Archive for December, 2004

One Year Ago Today

Today marks the first anniversary of the banning of Urizenus from TSO. I’d call for a discussion, but some of us (me, Coco, AJ, Ian, DB, etc) have been debating it ever since. For those of you who weren’t around then, here is some reading for your next snow day: The New York Times: “A [...]

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It’s a Bug Hunt: Dark Life Opens for Beta!

Long time residents of SL will remember an earlier incarnation of Dark Life — an EQ-styled kill-the-monsters-grab-the-loot game build within SL. It is now back and bigger and badder and better than ever, even if still in beta testing. Uri took a tour, bumping into Phillip Linden (killing giant bugs in DL, when he should [...]

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Hentai Porn Removed from SL

Reached earlier today, Robin Linden communicated that the Hentai Porn placed in game by Sasami Wishbringer was offensive, in violation of the terms of service, and would be removed. We don’t know if the porn and porn vendors were removed by the Lindens or Sasami, but it has now been removed. A good move by [...]

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Virtual Child Porn in Second Life

Everyone knows that Child Pornography is illegal and everyone *should* know that it is wrong. But what about virtual child porn? — cases in which no real child is victimized in the making of the porn, but in which a child is represented as having sex with an adult. Or imagine an avatar that was [...]

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The worst idea ever: Teenie Boppers to be Admitted to SL

The ugly rumors turned out to true. Robin Linden made the word official yesterday: teens 13-17 will be admitted to a separate grid of SL. What’s the harm you say? — if they have their own grid? Well… 1) Can you keep adults out of the teen grid?2) Can you keep adult animations out of [...]

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EA May be Reversing Position on OT for Employees

Randy Rueff, EA Senior Vice Presidet for Human Resources Having encountered a truckload of bad publicity for its brutal work hours and the virtual sweat shop conditions for its programmers etc., EA is now considering offering overtime to *some* of its employees, according to a story in today’s Mercury News. Usually a fountain of Orwellian [...]

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666_Club: Satan’s Watering Hole in SL

Yeppers, darksiders, if you can’t get enough pentagrams, fire, brimstone, and great big strap-ons, 666_Club is the only place to be in Second Life. Pictures tell all. Hail Satan.

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SL Boxing Suffers Another Setback

It looked like Second Life Boxing was back in business after Tommy Rampal and David Jacobs made amends over “the incident” — you know, the one where David threw a hissy fit and did a demo job on the SLB complex. But now comes another setback. The SLB property was deeded to a group with [...]

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This is a Really Really Bad Idea

Editorial This is a short editorial, because it won’t take me long to make my point, which is very simple. The recent Linden trial balloon to provide up front financial support (in Linden Dollars or whatever) to big projects is just a bad idea. Quite apart from its unfairness to people like the Bedazzled group [...]

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Tartarus Project Raises its Flag

This is one part drama and two parts interesting: Ryan Jade of the Tartarus project has posted a proposal for Linden funding for his project on the SL Forums here. This of course has led to lots of “yays” and not a few “BFD”s, and charges of attention whoring (something we know about here!), but [...]

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