One year after. The Herald Returns to the Free Money Scam House

by Alphaville Herald on 13/12/04 at 6:38 pm

The many moods of Lucianna (and friend Kendra)

Last December 8, the Herald posted its infamous interview with Evangeline at the Free Money for Newbies House. Back then we had witnessed Van and his roomies scamming newbies out of their money while also locking dark skinned avatars in ?the freezer?, calling them monkeys. The interview covered these subjects among many others.

A year?s worth of bad publicity for EA later, we returned to TSO and dropped in on the number one ranked house in the welcome category: Free Money for Everyone. We figured, surely EA would have shut down these operations by now. We were mistaken. We sat for a while and observed Evangeline?s old roomies Lucianna and Kendra pulling the same ?double your money? scams they had been pulling a year ago. I asked Lucianna (aka Kevin) for an interview and he graciously accepted.

urizenus_sklar: hey kevin
Kevin: Hello
urizenus_sklar: ok… let me start with some historical questions ok?
Kevin: Of course
urizenus_sklar: can I call u Kevin in the interview or should I call u lucianna
Kevin: Umm
Kevin: Either or
Kevin: i don’t care
urizenus_sklar: k
urizenus_sklar: When did you join tso?
Kevin: about 2 years ago
urizenus_sklar: were you in beta?
Kevin: kinda my friend was and i always played on her account
Kevin: so i say i was
urizenus_sklar: were you always in alphaville?
Kevin: yes
urizenus_sklar: what property
Kevin: Oh gosh i don’t remember
Kevin: barely played
Kevin: was my friend?s like i said
urizenus_sklar: when did u meet celestie and van and that crowd?
Kevin: i believe hotel erotica
urizenus_sklar: did u live there?
Kevin: umm
Kevin: im not sure….my sim name was Eliana
Kevin: i don’t really remember where i came in
urizenus_sklar: how can u not be sure
Kevin: but i remeber i met Van and Celestie and Isabella at the same time
urizenus_sklar: you mean you didn’t live there before the SSG demoed it?
Kevin: I don’t remember
Kevin: i honestly don’t
Kevin: i came in with Eliana
Kevin: I remember being a good sim
Kevin: and remember seeing hotel erotica
Kevin: but i never lived her
Kevin: when the first free money for newbies came out
urizenus_sklar: ok, so you didn’t live with van until the free money franchise opened?
Kevin: yes
Kevin: i think i remeber saying i did in another ionterview
Kevin: but it was all messed up it was just to piss van off
Kevin: but im pretty cool with Van right now
urizenus_sklar: what was the Hotel Erotica, by the way, a scam house too?
Kevin: More of a sex house
urizenus_sklar: oh, so they really did cyber for money or they just said they did
Kevin: yeah
Kevin: im not sure exactly, i think they DID cyber
Kevin: but i think they said like 100k for cybering
Kevin: but i don’t want to say something i don’t know
Kevin: its just a guess
urizenus_sklar: k, no prob
urizenus_sklar: but 100K sounds right to you?
Kevin: i belive so
urizenus_sklar: well, how come you joined the Free Money house
Kevin: I was poor
Kevin: i admired Evangeline
Kevin: thought she was so cool
urizenus_sklar: and you lived with Van for how long?
Kevin: wella little bit after she started i believe
Kevin: there were incidents where i was kicked a few times
Kevin: but i came back and she let me back in
urizenus_sklar: Kicked by van or kicked by EA
Kevin: kicked by Van
urizenus_sklar: so how come you like scamming newbies. I note that you still do it.
Kevin: Well to tell you the truth its all distorted now
Kevin: we don’t really scam we just yell at them
Kevin: we want to “own” the city
urizenus_sklar: I just saw you guys scamming
Kevin: I don’t really my roomies do
Kevin: they do the “money doubling”
urizenus_sklar: so how does living there make you own the city
Kevin: Well we will eventually spread
Kevin: Free Money For-Skill
Kevin: Free Money HUGE-Payouts
Kevin: Free MOney Casino
Kevin: etc
urizenus_sklar: but isn’t tso dying
Kevin: yes indeed
Kevin: we are currently looking for new games
urizenus_sklar: well that brings us to SL
urizenus_sklar: you went there yes?
Kevin: yes
Kevin: I was a regular avatar
urizenus_sklar: who went with you
Kevin: Nick
Kevin: Kim
Kevin: Brad
urizenus_sklar: well look they were there but not scamming
Kevin: I know
Kevin: Either was i
Kevin: I hated the game
Kevin: it was completely pointless
urizenus_sklar: well why was it pointless
Kevin: theres no scamming
Kevin: no goal
urizenus_sklar: why do you need scamming?
urizenus_sklar: and isn’t the goal the same as tso: dwell
Kevin: Its so much fun (scamming)
urizenus_sklar: you just said you didn’t scam
Kevin: well i get confused i mean
Kevin: im one of the biggest scammers
Kevin: the head pancho
Kevin: but like
Kevin: i use to be one of the lil scammers
Kevin: and one of the sims being told what to do by the big scammers
urizenus_sklar: well if its so fun how come you don’t do it anymore
Kevin: i scam….i should not have said i shouldn’t have *ughh this intervew is going bad*
Kevin: It?s just that
Kevin: i more host the scams
Kevin: tell people about the latest scam
Kevin: teach them how to scam
urizenus_sklar: ah a scam host
urizenus_sklar: and that is fun?
Kevin: yes
Kevin: And then ill occasionally do a *money double*
Kevin: Thinking about it now i do scam about 10-15 times a day
Kevin: get 5k – 10k each scam
urizenus_sklar: I saw people doing money doubles today in your place
Kevin: Yes
Kevin: Well lets put it this way
urizenus_sklar: well why can’t you do this in SL?
Kevin: when im not teaching innocents to scam, or leading a BIG scam, or a hit on the AVG, or stuff like that i am scamming
Kevin: i never took the time to learn about SL
Kevin: i was to addicted to SL
urizenus_sklar: you mean tso?
Kevin: Grr yes
Kevin: sorry im playing TSO at the same time
Kevin: ill focus more on this
urizenus_sklar: have you seen much of the Bradleys lately?
Kevin: Ahh i talked to him a while a go
Kevin: hes my sim *dad*
Kevin: hes really cool i love him
urizenus_sklar: didn’t he hack your account once?
Kevin: Umm i think it ended up being something else
urizenus_sklar: ic
Kevin: We have had our rough spots
Kevin: but in the end he?s really cool
urizenus_sklar: what’s so cool about Mr. President Bradley
urizenus_sklar: I mean he’s a teacher at a middle school
Kevin: I know its funny
Kevin: Well one thing he can hack
urizenus_sklar: you like middle school teachers?
Kevin: IN fact i don’t
Kevin: not much
Kevin: but hes a cool one
urizenus_sklar: well I ask again. what makes him cool to you, a 14 year old kid who is supposed to hate middle school teachers
Kevin: 13
urizenus_sklar: all right, but in middle school
Kevin: Well
Kevin: he protects me
Kevin: He helps me
urizenus_sklar: he protects you? from what?
Kevin: hes just a really good sim dad
Kevin: anyone that messes with me hell take care of
urizenus_sklar: hmmm messes with you online or in rl
Kevin: sims
Kevin: online
urizenus_sklar: well how does he deal with people that mess with you then
Kevin: hacks him
Kevin: i assume
Kevin: but whatever he does they do stop
urizenus_sklar: well who messed with you that he shut down
Kevin: i dunno more like stupid mafias
Kevin: long time ago
Kevin: havent actually played with him for like 6 month to a year
urizenus_sklar: mmm what about guys like Fans and Seth
Kevin: hahah
Kevin: it cracks me up
Kevin: he has shut them down so many times
Kevin: somehow they keep coming back
urizenus_sklar: why did he want to shut them down?
Kevin: *reasons*
urizenus_sklar: yes I assume, but what reasons
Kevin: Well i can say this…
Kevin: Reasons like he simply didn’t like them
urizenus_sklar: oh ok
Kevin: i didn’t work his mind
Kevin: thats all i knew
urizenus_sklar: why didn’t he like them
Kevin: i never asked questions
Kevin: I really don’t know
Kevin: he would just come to me
Kevin: and say haha i got them
Kevin: i would look at there pro (profile)
Kevin: and it would be like bagged and tagged
urizenus_sklar: lol, are the Bradleys in SL now… there is a rumor…
Kevin: *sigh* i don’t know ..the questions you ask are truly things i don’t know
Kevin: this is all about everyone else
Kevin: trying to find things out?
urizenus_sklar: its about stuff u know about
urizenus_sklar: what do *you* wanna talk about
Kevin: I don’t mind
Kevin: i mean
Kevin: i thought it was going to be like why i do things what do i do…how i do make money
Kevin: like Kendra?s interview
urizenus_sklar: I did ask why you do what you do
urizenus_sklar: and at first you said you didn’t scam
urizenus_sklar: then you said you teach people to scam
urizenus_sklar: do you want to add to that?
Kevin: this isn’t working
Kevin: i dont’ like this interview at all
Kevin: can we redo it another time?
Kevin: it makes me look like a liar
urizenus_sklar: lol its fine
Kevin: im just tired tonight
urizenus_sklar: mimi just stopped by so I gotta split
Kevin: and i really couldn’t get my point accross
Kevin: ok thanks man
Kevin: Ill IM you tommarow
urizenus_sklar: we can add to this tomorrow sure.
Kevin: We can’t delete all of that?
Kevin: please…
urizenus_sklar: that’s not how it works
Kevin: Come on………
Kevin: Uri!!
Kevin: Come on….

Part 2
urizenus_sklar: hey Kevin, you there?
Kevin: Yes
urizenus_sklar: how come ur not at school?
Kevin: reasons
Kevin: im sick
urizenus_sklar: mmm ok
urizenus_sklar: bummer
Kevin: yeah
urizenus_sklar: wanna finish the interview?
Kevin: yes i have big news
urizenus_sklar: what’s that
Kevin: im going good
urizenus_sklar: going good?
Kevin: ahha after 2 years im going good
Kevin: big news eh?
urizenus_sklar: how come?
Kevin: Well my account has been suspended
urizenus_sklar: really?
Kevin: i have a list of all my accounts
Kevin: 14 suspended and 11 banned
Kevin: not that i currently have
Kevin: but in the past
urizenus_sklar: are you suspended now?
Kevin: but ok lets see
Kevin: 4 days and i already have a susspension
Kevin: i spend more money then a lot of people have and im tired of risking it
Kevin: And my grandfather just died
urizenus_sklar: bummer man
Kevin: and he always said that what comes around ad goes around
Kevin: yeah
Kevin: and its so true
Kevin: Im not this brat in RL
Kevin: in fact i work at soup kitchens and volunteer around the neighborhood
Kevin: Its just i have severe anger and depression problems
Kevin: and i find it sometimes nice to swear at people in the game
urizenus_sklar: ic
Kevin: but im not angry anymore
urizenus_sklar: you’re not
Kevin: no im not
urizenus_sklar: ic
Kevin: i was angry how i acted
urizenus_sklar: so maybe this game isn’t the place for you
Kevin: no it is
Kevin: but i have to be nice…
urizenus_sklar: it is?
urizenus_sklar: ic
Kevin: but…
urizenus_sklar: what will your friends say
Kevin: after two years….
Kevin: i wannna say sorry to everyone
Kevin: and thats from the heart
urizenus_sklar: you do.
Kevin: yes
Kevin: and i really don’t care what my friends think
Kevin: Kendra J is like my BEST friend
urizenus_sklar: hmmm well why would you feel bad, its just a game.
Kevin: in RL and SL
Kevin: Because
Kevin: people think its just sims
Kevin: but there?s people behind the keyboard with REAL feelings
Kevin: and it took me till just now to realize that
Kevin: for the next few months if i do a money transfer i may be tempted but i won’t the temptations turn into action
urizenus_sklar: so Kevin, it sounds like a complete reversal from two days ago
urizenus_sklar: were you worried that the first part of this interview would get u in trouble?
Kevin: No.
Kevin: Not at alll
Kevin: Frankly, i truly didn’t care
Kevin: i didn’t care
Kevin: that was the problem
urizenus_sklar: So what are you going to do now that you can’t scam?
Kevin: I have a sim girlfriend
urizenus_sklar: won’t you be bored?
Kevin: and my best friend kendra
Kevin: and we?re going to open a skill house
urizenus_sklar: but Kendra is a scammer…
Kevin: Not anymore
urizenus_sklar: oh Kendra went straight too
Kevin: Its almost like obedience is like a plague
Kevin: i was the *leader*
urizenus_sklar: obedience?
Kevin: and once the leader does something
Kevin: everyone follows
Kevin: And that?s truly something good and i feel really really good about that
urizenus_sklar: ic, so they will go straight because you are
Kevin: Well
Kevin: there?s always a few who will keep going try to stay strong
Kevin: but when Eve went …and left
Kevin: we were hopeless
urizenus_sklar: Do you feel that you became the New Evangeline after he left the game?
Kevin: Yes
Kevin: i truly do
urizenus_sklar: He thinks you are a Van wannabe.
Kevin: Well i don’t really care
Kevin: i don’t copy
urizenus_sklar: well you named your scam house after his
Kevin: when he left i admired him
Kevin: oh so i see how this is
Kevin: you want to get the real feelings out
Kevin: get the anger rolling again, is that right?
urizenus_sklar: I want the TRUTH!
Kevin: well you did that
Kevin: The truth is its different
urizenus_sklar: I did what?
Kevin: he had his little pink and stuff free money for everyone
Kevin: i made a different house design
Kevin: i don’t care what he thinks
urizenus_sklar: but you called it Free Money For Newbies
urizenus_sklar: that was his idea
Kevin: no its called free money for *everyone*
Kevin: he plays a hello kitty game
urizenus_sklar: no he doesn’t
urizenus_sklar: why would you say that
Kevin: He told kendra that
Kevin: and kendra told me
urizenus_sklar: ic, Free Money for *Everyone*
Kevin: What else is there to attract people but
Kevin: I want to keep the traits going
Kevin: can we please get off this topic
Kevin: its making me irritated
urizenus_sklar: Today is the first anniversary of my famous interview with Van, do you have any thoughts about that?
Kevin: Ahh thats really weird
Kevin: i didn’t know that
Kevin: Are you having another one
urizenus_sklar: another what?
Kevin: interview
urizenus_sklar: with van? no.
Kevin: oh ok
Kevin: well next year it can be the famous year of van, and lucianna taking of her shoes and dress
urizenus_sklar: I thought you were going straight?
Kevin: I am
Kevin: but today?s the day im leaving
Kevin: very important day don’t you think
urizenus_sklar: I guess.
urizenus_sklar: So who are you going to hand your shoes and dress too when you leave
Kevin: Hard questions.
urizenus_sklar: alright, Kevin, I gotta go. Any last thoughts?
Kevin: Umm
Kevin: Goodbye to all who?s reading this

4 Responses to “One year after. The Herald Returns to the Free Money Scam House”

  1. Lucianna

    Dec 13th, 2004

    This Is Lucianna,
    My Sim Account Got SUspended And A Lot Of People Departed. I Thought I Was Leaving And GOing To The Game “There” But COme See Me In AV! I Am Back And NOT leaving REPEAT NOT Leaving. If You Have Heard Rumors About Me Leaving Its All Bullshit. Me, Ethel, Will, And Sooon Kendra J Are Back in Buisness in AV ANd Are Number 1.

  2. RB

    Dec 13th, 2004

    Looks like the same rubbish show, just on another channel. lol.

    EA is so darn lazy. haha.

    - RB

  3. Claydog

    Dec 14th, 2004

    i find it shocking that a teacher qould break the law by hacking. Doesnt he teach his students not to break the law???? im just shocked

  4. trailblazer

    Dec 14th, 2004

    Are there any newbies around to scam anymore? I mean the game is no longer available retail, unless you find it clearance or happen upon that sim pack with it inside.

    The game is only available for download from EA, I wouldn’t think it’s a big seller there either.

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