Pat the Rat Rats the State of Play

by Alphaville Herald on 29/10/04 at 9:00 am


We turned Pat the Rat loose on The State of Play with his/her camera. The candid shots follow. What, you wanted content? Go to Terra Nova. We’re all about the eye candy!

Yochai Benkler (Yale Law), Phillip Rosedale (Linden), Cory Ondrejka (Linden), and Jack Balkin (Yale Law). Phillip and Cory ask the law guys how they can plug the loopholes in their TOS. “OK guys, we can ban people for any reason and for no reason, but what if we have a vanishingly small reason?”

Dan Hunter (Wharton School, yeah crappy picture, sorry Dan) who first blogged the termination of Urizenus on Terra Nova and Julian Dibbell (scooped the Mr. Bungle story and author of My Tiny Life)

This would be James Grimmelmann ( — remember?) and Andy Tepper from eGenesis — they guy who brought us A Tale in the Desert and sexist pig NPC wares traders. Woot!

Ted Castronova (Indiana) and Ian MacInnes (‘Cuse) are swooning over each other. Swooning I tell you! And who can blame them?

Beth Noveck (New York Law) and Dan Hunter again (I owed him a more flattering picture) and are these two hotties or what? Dang, who says gamers are fuglies?

Professor MacInnes again, this time showing his upstate New York secret handshake to Wagner James Au (AKA Hamlet Linden)

6 Responses to “Pat the Rat Rats the State of Play”

  1. Dr Leviathan

    Oct 29th, 2004

    Where’s the picture of Pat the Rat?

  2. ian

    Oct 29th, 2004

    Oh darn, I really want to see these interesting topics (shown at the SOP website). I could fetch a train, but ain’t paying no $300

  3. Mr Fairplay

    Oct 29th, 2004

    Yochai Benkler (Yale Law), Phillip Rosedale (Linden), Cory Ondrejka (Linden), and Jack Balkin (Yale Law). Phillip and Cory ask the law guys how they can plug the loopholes in their TOS. “OK guys, we can ban people for any reason and for no reason, but what if we have a vanishingly small reason?”

    OMFG thats too darn funny, nice caption Uri!

  4. humdog

    Oct 30th, 2004

    james wagner au.
    my gosh.
    the loyal opposition.

  5. Mirjam

    Oct 30th, 2004

    great pictures! Lovely to see for us who couldt come!

  6. Dyerbrook

    Oct 31st, 2004

    ERmmm eye candy? These are middle-aged bearded game geeks. Weren’t there any women at this conference lol?

    You know, for $350, I could um buy an island in SL or something…I was toying at showing up at the democracy session but…I think I’ll read their website, some of the papers are up.

    Does anyone ever discuss the role of journalists bought by game companies???

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