Avatar of the Year, 2nd Place: Sir/Father Callahan
by Alphaville Herald on 29/12/04 at 3:23 pm
This choice might surprise some, but not after you hear the facts. Over the past year, Sir/FatherC/Ian has been all over tso, and SL, and usually in the middle of some dramma or other. Beginning the year as a small time simolean dealer, he made a name (and drammatically changed gameplay) by acquiring zillions of trial accounts and selling them to mafia’s etc. He used Nyk’s mazebot, but drew the ire of the simolean dealers by reviewing the new version of the mazebot straight out of the chute. Not long after, he made a name for himself by using his trial accounts to acquire piles of rare cannons, flooding the market. But he really started making news when he joined Mr-President’s administration as Press Secretary…
As Press Secretary for the Alphaville Government (AVG), Sir initially led the defense of Mr-President against charges of fixing the election and groping an innocent intern (and even organized a smear campaign against Ashley), but when Sir caught Mr-P in the White House, alone with Angelique Fontaine (Angelina Becquerel in SL), it was more than he could bear, and he resigned his position and turned on Mr-P. Later he formed the Simulated Soviet Union (SSU) with disgruntled members of the AVG, and led a griefing attack in which the AVG Capitol building was trashed. Fed up with the criticism he received for the SSU, he quit tso and moved to Second Life, and had a series of alts banned for griefing (including a bingo fire bombing episode) when he finally stabilized as Father Callahan and worked for the Herald as a reporter.
Father Callahan managed to be in the thick of the dramma surrounding the Second Jessie War, and it was his interview with Tank Levy that led to the big split between One Song and Tank and the end of their joint mega-mall project. Father Callahan was on the ground during the great Jessie Battle as well. His biggest scoop was perhaps the interview with Mimi Coral, after she was accused of being the terraforming terrorist and destroying 6 private sims.
Father Callahan was subsequently banned again from SL, and so returned to tso and set up shop in Dragon’s Cove, but with this return the real story turned out to be his reporting and the abuses of power by Stratics moderators, reportage which, given the thin excuses provided, led to his being banned from Stratics for a while.
Through it all Sir has been operating the Alphaville Gazzette, which is the leading source of real news about tso since the Herald moved operations to SL, and it is clearly the second best newspaper in blogspace!
For all this, we consider Sir/Father Callahan to be a bigger newsmaker than Ashley and Mr-President. But not quite number one… stay tuned for that.
Seth Galloway
Dec 30th, 2004
Oh.. It was also suppose to be..
Seth Galloway
http://www.thesimmafia.com <- It’s all about the Soprano’s!
Seth Galloway
Dec 30th, 2004
Fuck it isn’t working.
Seth Galloway
It’s all about the Soprano’s!
Dec 30th, 2004
Seth I have repeatly said I didn’t want to be on this for the negativity that JP obviously brought.
JZ: I did a search for ‘The Sim Mafia’ on yahoo.. And found 2 whooping articles about it. http://www.boston.com had the article focus on you. And on the other article I didn’t see your name or The Sim Mafia once. Haha.
JC Soprano
Dec 30th, 2004
For the last time Ian. Go to our website. Look at Press and Media. Maybe you should try using a search engine worth while too like Google. Yahoo is shit. Your trying to say I haven;t been in press and what not that much. I have been in over 50 articles not including TV or Radio. So keep making yourself look like an ass… It’s working well. =)
Uri can back me up on my press coverage. BTW, it is JC.. Not JZ, JR or JP. =)
JC Soprano
This is fun pissing Ian off.. He’s such a hothead.
JC Soprano
Dec 30th, 2004
“had the article focus on you.” Thats funny becuase earlier you stated I wasn’t the focus of any of them hahahaha Tard!
JC Soprano
*Watches the lil yellow school bus pick up Ian”
Dec 30th, 2004
lalala..This is fun! Please keep fighting while I wait for SL to reopen! Congrats Ian for making #2
Dec 30th, 2004
Using the term “tard” is pretty offensive, I would like to see your skinny pale ass say that to a mentally impaired person. They wouldn’t probably kick your ass. Yeah perhaps I did contradict my self, but you have said you’ve been in many articles. There is 1.
Dec 30th, 2004
BTW JR, I can make text too and say I was in it. There were only 7 links on your page and 6 out of those 7 were broken links. I can recall the Palm Beach article, and you were NOT mentioned. I can recall the Talk of the Nation talk, and that was an interview with Ashley and MrP EVEN before the fucking elections.
JT get over it you’re not loved in RL and noone cares about you in the virtual world.
Dec 30th, 2004
When I said wouldn’t, I meant would*My bad
JC Soprano
Dec 30th, 2004
Once again.. My name is JC.. Are you that RETARDED that you can’t remember that? Yes I can call you that becuase your acting like that. I don’t care if I insult retarded people or not. hell I know some retarded people that are more intelligent than you. Damn balloon holder.
As for my stories. Ian, you may be retarded, but your not stupid. I know you have seen the various articles on me so quit acting dumb about it. As I said Uri can back me up on this too. Associated Press, Wired, Boston Globe, CNN, CNN Technology, G4, Stratics, Walrus Mag, MSN Today, BBC Radio, CNN TV, Adult Video News, National Press Radio, Gamer TV, Tech TV, Seattle Post Intelligencer, Entertainment Weekly, Games Pimp, Game Info Wire, Tri-City Herald, Fark, WFIE TV, Arizona Republic.. I can keep naming if you like. Keep in mind they don’t always keep the articles online or even post them online. However, as I said Uri can back me up on this. So don’t try to say they never happened and I haven’t had good press coverage.
JC Soprano
Done yet Ian? Your really coming off stupid. You might as well stop replying.
Dec 30th, 2004
JR start using correct grammar and I will stop.
You keep saying Uri will back you up, I don’t see it.
Dec 30th, 2004
I should back you both up to a wall and shoot you for this idiotic exchange. Oh well, carry on.
JC Soprano
Dec 30th, 2004
hahaha Uri. Yes Ian, Uri can back me up. He has seen most of the articles… Not all, but most. Do you think calling me something other than JC bothers me? Just makes you look like a tard with short term memory. I’m sorry Uri, but this is too easy. He’s such an easy target and he has no choice but to open his mouth and reply. He can’t help it. That’s why this is so fun. I want to see what other idiotic things he will say. Watch he will reply back to this with something stupid. *waits*
JC Soprano
Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock
JC Soprano
Dec 30th, 2004
Before Ian replies I just want to point out that more than likely he will try to use my lines and claim that I am the one that cannot resist.. Watch.
JC Soprano
David Jacobs
Dec 30th, 2004
Bill..Dan..Phil..Ian! I knew I’d get there sooner or later, the fact that your whole argument has been ‘I don’t care, and your not popular in real life’ is not much of an argument tbh. I mean.. Grow up Phil.
Prokofy Neva
Dec 30th, 2004
Go, Sir! Great choice, Uri. I wholeheartedly support.
Dec 30th, 2004
Wait a minute…..JC Said “JC Soprano
Ian done making yourself look like a tard? You should know by now I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast on message boards. =)
Comment by JC Soprano — 12/29/2004 @ 5:54 pm”
You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?????
Dec 30th, 2004
I guess thats what happens when you are hancuffed to your computer and you never get fed or see the sun……you eat your own shit….
Dec 30th, 2004
Hey DB it’s nice to hear from you once in a while.
JR, I just respond to correct you. I don’t think I deserve anything..but like I have said I am glad I got it and you didn’t…it makes it worth it.
You are just some guy who can’t afford to eat in RL, which is okay we have millions of starving people a year.
JC Soprano
Dec 30th, 2004
Jayson.. You been watching Happy Gilmore too much.. Ian, stop wasting board space.
JC Soprano
Coming to an SL near you…
Dec 30th, 2004
Actually I have never seen that movie… So I don’t know your point. Do you eat it straight or put salt on it?
Dec 30th, 2004
JC has always been a legend in his own mind.
JC Soprano
Dec 30th, 2004
Hey Twisted.. Don’t get it twisted lol
JC Soprano
Thanks for the free advertising people!
Dec 30th, 2004
JP You’re doing the free advertising…with your link that noone will visit. With your shitty 10 minute to do Flash intro.
JC Soprano
Dec 30th, 2004
Ian at least I don’t have to buy my websites premade as well as my site won the 2003-2004 Golden Web Award from The International Association of
Web Masters and Designers. And it took me more than 10 minutes to make that intro. I have a very nice site so don’t try to knock it.
BTW, lots have visited my site. Keep in mind most of the other mafia sites and what not keep track of non-unique visitors which makes their visitor #’s look high. Meanwhile mine keeps track of unique visitors. Which means I don’t count the same person twice. With the number of visits I have I avg 4000-6000 unique visits a month. Keep in mind that number has dwindled a bit becuase the site was down past 3 months after I quit. So now you were saying that no one visits it??
JC Soprano
Over 150+K unique visitors in less than 2 years
Dec 30th, 2004
Buy websites premade? Please point out one of my sites premade? Thanks
Jan 1st, 2005
Jeremy, you couldn’t put together a fully proof-read paragraph even if it were to give you even more attention. Your grammar skills are as bad as most children, as many point out. Reading over your comment “at least I use correct puncutation” was kinda funny that you miss-spelled the word. Your an attention seeking drama whore who has to make his own reality of a life on here. I’ve been out of the TSO kiddie mafia gang for a long time, but TSO seems to be a magnet for a bunch of real life rejects who have to proove something on here.
-Retired for over a year…happily away from you nutcases.
P.S. jc, no one gives a flying fuck what your documentary, it’s about a man who can’t hold a job who has to make it up online, I know at least I’ll be laughing at it, more then interested in what you actually do.
and happy new years everyone)
(and if there are typos, this thing doesnt have a spellcheck and I’ve been drinking all night…so sorry about the hypocricy
JC Soprano
Jan 1st, 2005
blah blah blah. Storm your more disliked than Ian so don’t even try to come in this convo and try to say the stuff Ian has already poorly said.
JC Soprano
*Hands Andy a balloon*
P.S. Notice I do have a life and wasn’t on here for new years… Unlike some people. =P
Jan 1st, 2005
Uh JP you responded to his post on new years. you don’t have a life, the point was made. and i think if anyone here is disliked (the most that is), it is your JR. You have no RL friends nor prolly did anything for new years, lol
Jan 2nd, 2005
lol Jeremy, I dont honestly care if people like me, I don’t have this weird obsession with covering myself in a veil of lies in order to establish some kind of fake idea that I’m liked. Do I care if I’m liked? No, not really. I’ve never been one to care so much about those things, I have my friends in real life, and I have my friends on here whom I consider friends in real life. Many of the people I have met on here I have met with in real life, and many have met my real life friends. Funny how that works. Unlike you though, I can be honest and tell when I’m not liked. Many in TSO dislike me, that’s very obvious. I used to get hate mail from a certain pyschodic fool, but it’s people like that that helped me realize anyone who associates with mafia in TSO tended to be totally nuts, or else headed that way. So you know what JC, I sympathize with your pathetic attempts to make yourself feel wanted, and I apologize for barging in here and destroying your unbelievable fantasy.
Jan 2nd, 2005
uh, Uri..this blog needs an edit feature
Jan 2nd, 2005
nvm, I had it right the first time…I need to stop drinking lol. /wave
Mick Lite
Jan 2nd, 2005
Hey Ian, in reference to that kids post “Ian at least I don’t have to buy my websites premade as well as my site won the 2003-2004 Golden Web Award from The International Association of
Web Masters and Designers.” That may sound very distinguished and worthy and coming from a person who thinks he is famous because he ran a gang on a small market mmorpg Im not surprised. But anybody, yes ANYBODY can apply for the award he is claiming to have won. If the site looks like it is maintained and looks better than a two year old designed it, you get the award. You fill out the information, somebody (who is just another person who has a site listed with them…like you enter for the award, and they would send me or another user an email to check it) approves it. No panel, no votes, just some regular joe just says yeah sure and you get it. I personally have “won” this award every year for the past 5 years on a few sites I maintain. Its good eye candy, but any person can see it takes no talent to win it. I entered information on a site I hadnt even published to the net yet… all there was, was a pic saying welcome to my site, and I “won” the award. lol
Mick Lite
Jan 2nd, 2005
And here is the link to that site http://www.iawmd.com
Anybody can enter and win the award, they even say its just eye candy, and the site is for web designers to talk and help each other out.
Jan 2nd, 2005
I noticed that too. Also I noticed that you can see the past winners. And The Sim Mafia isn’t even listed on that site. Wow JR didn’t win something that everyone can.
JC Soprano
Jan 2nd, 2005
Not even with my time to reply anymore. (This is the part where I prove I am the adult and the bigger man and stop this childish thread that is going nowhere and in circles at the same time.)
You guys are dumbasses and have thoroughly proved it. =)
JC Soprano
Always Infamous.
Jan 3rd, 2005
Mr. Insecure, you have proved you’re the dumbass with your “grammer” mistakes. Haha
Jan 3rd, 2005
I think this JC guy just proved his point with your reply.
Jan 3rd, 2005
Jayson..=Jayson Ryan Obser? … oh, and he actually disprooved it with his “always infamous” comment. You’d have had a point if you hadn’t embellished it, by such stupid lengths.
Jan 3rd, 2005
JC infamous can mean bad too (usually it refers to that). You are right, you’re known as a dumbass.
Jan 4th, 2005
storm you make absolutely no sense and ian your really the one coming off as a dumbass. at least he quit his rants, so why don’t you? I thought this site was for 18+?
Jan 4th, 2005
wondering if you were a friend who quit tso awhile ago..but guess not..my point is, he’d have a point that we rant on him too much if not for the fact he patted himeslf on the back so fricking much in that post, like always.
/done posting.
Jan 4th, 2005
Jayson by posting that you look like a dumbass.
Jan 5th, 2005
i rest my case.