The worst idea ever: Teenie Boppers to be Admitted to SL
by Alphaville Herald on 08/12/04 at 12:31 pm
The ugly rumors turned out to true. Robin Linden made the word official yesterday: teens 13-17 will be admitted to a separate grid of SL. What’s the harm you say? — if they have their own grid? Well…
1) Can you keep adults out of the teen grid?
2) Can you keep adult animations out of the teen grid?
3) Are you prepared to police a teen social MMORPG and root out the teen escorts and porn distributors?
4) Won’t this encourage teens to sneak into the adult grid — especially once they become familiar with the interface and have interface savvy friends in the adult grid?
5) Shelve this idiotic idea now!
Coincidentally, today is the one year anniversary interview of my “Interview with a Child Cyberprostitute in TSO“. If we can’t learn from history’s mistakes…
Teens Coming to Version of Second Life
May 14th, 2005
i hate too say it but tons of teens are on sl main grid as it is i still yet too see anyone get hurt(besides there parents spakeing theam when they find out) i think this is a good idea now teens 13-17 can get a fell for secondlife and they no longer have too lie about there age beside that fact there are leting 13-17 year olds on i doubt they are that dum too give private information ok well maybe a couple are but iam sure linden labs has thought about this as well iam sure they know what they are doing
Quin Marlin
Jun 23rd, 2005
Well actually i was in the main grid for a little over a year, i was almost 13 at the time i joined, now i am in the main grid, my main grid account is actve, but there is no purpos for it, the main grid is boring to teens once they see the teen grid, there is no use or craving to go back to the main grid, if theres a teen out there, E-mail me for a teen grid invite
Jesper Meili
Apr 25th, 2007
As a parent of teenage boys I am well aware what they can get up to on the Internet and on Second Life despite my rigorous parental control. We should have areas in Second Life where teens can meet other teens where Linden actively police what is going on. I would go so far to say we should have family orientated areas. If anyone is found paticipating in unsuitable behavior…a ban for life!!! Lets face it…in many parts of the world including here in Denmark, children are exposed to foul language an d nudity on the public TV stations and as for the Internet…I need not elaborate. I would rather teens played a responsible game in Second Life than indulge in online games where the only object is to kill each other….