Second Life Boxing to Reopen

by Alphaville Herald on 29/10/04 at 7:22 am

By Gina Fatale

After all the drama from Boxingmania, SLB is once again opening its doors for Friday Night Fights only this time around Tommy Rampal is the one and only manager of the complex, leaving out his former business partner/drama queen, David Jacobs. I was able to catch Tommy while he was preparing for the upcoming grand re-opening of the complex.


Gina Fatale: Hello again Tommy :) ty for taking the time out once again to chat with me
Tommy Rampal: Its ok!
Gina Fatale: So it’s true you and David have made amends and are reopening SLB>?
Tommy Rampal: Well i am reopening SLB. But dave will have nothing to do with it anymore.
Gina Fatale: I thought he was going too be involved again?
Tommy Rampal: Nope, if he wanted to come back, I would let him be a boxer/ head boxer. Because he did a hell of a job at it.
Tommy Rampal: But i am working alone in this business now
Tommy Rampal: I will hire head of staff (eg. Boxers, security) to sort parts of the staff out
Gina Fatale: Great for you, so now I hear you have a new and improved boxing system – tell me a little about it
Tommy Rampal: Yes we do. Well its improved a hell of alot.
Tommy Rampal: It doesnt depend on 50 – 50 chance winning (dice rolling), and it has a sensor in the script so its more realistic
Tommy Rampal: It has 5 skills that improve boxers to fight. Strength, Defense, Stamina, Speed, Accuracy
Gina Fatale: This does sound more fun to watch and take part in. Who created the new gloves?
Tommy Rampal: Boxers can improve on those skills at any time.
Tommy Rampal: The new gloves and most of our scripts were made by Lordjason Kiesler and it wasn’t cheap.
Gina Fatale: So the boxers actually have to skill to improve their fighting?
Tommy Rampal: yes
Gina Fatale: Nothing is cheap my dear lol
Tommy Rampal: Also, fans who want to help their favourite boxer out, they can pay a icon on the stats board during a match
Tommy Rampal: and raise the boxer’s skill level to help win the match
Gina Fatale: This will attract even more visitors I bet
Tommy Rampal: Hopefully.
Tommy Rampal: hehe
Gina Fatale: Seems more ways to be involved this time around
Gina Fatale: When is the big opening
Gina Fatale: err re-opening
Tommy Rampal: heh it is on friday hopfully
Gina Fatale: Is the SLB website still running?
Tommy Rampal: yes it is.
Tommy Rampal: It hasn’t been updated much
Gina Fatale: Can you give that address again so readers may check it out as well
Tommy Rampal:
Gina Fatale: Great thanks, look forward to Friday’s night Fights again, anything else you would like to ad to this before i leave?
Tommy Rampal: We have more improvements to the Arena and getting more improvements (eg. New ticket system)
Tommy Rampal: And we have bingo nights at slb on Every Thursday and Satuday 12pm SL Time
Gina Fatale: okay great! see that people get your asses over to SLB there is always something goin on lol
Gina Fatale: TY tommy again for your time :)
Tommy Rampal: NP anytime :)

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