EA May be Reversing Position on OT for Employees

by Alphaville Herald on 08/12/04 at 10:47 am

Randy Rueff, EA Senior Vice Presidet for Human Resources

Having encountered a truckload of bad publicity for its brutal work hours and the virtual sweat shop conditions for its programmers etc., EA is now considering offering overtime to *some* of its employees, according to a story in today’s Mercury News. Usually a fountain of Orwellian Newspeak, EA’s Vice President of Corporate Communications, Jeff Brown, had little of interest to say on this one, leaving EA’s Vice President of Human Resources Rusty Rueff (i.e. EA’s Dogbert) to offer the following instant classic in the Newspeak genre: “We have resisted this in the past, not because we don’t want to pay overtime, but because we believe the wage and hour laws have not kept pace with the kind of work done at technology companies.” I guess that means the wage and hour laws haven’t lowered the minimum wage for technology workers??? Oh well, at least he’s cuter than Jeff.

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