I frickin wanna know is why there was a need for the SLH to register the domain if they had no intention of utilizing it.
Oct 4th, 2004
All I frickin wanna know is why there was a need for the SLH to register the domain if they had no intention of utilizing it.