The burning question at SoP II: Is anyone listening?

by Alphaville Herald on 05/11/04 at 7:59 pm


by Pat the Rat

While I’m not much on talks, I took time out on my drama reporting to sit through a couple at the recent State of Play. What did I learn? Well, in the land of laptops, and with a conference sponsored wireless network, the speakers didn’t have a prayer. As always, the photos tell all!

Philip Rosedale tears himself away from the awe inspiring graphics of There to surf for hangover remedies.

Robin Harper (aka Robin Linden) weeds out troublemakers from SL during a talk. In the background Ernie Miller surfs the web for deals on high performance offshore power boats.

Even the lawyers are surfing. Here Jack Balkin, Knight Professor of Constitutional Law at Yale exchanges recipies with online friends.

James Grimmelmann wants us to *think* he’s posting to Lawmeme, but we know better. Notice how he staked out a position next to the 500 gallon coffee urns. That’s how you know he’s smart!

Randy Farmer surfs from his laptop, but Cory Ondrejka (aka Cory Linden) finds other ways to amuse himself.

Daniel Terdiman (Wired Online) and Celia Pearce (UC Irvine I think) keep track of their stock portfolios.

Publishing magnate Urizenus Sklar posts a story while in the background his personal secretary makes the travel arrangements for Uri’s next trip abroad.

Conference organizer Beth Noveck logs on to Orbitz and books the next jet out of town!

3 Responses to “The burning question at SoP II: Is anyone listening?”

  1. blaze

    Nov 6th, 2004

    ahahaha. You’ve outdone yourself, yet again!

    Be hard to top this one.

  2. Dyerbrook

    Nov 7th, 2004

    Well, I’m glad they at least sat upright at their laptops some of the time instead of just passed out on the floor of the men’s room from tequila shots at Blockhead Burrito’s…ooops, did they go to a more upscale place than that?

  3. urizenus

    Nov 7th, 2004

    now DB, hamlet wasn’t on the floor, but he pulled together a couple of chairs and passed out on *them* — and it was Bar 89, which is possibly even classy enough for you. Next year we’ll call u up!

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